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Everything posted by whiskeytango

  1. It's improved since the beta.
  2. whiskeytango

    Any luck with flight stick flying?

    In other games I've balked after first trying things like mid air refueling or maintaining a hovering etc etc etc. You get there eventually and that's the fun. If you can't do it at first there no reason to pooh pooh the developers, you either need to change some settings or you're doing it wrongâ„¢.
  3. whiskeytango


    Solution: Don't use auto hover!
  4. whiskeytango

    Arma Noob here

    What I did was install Combined Operations learnt the very basics and then jumped into a clan. The strength of this game is multiplayer imho. So find a clan that is active and willing to teach you how to operate effectively and jump in. (just dont try to learn to fly in multiplayer).
  5. whiskeytango


    So many beta updates, can't wait for 1.60! Great work Jaynus, used acre a bit and love it. Hopefully we'll be adding it as SOP for our tac nights. edit: fuxed grammar
  6. whiskeytango

    ARMA 2: OA beta Build_85330

    Hi guys, I have a tactical mission with my clan tomorrow night and was wondering if there are any recomendations around using the beta for it. I've been playing 85015 and it's great, any show stopping bugs in the latest beta though? Should I 85330?
  7. whiskeytango

    How do you guys trim effectively?

    Excellent thanks! I'm familiar with the old trim hat from DCS A-10C.
  8. Beta features Seattle lite (25% of the full game ground objects). It's well documented here that the ground effect is overpowered. Lets hope its fixed. Unfortunately with the world of optimization one person figures out some how to make things run faster and 10 people want to add in some fancy new technology to slow it all down again.
  9. whiskeytango

    I was expecting more

    Nope, nope, nope & nope.
  10. go into the track IR software and update the games list also.
  11. whiskeytango

    Rain effects on windsheild?

    Thanks! I'll give it a go.
  12. What the police don't play grand theft auto?
  13. whiskeytango

    General Flight Model

    Ah cool. Thanks for the photo.
  14. whiskeytango

    Rain effects on windsheild?

    I tried the swat mission and no matter how steady I held it they just sat there and wouldn't fast rope down. Not sure what the problem was with that. I agree - rain would be nice and a bit more reflection on the glass but I won't hold my breath.
  15. Would be nice if traffic drove a course on the roads in elaborate rings so they never despawned or collided. Traffic also clips straight through you. So if you land on the road a truck will happily drive straight through you like a ghost. I don't think thats a huge issue though.
  16. whiskeytango

    General Flight Model

    Just my 2c (I'm not a real pilot) That ground effect is driving me insane. I like flying and really enjoy the flight model in general except the way the helicopter some how goes up when 1 ft off the ground. I practiced landing on a helipad in Expert mode and right now I have to aim for a few feet infront of it so when I bounce up I land on the pad. To fight it I often smash into the ground a little hard. I realise this has probably been discussed to death already. T Track IR should be free to look around and zoom in on the controls. I feel like it's too constrained right now. I have trouble looking out my door window properly. Am I too tall? It seems that gravity is too weak sometimes. This problem was in Arma as well. I'm also looking forward to seeing the detail level of Seattle non lite. Right now the textures are low res and objects mission - flying around ARMA 2 has a huge level of ground detail but I guess there's no code heavy flight model to deal with.
  17. whiskeytango

    trackir movement

    Yeah I'd prefer being able to turn off the pilot body and have freer camera movement in the cockpit.
  18. whiskeytango

    error message on start

    I have the same problem with the water pbo. Boo! EDIT: The sprocket download just says that the game is finished downloading - so the checksums aren't working. I'll try reinstalling.
  19. Does it have the Arma 2 feature where you only map the + half or the - half of an axis to collective?
  20. whiskeytango

    Does anyone have a problem with Age?

    We have some who are under the age limit we normally allow. Every rule has it's exceptions if they prove to be worthwhile. We've also met many others we're not willing to bother with.
  21. Super excited for the beta. Sprocket should email when it's available (might be tomorrow for me depending on the timezones).
  22. whiskeytango

    Music Player

    Hey guys, I saw in a vid that there was a portable music player on board, is this confirmed as feature? In other words, can we setup in game music that will play from our music libraries on our PC? I did a search but couldn't find this anywhere. If so I might have to copy a few albums on to my PC from my media centre. It's looking good, I've pre-purhased and can't wait to start testing out the beta.
  23. whiskeytango

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 85015

    I agree, the movement of AI, other players and vehicles all seems to be pretty smooth now. Great work BI! This gives me great hope for playing Take On Helicopters and ARMA 3 online as well! I've never really bothered with single player so the more online issues tha are fixed, the better.