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Everything posted by foffy

  1. Looks pretty cool, but I have a question. What animation mod are you using? Moving while crouched like that looks really cool.
  2. foffy

    Where are the 6 saved Game slots?

    That's what I fear about. If the missions are all cut into being 10-20 minute chunks, it's fine. ArmA II had missions that were designed to take hours to complete.
  3. foffy

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I have a question, and it's a bit of a silly one. As I'm just experimenting and tampering about, I wanted to know how can I globally disable the tank damage system in ACE. I've been playing with ACE and also using CWR2, and the issue is that none of the vehicles in CWR2 have ACE damage values, which often turns all of the tank battles into one shot, one explosion affairs. I want them to last a little longer, and I believe they easily do so with the vanilla damage values they're given, and as such I would like to know how to disable the ACE damage values for the tanks. Do I have to remove certain files from the ACE folder? I have no expertise and manually adding stuff to disable it, so I'm hoping just moving files out of the main folder disables it. Sorry if what I'm asking is silly or annoying. I was just curious on what to do. For the vehicles that have values for the ACE damage system, it works great. For those that don't...well, the vehicles are metal cardboard boxes. :P
  4. foffy

    Where are the 6 saved Game slots?

    Where is your source on this? I know Veteran now has only single saves (ArmA II and ToH allow unlimited saves on their Veteran/Expert settings). I only like many saves because, to no offense to BI, the games get pretty buggy at times in some missions. I like having many saves because it helps circumvent this. This expands much more with mods. Couldn't this also be circumvented by moving the current save file and simply making another one? Or have they hidden the save files now?
  5. I think with Bohemia's current plans of giving guns 3D scopes, this addon only needs to be ported for the guns being ported to ArmA III.
  6. I figured it out; my Nvidia settings were overwriting the game, and that created the strangeness. Resetting the settings to default allowed ATOC to work fine for me. That's weird. This issue doesn't exist in ArmA II.
  7. Anyone have any idea why this is happening to the vegetation when I have ATOC on?
  8. Not to pry, but are there any plans to have this on Galaxy S4? Most phone games are poopy poo, but I for one am awfully hyped for this game. :P
  9. foffy

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Oh man, that video. That's high quality sounds. I love authenticity, so just hearing how powerful those guns excites me. I quite liked the bit where you fired from within the building, I actually giggled at how intense it sounded.
  10. foffy

