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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Settings Dedi-Server Hetzer

    We also have a Hetzner server (similar in specs) here are our settings: MinBandwidth=10000000; MaxBandwidth=160000000; MaxMsgSend=512; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinErrorToSend=0.001; MaxCustomFileSize=0; This is for a 32-player vanilla Arma 2 server (Insurgency) The machine also hosts an MSO server and an ACE server but rarely over 10 players with those. We also have one Arma 3 server.
  2. My guess (from that missing addons error) is that you are not launching Arma as Combined Operations... I believe both those addons are from Arma 2 which tells me that you are running Operation Arrowhead only. I think with Steam you need to launch each game once (or did that change last patch?) but from your post it seems you've done that already.
  3. The text you see in the game lobby is from the mission.sqm file (it's the Name: field in the editor where you set weather, time of day, etc). What you can do is download your missions, rename the .pbo files to your co_24_ACE_MissionName_v2.pbo or whatever your favorite convention is (the great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from :p). De-pbo the mission, open the mission.sqm file and right near the top under the addons list you should find the mission 'name' which you can then change to reflect your naming convention. Save, re-pack, voila. Yes it's a PITA :p
  4. You need to be logged in as admin if you are on a dedicated server. If you are already logged in MCC has it's own 'login' button I think on main screen near bottom.
  5. Try adding an invisible HeliPad where you want the chopper to land (and/or use that instead of a marker) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103417-AI-not-moving-to-TRANSPORT-UNLOAD-waypoint http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=15192 For unloading the chopper something like: {unassignvehicle _x; dogetout _x} foreach units (group player); in the waypoint's init (not tested) Also check Arma 2 editing section for help as most things there will work for Arma 3
  6. ^ did not know that.. I assume there is an InvisibleManE_EP1 as well?
  7. SavageCDN

    Add PRC-148 UHF to ammo box

    Hi there, Those classnames (ACRE_PRC343) are from the ACRE mod not the ACE mod. ACRE mod is just radios, ACE is the full conversion mod. ACE does include it's own radios (see the link I posted... although not sure how up to date that information is). So if you're wanting to use ACRE radios instead, you'll need to add 2 mods to your list: @ACRE and @jayArma2lib
  8. With the above method you cannot specify how many lives a player has (respawn = 3 or respawn = "base") You would have to add a respawn/revive script in order to do this.. I believe Norrin's revive has this ability and if you are using ACE the ACE revive script by columdrum will work.
  9. SavageCDN

    Scorch052's Scripts

    Tried out the Combat Engineer script and liking it so far.. .occasionally an object does not spawn in exactly where I placed it but love the idea and the use of dogtags :p If you are still working on this I might have some suggestions based on other players feedback... if you are interested.
  10. If you want to create your own custom life-type mission and you are new to Arma/scripting it will not be easy. I would recommend taking apart and existing life mission and try to learn from that, in addition to reading Mr. Murray's Editing Guide for Arma.
  11. MCC is great but might be a bit daunting if you are new to Arma. If you want to be able to unpack missions and add simple scripts or make editor changes I recommend you read Mr. Murray's Editing Guide (oldie but a goodie).
  12. SavageCDN

    Add PRC-148 UHF to ammo box

    Are you trying to add ACE radios to the ammobox or ACRE radios? If so you'll need the right classname: ACE: http://freeace.wikkii.com/wiki/Class_Lists_for_ACE2#West_Radios ACRE wiki seems to be down ATM....
  13. You can try these as well: enableRadio http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableRadio enableSentences http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSentences disableConversation http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableConversation
  14. Just seconding what Dale has said.. we also have a Hetzner server and have no complaints whatsoever. We also have a US-based server from https://www.datashack.net/ For cheaper you'll have to rent a slotted server which is OK but you don't have control over the machine and I'm not sure about fancy stuff like DayZ or MSO where you'd need database access as well.
  15. SavageCDN

    Upload Map as PBO vs. Folder

    Can you even run a mission from a folder instead of PBO on a dedi? Don't think so... at least I don't know how. For me creating a .pbo is right-click, Create PBO... it doesn't get much easier than that.
  16. SavageCDN

    AlienZ Mod

    Sooo much fun!! Just wanted to leave some feedback on the units and their behaviour. (using DAC and/or UPSMON) -AI cannot drive the tanks more than 50m without flipping or crashing -AI firing the energy rifle seem to have problems with aiming too low/short - I've noticed this before with other mod units like star wars stormtroopers and the blaster rifle -energy grenades - they don't seem to work as in I cannot select or throw them even if they are in my inventory -no ammo box picture for the M92 grenade launcher -I have not seen the XZ07 or XZ09 air units with AI pilots actually fire their weapons at an enemy -mothership is awesome and scary... decent air vs air performance too... at least vs enemy choppers. -spooker/zombie type alien unit is great Thanks again for your work on this mod!! :)
  17. I guess I'm getting old but I don't understand this sense of entitlement I see over the last few pages of this thread from certain posters. This is not a problem limited to Arma 3 or gaming for that matter. Besides I get the feeling I've read this thread before... There is a saying... you can't make something idiot-proof.. the best you can hope for is idiot-resistant :p
  18. I'm usually around 30kg in ACE and rarely experience any blackouts even after a km of running. If you are passing out with a rifle, mags, and smoke there is some other issue (are you running uphill? do you run with your weapon 'up'? are you under fire?) I do find though that once you have reached that 'passing out' stage, it is difficult to 'return to normal' within any short time frame... it's like the effects of almost passing out have made you temporarily weak...
  19. You would have to remove ALL weapons from the crate and re-add all weapons except the M107 (isn't arma fun??) :p
  20. How are you 'changing' the mission? If you are logged into in-game admin and type #missions it should put everyone back to the main lobby screen where you can select a mission, not kick all players. Is this AI pilot a playable slot in the briefing screen? Is this DayZ you are referring to? The last 2 problems seem to be mission-specific not anything to do with the server config or setup.
  21. ^ as tom3kb mentioned the Colonial Marines are quite good and come with an APC vehicle and weapons. Some strange behaviour though with AI vs the APC as it is classed as a foot unit so I've found enemy infantry will fire at it with small arms to absolutely no effect (of course AT still works just fine). You've also got the Halo3 units mod, GIJoe (Cobra) mod, @Jade units (road warrior type stuff), Icebreakr has some post apocalyptic units as well can't remember what they are called ATM. @lingor_units has some cyborgs (don't look 'spacey' though) and scientist units.
  22. Sorry guys we were running without sig checks.. .I had forgotten this was before the dedi files and when there was huge desync on connecting and we had to turn of verifysignatures to allow players to join. Sorry to get your hopes up :(