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Everything posted by SgtDThompson

  1. Alright so I am making a training mission and i am wondering how you make the AI shot at a training target while laying down. also how would you make them run an obstacle course, if that is possible?
  2. Hey guys, I am wondering how you get a unit to spawn on the second level of a building, not on the roof. I have been checking the forums for over an hour and can't seem to find the right thread for this subject.
  3. SgtDThompson

    Spawning without weapon

    Oh wow that was easy, now i feel dumb... hahaha! Thanks for the help!
  4. How do you make the AI or the Player spawn without a weapon?
  5. SgtDThompson

    Spawning Player/AI in building

    Cool, thanks it worked perfectly!
  6. Alright so i am new to this scripting stuff and editor for ARMA 2 OA, and i am trying to figure out how you can make the vehicle start moving when you start the mission. Also if somebody could help me with having the game start black and thing have the game fade in. If you guys can help me that would be awesome :)
  7. Alright its a sp mission and the fade in isn't working. and i am trying to create a intro for the mission and i am in a chopper moving to a crash site. For the mission i want the chopper to move right when you start not sit in the air for a couple of seconds and then get moving.
  8. Alright it still isn't working, I downloaded the armaedit, created the init.sqf file then put the codes in, but then i put it in the missions folder and tried the mission but it still won't work.
  9. Where is the init.sqf, or do you create a folder and put the code into the folder?
  10. How do you make a missle or rocket shoot at the chopper so it makes it look like it got shot down instead of just imploding hahaha
  11. Alright works great! Thanks for the help!
  12. Where do I enter the Code: cutText ["Jungle Trek\n\n by Rip\n\nVersion 1", "BLACK FADED"]; 10 fadeSound 3; 10 fadeMusic 3; sleep 10; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; I know that you enter it into the init.sqf but where do i find that? I am very new to Arma 2 so if you could help me with this that would be awesome