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About ghosteffect

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  1. ghosteffect

    What's Your Setup?

    Hello Community, First post here, mentioning in particular for the other guys out there that bought a Saitek X-52 for their flight sims. Obviously this is relating to a few posts I've read about ARMAII interacting oddly with the mentioned model. Apologies in advance if I missed a post about this, but the only thread I had found I was unable to access. locked?? That being said, this is for the Saitek X-52 model.(not the pro) Initially I read individuals were having particular issues with their game crashing when attempting to remap the controls to their flight system. I have confirmed no issue on my side remapping any controls. (Again, reading that it may have been resolved in a software update) prior to me purchasing the game. Initial config, everything worked excluding firing any weapon from the vehicle requiring me to reconfig the trigger function to fire. Tested in single-player editor to check quick and worked great. Then restarted the game and the settings were then gone. The X-52 & Arma II configurations went through automatically the first time. However, upon the second launching of the game the controls were lost and I ended up being forced to manually re-configure the aircraft controls. No problems at all when setting throttle + the Y-X-Z Axis + changing firing trigger again. In case anyone is lost.. I was using in game mapping vs the profile editor from Saitek. Re-mapped eject key, get-out + landing gear up + down, lastly flaps up & down on the 3 switches on the bottom of the joystick. I found it was best to set the eject to occur when the tab is pushed down. Seeing that as I was getting used to the flying I would ocassionally find myself plummeting 500+ into the ground and it was much faster to push down on the switch then to lift up. Saved me many-a-time. So, having happily re-mapped the keys and able to fly significantly better the the WASD config prior I am content with current settings. However, there is one area I would like to see if others have had any luck in. I may have overlooked multiple times the ability to re-map locking on? I was trying to config the trigger button 1 to lock on if possible and when pressed fully to then allow the selected weapon to fire. Anyone out there with a similiar setup that wouldn't mind giving a little bit more input on this would be much appreciated.:) Best of luck to others that had similiar experiance! - Ghost