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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    "Tab" targeting issues

    i have a better solution: Learn how to play without TAB,i did it and it works :D
  2. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84580

    Interpolation means that between two positions the player movement will be simulated according to a function so as it looks like a continuous movement,and yes you'll be able to shoot targets between those two positions.
  3. On_Sabbatical

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    i see now :) I have some problems with my gaming rig (after windows update) and can't run a DS with beta on it to test that setDir bug,so if someone can do it,it will be really helpful. Just open contruction menu and try to put some defences and walls and see if they keep same direction after being built.
  4. On_Sabbatical

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    Please, We're talking about bugs :D,i mean a game bug @PvPscene boy Excellent thread by the way.
  5. On_Sabbatical

    Why warfare fails as a game mode

    i think it fails because maps are small ,no carriers,no cruise missile,base system is stupid (sorry for this one),AI is unreliable (i rarely use AI) and finally TAB button.
  6. On_Sabbatical

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    Come on guys,get some more coffee machines and solve more bugs... Seriously who cares about: Bug #22560: [83110] Bullet spawn position wrong in burst mode for high RoF vehicle weapons, causing visual weirdness ????? I just want to see a helicopter blowing in air when i put a MAWWS bullet on its face .... :D
  7. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    @Brainbug, I tested only on the warfare server,maybe i should create a DS with last beta on it and check.i wanted to show you what i'm talking about but my ticket got removed.
  8. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    setDir is always broken ....
  9. On_Sabbatical

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    so let's sk developpers for inlimited viewdistance and no warping.
  10. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84527

    last version know with corrected setDir is 84290
  11. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84527

    setDir always broken ... thanks for the patch
  12. On_Sabbatical

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    i copy paste this excellent request from another member: After the nice technical realism in A2, i strongly wish at least some taste of realsim in gameplay. 1: No Tab-lock, 2-lock and auto-lock(A2:Metis, Nlaw..) or at least the possiblity to turn it off. 2: No Radar or only for Aircraft/AA showing air contacts only (like real radar). To explain why those changes are needed to make the gameplay realistic i will use examples from the Arma2 Warfare mode, which i play mostly and in which i know peoples gameplay behaviour. Of course other gamemodes would benefit too. Let's begin with the most critical part - aircraft. When playing Warfare in a chopper with guided weapons, you press the tab-button all the time to lock on every enemy vehicle/aircraft in your range(up to 9km) and to instantly shoot a missile everytime you lock something. This way you can "clean" an area, which only depends on your locking range, from enemy vehicles completely. You do not need to see anything, just press tab-fire-tab-fire-tab... rearm fast and get back up. - The kill messages will rain on the screen. The effects of this gameplay mechanic are huge. 1. The victims view: You get killed from a chopper which is 5km away and which you cannot even see, as well as it can'T see you. Could something be more frustrating? Now you have 3 possibilities: #1:Stop using heavy weapons, move on as an infantry man #2:Buy another tank and use the minute untill you get shot again (and show them your base position with this) #3:Get an AA-vehicle, turn the engine off(to prevent getting locked, if you are already locked it doesn'T help) an press tab like an idiot yourself - the faster guy wins! 2. Hiding, stealtch operations - adapting to your environment - becomes impossible. You are in a tank and saw multiple enemy tanks using a street? You want to move in a valley or a think line of shrubbery so they can't see and shoot you? You want to try to get behind the enemy lines in a vehicle without beeing seen? Well, if you are good, noone will see you. But... BOOM. Welcome to Arma! 3. War games/sims like Arma give us this fun, because they are competitive (you maybe noticed a lot more males than females playing it ) You try to play well - and to define how well you play you need others. Tab-lock makes a players success independant from his skills/intelligence. This might be an explaination why tab-lock ruins the fun of MP players so much. 4. There is no need for pilots to develop skills. Some maneuvers might look cool or give you a small benefit - but you don't necessarily need them to be succesful - there are no "pros" like in other games. Next part - Tank gameplay. To use a tank effectively in PVP frontline fighting, you basicly do the same like in a chopper - get in the driver seat, ai in the gunner seat and spam tab. One Abrams tank round is enough to destroy or disable every other ground vehicle. So the tank which shoots the first round will win! Since the gunner aims for you, you don't have anything to do than pressing tab, waiting for the cannon to stop moving and press fire. Players behaviour in Warfare can be called "blind". You can stand in the open field, 400m away from the enemy moving tank and point an AT launcher at him, he won't see you. All the information needed are given by the radar and the locking results. Players watch the radar while driving a tank, not the outside. -> There is no realism in gameplay, the abitilities of all vehicles might be realsitic, the physics might be realistic(thats a different topic) but players do not behave like they would do if this would be real!!! -> The atmosphere of war, the thrilling tension in the air caused by the fact that you can never know where the next enemy might be won't come up. There is no realism in gameplay! Infantry - Autolock weapons like Metis. I don't think i have to write much about this now. No skill needed - shoot and forget - get on a hilltop with some more missiles in a truck and destroy every single enemy vehicle or static defence from 4km away! Rape 60% of the map just by yourself! The 30 guys in the enemy team can't do much in the next time! And yeah where do the new locks move to? where do they come from? GZ! you found their base! -.- -> the disbalance of infantry / tanks. You use infantry to fuck up tanks, not other way round, like it should be. You should NEVER be allowed to shoot something you cannot see/don't know about! You cannot act without information! When i go through the threads in this forums i can see so many threads concerning problems which were created by tab-lock or are results of the 3rd or 4th part of a causal chain leading back to it! It is sad that such a great game like Arma gets destroyed by relatively little things like tab-lock or netcode problems! I don't see a third problem coming close to the importance of these two. Thank you for reading, i really hope very much that this doesn't get spammed away from the devs minds!
  13. On_Sabbatical

    New ARMA3.com website with new Intel

    mitchum colours :D
  14. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

    please,release a version with corrected setPos and setDir
  15. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84467

    I experience the same bug as Brainbug,setDir is broken that 's for sure
  16. Wise choice dude, I'm sure that interpolation will work in 1.60.
  17. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84391

    this beta is bugged for MP bullets go through ennemies,need to make sure though
  18. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84391

    Can you add a button in options,"Fix personal bugs" :D It would be awesome. Excellent release,gonna test (i had lags using 290)
  19. On_Sabbatical

    Still warping / Network Lagging

    Come on guys,arma is not a game like the others. It's not easy to solve these problems,just keep positive attitude and stop whining. I ve played few hours ago on XR DAO server using friendly parameters,but still had warping... (i was the only one on server)
  20. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84290

    Well, i can't say more :D
  21. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84290

    now i can put maxframesahead=1 without having a crash ... thanks :)
  22. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84260

    ETA on 1.60 ? (approx)
  23. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84156

    good luck with the interpolation :D, What about this major issue ? http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23028
  24. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84108

    can you fix that viewdistance bug ? There are things that shows up only when you zoom.