    FLAY Hang Glider Mod

    Oh wow, that looks pretty fucking cool.
  11. Could you upload that for me? I know it sounds silly...:P Yes, that's the link. I've also extracted it in a location away from the game is so nothing is overwritten, but it does indeed lack anything in the Angelina cutscene folder beyond what I already showed you. I don't get it..
  12. Huh...odd, I did redownload it, and it is in fact missing still. That's incredibly bizarre.
  13. Well then, there's an issue with that. I mentioned in my post prior that I downloaded it from the first/main page of this thread, which in fact does not have this issue solved. Has it been updated elsewhere but not edited back into the original post?
  14. Very weird. I just checked the most recent download on the main page, and it also has only an icon for the cutscene in the folder. Can you check to see if your build of it has anything more than this?
  15. I have an issue, and I don't know how to solve it. In Cold War Crisis, after I finished Search and Destroy, I got a CTD with a message about an issue with the campaign structure. I rebooted the game and then picked the following mission (it's called x10_angelinasdeath.cain) and then I'm brought into the mission Red Dawn. Did I end up skipping anything? Peeking through the folder for that description (sorry for snooping) there is literally nothing except an icon. Is that supposed to be the case?
  16. In theory I don't see why this would be too hard to do. The only issue you may get is some issues with them being direct ports. I believe the ArmA I campaigns have been redone by SHJStudio for ArmA II, so there's at least a template to work on. An issue however would clearly be the encrypted campaigns, as you cannot even open those.
  17. So if I set the mode to 2 for multiplayer/online, the singleplayer/offline stuff is automatically enabled? So I get TPWCAS working similarly both offline and online for single and multiplayer?
  18. I have a question about enabling the CAS files. Within the userconfig, it mentions initializing which CAS mode is used unless it is specifically defined. Instead of tampering between values for offline and online play, how exactly do I set it up to automatically define it? Is that possible?
  19. I'm digging this, but despite activating the addon, I can't access the mission. How do I do that?
  20. Hey man! Welcome! <3 Do you know when you plan to release the update to this? I know you're quite busy with a few things already, so I'm just curious. If you need any help, I'm sure the community here can help you out. :3
  21. The AI is simply more elementary in OFP than it is in ArmA II. It also helps OFP in that the graphics are quite barren, making it easier to see enemies in general, especially at night. ArmA II's lighting mandates the use of NVGs in dark scenarios, heavily blending the Russian's new camo in with the scenery and your vision. Add in the possibility of using mods with the campaign and it becomes crazy. In the CWC remake, with some mods, being detected in Wake Up Call alerts a tank in one specific location to come to where you are and shoot at you. Even without it, solo soldier missions have always been the bane of my existence with this franchise, and Red Hammer especially is focused a lot on solo solider gameplay. Stealthy, one man assassination missions? Is this Hitman? :P
  22. The AI mods in question will, on average, make the game have more drawn out, longer conflicts. It makes it better, but in very few cases it can break the game. Say the AI is specifically designed to come directly at you from the south, the AI mods might make them take an entirely different route to flank you if they know you're there. Unless you're in charge of your unit, the scripted friendly AI will not address this issue and re-position to accommodate this tactical change. None of the TPW mods (you can just use TPWCAS and enable the updated LOS mod inside of it found in the userconfig for TPWCAS) break mission triggers. In fact, I don't think any of the AI mods you listed break triggers. What tends to break most missions is ACE. If it's not compatible with it, you'll be expecting lots of issues. Especially if specific units like heavy armor are classified one way in the mission, as ACE tends to classify them with a new damage system. So a unit that is designed to go down in one shot now takes three, and a unit that can take a beating is taken down by any missile. It's all still something you can handle, but expect hiccups. That is to be expected when updating the game for mechanics not planned for when the single player content was made, or had it in mind. Give it a try. The worst that happens is it gets a little iffy. The best that happens is it becomes more immersible/tactical/frustratingly-realistic.
  23. SHJ is currently busy updating his ArmA Rearmed campaign remakes from what I've been able to discuss with him (so we'll soon have fully playable content from ArmA 0 and ArmA I updated to ArmA II standards), but if you wish to disable the medpacks yourself, you can remove the script for it in the init files for the missions. Not every mission has medpacks; you have them at the start, lose them, and get them back with a promotion. I think they were implemented specifically because the promotion makes you a Spetsnaz, leading to many lone wolf missions. Red Hammer is very easily the hardest of the Cold War Crisis/Cold War Assault/Cold War Rearmed campaigns, so I believe this was a conscious decision to balance out the incredibly high challenge. It may not be realistic or true to the original, but I do believe a lot of the campaign was criticized back in 2001 because of the big balancing issue for difficulty. In fact, of any campaign in this series, I'd wager Red Hammer is the hardest, though that could only be based on what I've played (I've only finished Resistance, Sahrani Conflict, Rahmadi Conflict, Royal Flush, Harvest Red, and Eagle Wing in terms of campaigns, currently playing CWR's version of Cold War Crisis..James Gastovki's missions are super hard near the end of the game, so I only have nightmares for Red Hammer).
  24. The biggest issue ACE2 has from what I've tinkered about is it breaks a number of the earlier missions; when David Armstrong is with the FIA, waypoints and objectives will not work properly (the mission with taking the truck, for example) and some of the earlier missions with Robert Hammer also break because ACE conflicts with the values given to some of the tanks in CWR2 (The tanks you use for The Battle of Houdan all go down in single shots from explosives). You can fix these by using Shacktac Interact, but even so it's pretty spotty. It is indeed best to play without ACE unless you want to get headaches on some of these missions. It may add more realism to the title, but the way it overlaps with some changes made explicitly to causes conflicts. Sometimes CWR's damage system for how many rounds it takes to take down a vehicle are in effect, and for others ACE 2 takes priority. The latter can make some tasks three times harder, as it was never intended to be played that way. I figure I'd expand on the concept of compatibility. You can try to play with it, but you will be getting a lot of strange tuggings between what CWR wants to do and what ACE changes of it.
  25. I am wondering something with the mission Taking Command. How many people on the Opfor have to die for them to retreat? I'm actually having a difficult time with this mission, and looking at footage of the original, players are taking down far fewer men than the droves I'm seeing in this mission. Two BMPs and about five enemies and then they retreat.