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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. We use Hetzner (Germany) for our group which is primarily European and NA players. Around 100 ping for NA players and 40-60 ping for European players.
  2. hmmm.. the mission I used to test this was pretty simple (no activating or moving DAC zones)... but it did work (ie all zones were created on the HC). When you say logics you mean DAC-related ones like DAC_Save_Pos or the setDir ones to set camp/waypoint locations? Yes those should all be 'created' on the HC. I can double-check my setup but I'm pretty sure I used fun= and time > 1 contrary to what the guide says. Perhaps someone with more scripting knowledge can assist... it might be that activating and de-activating zones on the HC requires some more code somewhere
  3. I've used both functions before so they definitely work :) Make sure you are activating/de-activating zones with the same ID at the same time. Try setting your zones to be deactivated at start ie: ["gue1",[2,1,0] then make a simple trigger activated by Radio with this in the onActivation: [gue1] call DAC_Activate if there are multiple zones with the same zone ID activate them at the same time ie: [gue1,gue2,camp1] call DAC_Activate That should not be happening - I would double-check and make sure all your zones AND waypoint zones have the same ID (10). Groups are assigned waypoints randomly from the entire pool of available waypoints, so some of them should definitely be heading to other zones. For your arty issue it can be a bit fussy.. make sure that in DAC_Config_Behaviour the setSupport values are correct. So if setSupport = [1,2] (2nd value is for arty config) make sure that in DAC_Config_Arty there is a valid 2 section and that it is configured with the classnames for the empty artillery static as well as the shell classnames (NOT the 8rd one.. the single shell classname) I assume the arty you placed down is within one of the DAC zones? Also you could try creating a DAC camp and use the arty it spawns in....
  4. ^ yes I agree for SP and very small missions it probably is overkill. However I find once you get over the 25 player mark it really does make a difference... especially if it's a heavy mission like MSO
  5. SavageCDN

    Persistent servers?

    Actually when it comes to the MSO team it is the exact opposite of what you are saying. They release their work to the public with good instructions on how to setup and configure. They go into detail about how it should be setup for persistent DB with mySQL. They have a Skype channel where you can join for help with configuration. They actually have better support than some companies I have dealt with in RL :p
  6. SavageCDN

    Arma 3 and TCAdmin

    The dedicated server files are part of the regular game installation (in your Arma 3 root folder look for arma3server.exe file). Basically all I did was copy/paste my Arma3 install directory (removing some unnecessary files like directx stuff, etc) to a new folder then created a new game in TCA and added the files.. pretty much the same as setting up an Arma2 server. Now I did this months ago and I'm getting old so I might need to check if there was anything 'out of the ordinary' but it should be pretty straightforward. Try doing the above steps and PM me again if you run into troubles.
  7. ban.txt is in the root of your arma installation and you have to create the file if it's not there already. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Dedicated_Server#Banning I assume the place to find hacker kicked messages would be your .rpt file http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma.RPT
  8. DAC will still work with the beta.. if they change classnames you'll need to spend 20 minutes updating your DAC_Config files but other than that you're golden. If you're looking to update your PC Arma loves CPU clock speed and fast hard drives.. so get the fastest GHZ processor you can and an SSD drive for your Arma installation. More RAM will not make any difference - I have 32bit Windows as well and never have issues due to lack of memory. As MissileMoose mentioned smart mission design will help eliminate problems like this - spawning in AI only when needed, deleting AI when out of range, cleanup scripts that remove dead bodies and other objects after a certain time, etc.
  9. Sorry my bad I assumed you had Arma2OA on Steam. In that case buy Arma2 on disc and google for "arma 2 launch as combined operations". Basically you merge the two installs so that it launches as Combined Operations. edit: or as Harzach suggested you can try Arma2Free but I have no idea how to get that working as Combined Ops
  10. So from the sounds of it something to do with wheeled vehicles...interesting. Yes DAC has a great cleanup function I was just suggesting to make sure it was turned on :p
  11. In larger missions with lots of AI (especially if lots are FIRING AT ONCE) I would remove/disable TPWCAS and LOS and keep @asr_ai (in fact never get rid of this!!). For missions with lots of AI but not any single large engagements, leave TPWCAS and disable the LOS and find cover checks (or you can set them to disable if the server reaches a certain FPS - check .hpp config file) As Barney said running on dedicated will help a lot (vs hosted server). The ultimate fix is to run the Headless Client which handles all the AI processing (if setup properly) but that is a lot more work and your mission has to be designed with that in mind.
  12. Like R0adki11 said your server host would need to allow you to install mySQL and configure it properly. If you have full desktop access to your server (ie: RDP or VNC), this is easy as you can do it yourself. You also need to know a bit about mySQL and how to install a schema and be able to truncate tables when needed (ie: wipe the DB). The instructions from the MSO download are pretty good it walks you through the steps. Make sure the 'arma' user has full rights on the DB and that you have your .txt file with DB password in the correct location. The MSO guys are very helpful and they have a Skype channel you can join where they will attempt to help you out.
  13. Don't play warfare but I think it uses the COIN module to construct stuff? Perhaps arty pieces are not part of the COIN system by default.. you might need to manually add them. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Construction_Interface http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?114140-Construction-Interface-%28COIN%29-Simple-Start-How-To
  14. SavageCDN

