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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. the .rpt errors you listed should not stop the server from launching the mission.... usually it's a mod that is required by the mission but not running on the server that causes this... are you 100% sure you've got all the mods required? Try a simple mission just one player unit and see if that launches on the server.
  2. Your folder structure for mods should be: @modname\addons\name_of_file.pbo If your modfolders are in the root of your server install then all should be OK and you use this startup parameter: -mod=@modname;@modname2;@modname3 If you are using some kind of control software (that a game hosting company would use) you sometimes have to put the full path to the mods in your startup ie: -mod=c:\arma2\@modname;c:\arma2\@modname2
  3. SavageCDN

    Dedicated server - status

    He means you only need a 2nd copy for a dedicated CLIENT (ie: headless client). For dedicated server you do not need an additional license.
  4. haha that's a new one on me! Interesting... I've only run into this problem once what you are describing matches what happened.
  5. Are there more than 60 slots in the mission you are using? Removing those slots would solve it... and if I'm not mistaken more mission slots will override the server.cfg setting anyway.
  6. Also make sure you have all the other required mods for Lingor running on the server.. there are 4 or 5 I think brg_africa chn_crocodile csj_snake mbg_buildings_2 ..probably more :p
  7. Sorry I guess I missed the satire emoticon :p
  8. SavageCDN

    Action Menu - must do better

    Ah ok that makes sense now :p
  9. Yes we understand you hate respawn and revive now.... others however have no issues using it and as such might appreciate this OPTIONAL module.
  10. hmmm... do you have anything like a civ module in the editor with a debug line in the init? Weird that it happens for other MSO missions too.. are these stock missions or ones you've edited? Your best bet might be a post in the main MSO thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?142683-Multi-Session-Operations-v4-5-released
  11. SavageCDN

    Action Menu - must do better

    Ah but you only get the addAction within a few metres of the door... standing in the intersection you are too far from any doors. Well perhaps that is an engine limitation I don't know. There is no better CQB map available however.
  12. SavageCDN

    Action Menu - must do better

    For the door thing the best I've seen is Cinder_City where the creator actually called the doors different things within the structure.. ie: West Door, South Door (actually I think they were called Stair-side door or something)... regardless it meant you could distinguish between the different ones in the scroll menu. Now we just need to convince all map/model makers to follow this regime :p
  13. SavageCDN

    User mission requests!

    I have not seen one if it does exist.. if you find one please let me know :) There is an i44 Domination mission but it does not run as well as regular Domi (ie: lower FPS on server).
  14. Seriously!! Extra grits for you!! :cool:
  15. Check this out: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19289
  16. SavageCDN

    Game start up error

    ah yes.. le Search Button: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136921-MPTable-shadow-amp-pixel-shader-PSSpecularAlpha-Thread-the-only-one!
  17. Replied to your PM Orcinus. This looks like a great idea!
  18. Unless I'm missing something UPS should work for most maps including Lingor. The documentation will describe how to add it to your mission. Basically save your mission in editor so it creates a mission folder then copy/paste the files from the UPS download to your mission folder and add a line to your init.sqf.
  19. In the MSO params in the lobby screen you can turn off Module Debugging (I think that's what it's called?) - this is what displays these units/locatoins/etc. To change it permanently you'd need to edit a file in the mission itself.
  20. Dunno man that sounds pretty weird. I'd usually blame the router and/or shitty wireless but it doesn't sound like this is the case. Do you have a long enough ethernet cable? :p
  21. SavageCDN

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Thanks for update
  22. Yep notepad++ for me. I used to use ArmAEdit but got sick of re-installling it daily to fix the locked-minimized problem.
  23. Wow this is great... love to see more military-style buildings especially with cool features like cameras!!!