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About Epic_Wink

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  • Interests
    Guitar, gaming, hanging out. No finicky stuff
  • Occupation
    Pizza maker
  1. Epic_Wink

    Internet requirements

    That's bloody good. With crysis 2, any Aus servers I'm getting around 260 ping. So I was wondering if maybe a slower internet would only download players in a certain radius. also, my above net connection is a little off... BTW distance to a server doesn't matter: a bit of data would travel around the world 27 times in a second, ideally. No, it's just the amount of junctions a bit of data has to go through.
  2. Epic_Wink

    Internet requirements

    I may have a decent computer, but problems nowadays arise from my not so great internet connection: 1.3 MB/s at its peak, but we all know that that is not the case >.> Will Arma 3 be designed to support people with mediocre internet connections? Technical: What protocol will you guys be using? I've heard of some programs using BITS, but that's Microsoft (we don't want to use a Microsoft thing now would we?). Can we get around proxied firewalls, such as at a school? I suppose you'll be using a dynamic port system. I just don't want any problems with Arma trying to connect to the servers.