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Everything posted by foffy

  1. So, one would put that in the mission's init and see if it works? Is there a way to set something like that up without the mission init? Say, for example, I wanted to set this up for the ACR campaign; to my knowledge the campaign pbo cannot be opened and edited, so the only way I'd be able to set something like this up would be a script that automatically activates outside of that pbo. I wouldn't know where to start doing that. But I hope you're seeing why I wanted an automatic thing that just gave everyone these items. :P Also, how would one alter that script to consider units that load in tanks and the like? I can look at what you posted and get a picture, but as I'm really unfamiliar with scripting in general, I don't know to to specify clearly between Infantry, Tanks, Air, and the like. I'm really coming into this blind and without any vision on how to accomplish it.
  2. Thanks for the posts, but I'm still a little lost. From what I gather, this is either to a specific unit or the players group. Is there any way to set something up that is all encompassing? This is to say the players group, fellow friendly AI not in said group, and opposing AI? Something that just adds items for all elements for a mission? To use ACE as an example, I was thinking of trying to set up something where when the mission loads, all participating units - player, friendly, and foe - all spawn on with a few more medical items, like bandages and morphine. I wanted to know what quick way this could be done as a script or something without having to rely on the editor to manually add these in to each element. Think like how in ArmA III every unit has at least one healing item in their inventory no matter the case; this is what I'm trying to do for ArmA II, essentially. To cite ACE 2, it's like how 'SP Medic' in ACE Options gives the player two medkits. I'd like to have something that adds items to all elements and not just the player and his/her squad.
  3. ...Gonnnnna have to guess that's from ToH. :P Next to ArmA Tactics, I am very unfamiliar with ToH. Was that chopper available in the campaign?
  4. Awh, alright. I assume this is planned in the pipeline eventually, yes? Could one also use ACE 3 mixed with the default BIS healing system to get the AI to heal? And if so, how would one accomplish this?
  5. Sorry to bother you guys with my presence a little longer, friends, but I have a question about what CUP plans on bringing over. I know you're all busy with A1/A2/OA and that lot, but have there been any plans for OFP and ToH? Not that I'm demanding these, but these are ArmAverse titles too. :P
  6. I looked through PwS, and what do you know, you need two Terrain folders; core and maps. I got it. Are the terrains direct ports from ArmA I and II, by the way? I recall Chernarus got a texture mod for ArmA II, so I'm mainly asking in case that can't be used on the map. I think it was Landtex.
  7. Hey friends. I have a dumb question. I downloaded some of the CUP stuff from PwS, but when I launch with the Terrains active...it's actually not. I can't find any of the locations in the editor. Did I make a booboo? It's @_cup_terrains_core, if that means anything. Watch me be missing something so obvious...
  8. Hey friends. I know I've asked this months ago, but is there a way to auto-initialize the AI to do self-healing if they have the resources? I don't think it's enabled out of the gate, and I feel there's an unfair state if human players are the only ones who can even use healing items.
  9. A quick search answered my question: the OP's comments linked to EBS mention how it's simply obsolete to Bohemia's in-engine efforts.
  10. I was wondering if EBS was still relevant as an AI suppressing system, now that Bohemia has apparently introduced one a ways back. I haven't followed the game since the Marksman content launch, so I am absolutely out of the loop to mods, updates, and what Bohemia has done under the hood.
  11. Man, what major units haven't you guys brought over yet? I see some ArmA I, ArmA II, and OA units. Do you guys have plans on bringing over the Story units? For example, the specific models of characters from ArmA II, like the units from the Harvest Red campaign, or Brian Frost from BAF/PMC.
  12. foffy

    Iron Front in Arma 3

    Hey friends. Small question. I have Iron Front, and I was curious if the campaign worked in ArmA III. The game won't convert to ArmA II so I'm either stuck working on the Lite version there, or playing it in ArmA III with its engine and gameplay updates. I can't check now due to overheating PC issues with a game like this, unfortunately, but I figured someone here must have tried it. Surely I can't be the only campaign fan here. EDIT: Trying to convert the game at the very least doesn't for me. I get a "You have to run a legitimate version of IronFront before proceeding." This is odd, because. 1: I installed it before on this machine when it first launched for ArmA II before I uninstalled it and the mod 2: Considering the above, this is a legit copy I bought on Steam in 2013 I can use the standalone version of the mod, but that's not the full version, nor may it accomplish what I want, so that makes it very undesirable for me. Anyone got any suggestions?
  13. Is this available on PwS as Iron Front Standalone, or is this a separate setup?
  14. foffy

