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Everything posted by zach5421

  1. zach5421

    First Experiances

    Just got the Alpha and played a few hours so far. Even though it is in alpha I am loving it and cant wait to see the full release. The only problem for me is my CPU sucks I have a amd X2 core processor and will thankfully get a significant upgrade in a month. Anyway I do see why the moving animations mainly for running should change they just seem weird to me. I am also surprised by the Ai in game, I set a scenario were I was assaulting a beach as a diver and was engaging a squad of opfor and when they found me I was surprised that they tried to flush me out with grenades when their primary weapons were not very effective. . Overall great development so far and I hope we can see more great things as the content is expanded.
  2. Hey I posted a year or two her but iam looking yet again, my recent clan is a good group of guys but it was not what I was looking for. Anyway iam a very young player at 14 but hope this can be overlooked, my interest are in a very good large military realism unit that uses ace and acer I would like to be infantry or a helicopter pilot alas I being young is a limitation on my time I can participate though I can always be on the fourms, if you are not sure because of my age send me questions and ill answer to the best of my abilities.
  3. when i start superpowers for both arma2 and OA i construct the base and build units how do i get them into the squads so i can use theme plus make more squads
  4. Hello I have been playing this game for a few months for about 22 hours playing, me and my freinds from a diffrent game might expand to this one but if we dont i would like to join a military realism unit/clan one probleme is iam 14 years old but work in clans in other games with 20-60 years old players i am a devoted and mature player for my age they tell me and hope an exeption can be made also iam in a military youth organisation for the navy i live in virginia and i am a good transport helicopter player with black hawks but can do anything else