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Everything posted by lato1982

  1. Glad you brought that up, since this was one of my main goals for this project :) I'm really happy it worked.
  2. Thanks for all the feedback! I'll start working on some fixes soon. BTW did you have any SAVE GAME issues? Many people on steam had some problems with loading the mission. I wonder what can cause this, as I didn't change anything in saving stuff, so I suppose it should work as any other regular Arma 3 mission?
  3. Thanks a lot for the feedback! These are really good points, I'll implement the fixes soon :) EDIT: theres a spot to sleep in FOBs very similar to the Olympus Base. It should appear on map, when youre within the FOB borders.
  4. Ok thanks for the info. I will have to make a small fix, to make sure the player gets the NVG always, or also add more NVGs to a box as well.
  5. You should have the NVG as well, from my tests it worked well. Please check again if you don't have this in your inventory.
  6. Thanks, hope you will guys enjoy this :)
  7. Hi, I'm happy to announce the first alpha release of HUNTER SIX: Special Operations Unit. The main game frame should be working. You should be able to complete all objectives and write your own story, as this is the main goal of Hunter Six campaign, totally different scenarios on each playthrough. I was inspired by: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001) ArmA 2 - Manhattan mission Books by Howard E. Wasdin, Marcus Luttrell, Chris Kyle, Mark Owen and Brandon Webb. so if you're a fan of these above, I believe you will find something interesting in my work. Together with the Steam release I have prepared a small trailer video to narrow you the gameplay ideas. I'm sorry about the compression quality, I had a real struggle with the software and this was the best I could get this time. If you like feel free to post your stories here, if you like. I'm sure they all will be different ;) Please remember this is an alpha release so it might contain some bugs. Looking forward to all your questions and opinions about the scenario. Hope you will have some fun with it. DOWNLOAD LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=310594159 TRAILER:
  8. Sorry if the question was already answered, but can we use ArmA 2 soundtrack in the contest? I see there's only a packege with models but no sounds? EDIT: I have found this, so everything is clear now: Most of the music can be freely used subject to our general rules, e.g. all music from Arma games. Sometimes we license music from 3rd parties and subsequently don’t own the rights ourselves and cannot give permission for you to use music or other audio from the game. If this is the case we’ll let you know, safest to check first with us. But we can confirm that the music in Carrier Command: Gaea Mission and some of the music in Take On Helicopters is not available for re-use
  9. Hi, I have a fixed custom GUI in my mission. It is a standard hpp dialog box, with an looped sqf control script to update it. It works well, but when I save the game and then load it, the GUI (dialog) disappears. Is there a way to re-launch it after the game is loaded?
  10. Hi, I have a real issue with playing the original soundtracks from script. Do I have to define original soundtracks in my description.ext (I doubt it)? I checked the class names etc. but nothing works for me. No error message also, just nothing. For testing I'm using the PlayMusic command in init. It works from trigger on map - effects, but I can't make it work from script. I would be really grateful for any help on this one. Thanks,
  11. @SilentSpike Thanks man! It finally worked, it's really confusing where to use paths and where class names.
  12. This totally doesn't work for me :/ playSound3D ["Track11_StageB_stealth", sourceObject, false, getPos sourceObject]; Am I doing something wrong here? EDIT: even the examples don't work :/ playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\blip1.wav", player];
  13. Wow it was that easy! Thanks, your code works. I must have wrong class names, i checked'em in the Editor viewer. Could you please tell me where can I find proper class names for the original soundtrack? Oh and one more thing. How can I make this track works as sound to use Say3D. I want to make the music be played via radio at base?
  14. Hi, I'm working on a small mission, where the player has to use the high command module. The player is a squad leader, but he has the ability to command 3 other squads. I wanted to have the squad leaders to be playable, beacues high command suck sometimes. The problem is, when i switch for a second to be a 2nd squad leader, then get back to the High Commander the 2nd squad won't work in High Command any more until I shoot the squad leader. It seems like AI can't take over again a playable unit and obey commands in HC? Any thoughts how to make this work? Thanks,
  15. lato1982

    Controlling AI as Zeus- question

    One issue here. When you take over a squad leader, you should be able to control your all squad soldiers. Right now there is no such option, right?
  16. Thank You, I was wondering about using SEAL name and logos, but I think I can handle this without adding them and stay with just a code name or sth :)
  17. Hey I will try my luck here, Since we cannot use any copyrighted music in the contest I was wondering if it is ok, to use copyrighted unit names and logos, like Navy SEALs, Delta Force, SAS? Thanks,
  18. Could anyone from Bohemia reply to this question plz?
  19. Hey, Since we cannot use any copyrighted music in the contest I was wondering if it is ok, to use copyrighted unit names and logos, like Navy SEALs, Delta Force, SAS? Thanks,
  20. lato1982

    Scouting missions...?

    Can u pick up team for scouting? A but silly playing Rambo :)
  21. lato1982

    Daylight fog too blue?

    Maybe a bump, episode 2 is almost there and the fog is still very blue :) Any chances for a change Bohemia?
  22. Hey, I'm working on a mission where my team has to blow up a downed Ghosthawk. How to do this without being penalized and shot by my own team. I have found i should use this for the Ghosthawk: [this] joinSilent createGroup EAST but it doesn't work, however it works good for soldiers. Any ideas?
  23. Hi, I have a problem with setidentity for my soldiers. I use setIdentity to name my team example Marcus Jackson. How to make the game only display his surname on squad GUI? I know computer names Soldiers can have full name example: John Smith and it displays only Smith, for my guy its displays "Marcus..." which is totally not cool. I really need to have full names for my mission and can't just give them only surnames. Thanks in advance for any help.