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I wanted to 'bump' what my problem was with the AI not healing as I figured it out. Apparently since the games recent updates, this has changed one of ACE's original implementations of the wounding system. Basically, the only way the AI heals now is if you interact with them and look into their gear, for this will initialize the healing items they have. Failing to do this prevents the AI from even using their items, and why you can use morphine and bandages on people immediately, when nobody is hurt. Anything running will assume they don't have healing items despite the wounding module being active, unless a player manually inspects the individual AI. Kind of hard to do this for the OPFOR. I know ACE for ArmA II may never be updated again, but whatever has been updated for ArmA II essentially destroyed the wounding module. But would anybody who's been following ArmA II's updates since Corepatch have any idea what was changed under the hood to bork the wounding module? It's now 100% worthless unless you're playing TvT gameplay because of this problem. I'm merely curious to what under-the-hood changes led to this being busted the way that it is, because something really did bust it. :P
  15. Odd. Can anyone involved with ACE confirm this? It seems weird to not carry this over from AGM, and almost gives an advantage to humans against AI: one can heal, but the other cannot.
  16. Hey guys. I've been out of the loop for a while with the game - I last played it when the Marksmen DLC launched, and all we had publicly was AGM, but I wanted to know does the AI have the ability to self-heal with the basic ACE wounding system? Are there certain conditions the AI has to be in to handle a wound? I ask because I am messing around in the editor, shooting an ally to see how long it takes him to heal, but it looks like he never bothers, as if the wounds can be acknowledged but cannot be addressed. I find it odd because AGM allowed not only the AI to self-heal, but heal players, and required nothing to be activated or played with. No idea if it would be conflicting with other mods, but the only other mod that involves the AI that I also use is ASR AI. I'm on whatever the current version of ACE that's on PwS, if that helps.
  17. Is this beta coming to main branch soon?
  18. foffy

    Gun Store

    Seriously, Bohemia should be hiring you. The quality of your work seems like official releases. Resist literally seems like a side campaign to The East Wind. Really looking forward to what you keep putting out. I quite like how your work seems to compliment the main scenario of the game, while also building on the fictional work you've made. If more of your works are like this... Oh yes.
  19. I figure I'd ask here, but what do the noidle and norearm pbos do? I imagine the former removes idle animations, but does the latter disable all types of rearming for the AI? I know what noradio does. :P
  20. Got a few silly questions. - Is this set in 2033 or 2035? The briefing to Part 1 mentioned 2033, but the opening mentioned 2035. I imagine the former, because the game is not set during the timeframe of Bohemia's campaign with NATO/AAF vs CSAT. This seems to be dealing with local terrorists. - Loving Part 1 so far, but I think I'm stuck. I'm up to the part where I have to scout from a hill...but I have no binoculars. Was I supposed to find them or take them from a truck? I'm playing the combined version on Steam.
  21. foffy

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Play withSIX is a fantastic program to use. It usually notifies you when a mod has been updated and linked to that service.
  22. Look at it this way: AGM kinda works for some things now but things have been busted with the Marksmen DLC apparently, but ACE3 is supposed to come out this month and work with it. That kind of incompatibility and issue of problems being created seems kind of a given when it comes to major updates, and Marksmen has a lot of that under the hood. This especially happens with AI mods as they become redundant in huge updates, as has happened in the past with ArmA updates. I kind of trimmed my mods for ArmA III because I'm unsure of what works with this update, though AGM, ASR AI, and TPW MODS are my baseline for that 'core' enhancement without breaking waypoints and scripting that more encompassing AI mods tend to do. I'm not sure, but I think even the Marksmen update broke VCOM AI Driving, so I have to test that out. Little improvements add up for a big update like this. Helicopters probably didn't do this much save for...Helicopters, but so much of the game is on infantry, so that whole package has gotten lots of changes in the last year or so. Mods working on that, quite obviously, might get issues when the things under that hood start getting changes. You gotta wait for updates, or in this case, the successor project to be released. Give it time. :3
  23. foffy


    Hasn't PiP been demonstrated to have no fps hinderance? I mean, Bohemia's effort shows this, but I thought Killzone Kid showed a solution. No idea if he shared his solution, or if others are following suit. They kind of have to if PiP is being used in scopes, seeing as Bohemia's PiP is usually half of the games current framerate with detail dropped. :P
  24. foffy

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hey. Kinda dumb question, but it was mentioned in the opening post about the use of L_ES, and I wanted to know if I used that with JSRS would it be rather redundant? I'm unfamiliar with L_ES so I'm not certain if all of what it does is what JSRS does, too. I'm using both right now with the Marksman DLC, an I noticed a few instances where allies were firing guns right next to me and I didn't hear it. It could have been lag, a conflict between JSRS and L_ES, or either one of those and this update, as I know Bohemia has also introduced a system where weapons sound different in environments. I wanted to try to narrow it down, and I figure those more technically savvy than myself would have better ideas. :P