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10 Good

About white0devil

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  1. Not sure if this is the right place to report issues with the mod but here goes. Tank flip The VCs tank has a bit of a problem with not flipping. Jeep launcher If you turn the gun all the way to the left or right and exit you will get skid along the ground at a couple of hundred mph. Still, great work with everything.
  2. Hello, I bought a 360 controller for flying helis and planes in ARMA 2 OA. I do however have some trouble deciding where to bind what keys. My current set up is: Left/Right trigger: Decrease/Increase thrust (Not the "Thrust/Break (Analogue)" ones. Don't even know what's so special about them.) Left/Right shoulders: Pedals Start/Select button: Scroll options D-pad: Look around Left stick X-axis: Bank left/right Left stick Y-axis: Pitch up/down Left stick button: Perform marked action. Not using the right stick for anything atm, I can't use it for looking since ARMA 2 doesn't (to my knowledge) recognise things like: "Down-left" and "Up-right" when looking around with a stick. As for A,B,X,Y I'm having it like this: A: Fire B: Countermeasures X: Cycle weapons Y: Switch target. Please give me your thoughts, tips and/or controller setups. You don't even have to use a 360 controller. Please share your setups, I really want to try some out. : )