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About Startrekern

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  1. Startrekern

    [?] Ubuntu 10.04 & ArmA2:OA

    So I need JUST the PBOs (i.e. the addons folder), not the rest of the stuff?
  2. We're trying to set up an Operation Arrowhead (Combined Ops) ArmA 2 server on Ubuntu, and the instructions on how to do so for Linux are slightly sketchy on certain details. Several questions: 1. Do we have to have all of the A2/OA game files on the server, and how does this work with Combined Ops? Will just OA files be okay? 2. If so, how is the file structure determined? 3. Additionally, if so, is there any easy way to obtain them? Uploading 15gigs is unrealistic. 4. Does the server require it's own license key?