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Everything posted by lifted86

  1. the addActions should be _sub not this _sub addaction ["Add to Fireteam", "team.sqf",[_sub],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3" ]; and this = [] execVM "this_script.sqf" should be nul = [this] execVM "this_script.sqf";
  2. i would use BIS_fnc_MP myParticleFunction.sqf _object = _this select 0; _li = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _object; //... define parameters for the light source _ps = "#particlesource" createVehicle getPos _object; //... define parameters for the particle source source _object setvelocity [20,20,-50]; in init.sqf myParticleFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "myParticleFunction.sqf"; and when you want to create the particles use this line and it will call myParticleFunction for every player [[_objectParticlesAttachTo],"myParticleFunction",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; i havent tested this, but i have done similar with CBA in arma 2 for particles BIS_fnc_MP
  3. check if you have the right profile selected in options, sounds like the same thing that happened to me
  4. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125074-can-you-get-a-buildings-objectID-via-a-script theres a function to get a buildings id in this thread, i havent tried it tho.
  5. isplayer returns true if _pil is any player. you could try if (player != _pil) exitWith{}; player returns the local player object
  6. i think setlightintensity may be used with _light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; See the note on this page for reference
  7. try using style = ST_MULTI; as the stye in the base class. I think you need this for multi lines.
  8. in your description.ext just try (using code from above post) #include <common.hpp> #include <camera.hpp> then use createdialog "cameracontrol"; Let me know what happens
  9. lifted86

    GUI Wont Show Up!

    All that i can see on a quick look, it is missing class controls when i compare it to my dialogs. dont know if it will help tho. class respawn_Menu { idd = 1333; movingEnable = true; //onLoad = ""; //objects[] = {}; //class controlsBackground {}; [b] class Controls {[/b] class menuFrame: RscFrame { idc = 1800; text = "Select Respawn Location"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 1 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 1 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 38 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 6.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorText[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; colorBackground[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; colorActive[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; sizeEx = 1.1 * GUI_GRID_H; }; class mainBaseBtn: RscButton { idc = 1600; text = "Airport Base"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 2 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 4 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 16 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 2.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorText[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; colorBackground[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; colorActive[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; }; class diversBaseBtn: RscButton { idc = 1601; text = "Divers Docks"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 21.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X; y = 4 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y; w = 16 * GUI_GRID_W; h = 2.5 * GUI_GRID_H; colorText[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; colorBackground[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; colorActive[] = {0.776,0.749,0.658,1}; }; [b]};[/b] };
  10. lifted86

    GUIEditor: Color Question.

    colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; //{red, green, blue, alpha} Values are between 0-1 eg. LIGHTBROWN { 0.776, 0.749, 0.658, 1 } WHITE { 1, 1, 1, 1 } BLACK_HALF_TRANSPARENT { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 } TRANSPARENT { 0, 0, 0, 0 } Handy Link
  11. lifted86

    Any dialog editors that work for ARMA3?

    while previewing a mission goto the esc menu, then press f1 to get to the inbuilt editor. press f1 again for help
  12. I just tried this, count allunits worked for me. Try previewing your mission and open up the debug screen (esc menu >> shift + f1) and type allunits in one of the text lines at the top. You should get a list of all the units in your mission underneath. I'm using the stable build
  13. Have you tried the killed event handler, to check who was the killer? If your just creating the ammo from createVehicle tho, Im not sure how this would affect the killer parameter. And im not sure if thrown grenades return the right object, due to the splash damage. Havent tested tho. EDIT: just realised you might want to link a unit to the crated ammo for the kill message to display that name... if thats right sry, im no help :)
  14. lifted86

    Tick updater?

    create a init.sqf in you mission folder and write execVM "scoreMon.sqf"; in it. The init.sqf runs at mission start by itself
  15. lifted86

    Tick updater?

    You need to keep repeating the hint. The simplest way to update the score is to put it in a loop that never ends, like this. scoreMon.sqf while {true} do // true condition will never change { hint format ["West Kills: %1", scoreSide West]; sleep 5; // wait 5 seconds then repeat the hint }; then add to your init.sqf execVM "scoreMon.sqf";
  16. have a look at this post LINK and use the dialog editor to get your positions, it makes it a heap easier. Also see http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SafeZone for info on the problem your having
  17. You can put it in that script after thirst=100; or in the units init field. but you'll have to change it to this addEventHandler ["Respawn", {thirst = 100}];
  18. this will execute on respawn player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {thirst = 100}];
  19. I guess it depends on what you are trying to do. You could create an array with all those units in it. _grp = grpNull; unitArray = []; { if ((side _x==west)&&((leader _x distance player < 300)&&!(leader _x distance player >700)) then { unitArray set [count unitArray, _x]; } }forEach allGroups; then check later if a unit is in that array { if ( _x in unitArray)then { //whateva you want to do with that unit here } }forEach allGroups;
  20. it should be (Grazstorm == true) // not sure if this works
  21. half way down the page you'll see {"scope"=>2, "displayname"=>"ALICE Pack", "picture"=>"\\ca\\weapons_e\\data\\icons\\backpack_TK_ALICE_CA.paa", "icon"=>"\\ca\\weapons_e\\data\\icons\\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa", "mapsize"=>2, "model"=>"\\ca\\weapons_e\\AmmoBoxes\\backpack_tk_alice.p3d", "transportmaxweapons"=>1, "transportmaxmagazines"=>12}
  22. backpacks are in CfgVehicles, maybe try? getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backpack >> "Picture") SIX Config Browser site is handy, see under "Content", it shows you whats in there.
  23. Ah cool. Was hoping you could add a bottle of water or canteen, and a stack of u.s. cash And maybe a portable satellite dish :)
  24. _contents = getWeaponCargo _crate; // where _crate is the ammobox _weps = _contents select 0; if ("Cobalt_File" in _weps) then { hint "File is in this crate"; }; useful link about these items