    Will Stratis ever be more detailed?

    ^ in addition to user-made islands which we'll probably start seeing closer to the full release of the game
  15. Yes Chernarus island is part of Arma 2, not Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. What you need to do is buy Arma 2 as well in Steam... and if I'm not mistaken after the 1.62 patch Steam auto-detects you have both games and automatically launches as Combined Operations? If not then launch Arma 2 once, close. Launch Arma 2 OA once, close (this adds the necessary registry entries for both games). Then in your Steam library, right-click on Operation Arrowhead and select Launch as Combined Operations. (apologies if this is the 'old' way of doing it.. as I mentioned I think Steam auto-launches as CO now)
  16. SavageCDN

    Zombie unit with repsawn help!

    UPS might have a function to add this on a group/unit respawn... I know other AI scripts like DAC can do this. For FSMs I believe you are looking for execFSM http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/execFSM
  17. 1 - download and install 7zip (link above) 2 - go to where you downloaded the arma patch - it's probably a zip file or rar file 3 - right-click on that file, 7zip, extract files here 4 - one of the files it extracts should be an .exe file you can just double-click to start the installation. Also if you only have Arma 2 and not Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead you will not be able to play on most servers, as they will be running Combined Operations (which is just Arma 2 plus Arma 2 OA). I'd recommend buying OA as well if that is the case.
  18. Yes in your description.ext file you need to put: respawn = 4; which tells Arma to respawn you into another alive unit in your group. If there are no units left alive in your group you become a seagull (spectator) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#respawn
  19. SavageCDN

    playMusic doesn't work.

    Have you tried using playSound instead?
  20. If you are noticing stupid AI behaviour then in all likelihood you have too many AI on the map at once. Things like tasks, objectives, statics, etc don't have any effect on performance (having 1000 triggers will though). AI behaviour however depends on good frame rates as the AI only makes use of one CPU core. Running your mission on a dedicated server will help (as the AI will be controlled by the server CPU instead of yours). If your mission needs that many AI then I would look at using an AI script like DAC or the AI script pack for Arma3 (can't remember the name now.. .EOS or something?). What this will do is spawn the AI only when players are actually close to them which saves on resources.
  21. Really? I don't have any official releases for public consumption.. unless I got real drunk one night and posted something :p That being said if anyone is still interested in doing something here let me know.
  22. SavageCDN

    Spicing up the AI?

    You can also run Arma 3 with the @asr_ai mod (http://arma-sr.bzbit.com/) which drastically improves the AI behaviour. Combine that with Twisted's post with BIS_fnc_TaskPatrol or this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskDefend and you've got decent AI without a lot of work. Outside of that DAC is great however very complicated for new users.
  23. No worries mate I do the same myself (bite off more than I can chew :p). I do have my own mission template that I use based around the F2 framework with a bunch of 'modules' that I enable/disable per mission. I've often thought that it would be a great thing for the community to have.
  24. I've setup a DAC mission using the HC so I'm a bit familiar with it... so you start the mission with the DAC zones inactive then are activating them later by using trigger or whatever with [zone] call DAC_Activate ? My quick and uneducated guess is that you need to make sure this call is fired on the HC not the server.
  25. Interesting... you should try making those zones vehicles ONLY to see if it has any effect. Also how large are your vehicle groups? (ie: [2,4,20,8]) To turn off the reduce function look in DAC_Config_Creator.sqf for: DAC_Reduce_Value = [600,650,0.3] I think you set the 3rd value to 0 to disable... or else just make the two distance values very high like [8000,8050,0.03].. might want double check the DAC manual to confirm edit: what are your cleanup settings (ie: dead body removal for AI and players)? This might have an effect on the "FPS goes to crap after one hour" issue in that DAC is not cleaning up after itself... edit2: found a post of mine from a while back (page 103):