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Everything posted by beepee

  1. It is not possible to zoom in or out that map. It zooms automatically according to your speed. The only map you can zoom and move freely is that one under the default "M" key. You can only enlarge the window in which this GPS map is located. To do this go to Options>Game>Layout and there you can move it or change its size.
  2. I'm looking for big island for ToH where I could place my training base. It has to be european style map cause I'm from Poland and I'd like to feel that I'm "at home". The map Celle is quite good but it's really small 10km x 10km. Does anyone know such map? Simillar to Celle but much larger? Tnx in advance.
  3. Yes, I need to launch the game twice if freetrack is running. Just like in the bug linked by Dwarden. One of my squad m8s has it too.
  4. Confirm. Happens here also.
  5. I think that would do the trick! Unfortunatelly M32 is available in Operation Arrowhead only and I don't have it :/
  6. Tnx Jedra but that's not exactly what I want. With your script it wouldn't be possible to aim the smokeshell. I want to be able to fire it like a rocket. I've managed to add M16A2GL to helicopter and can fire its primary ammo - 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag (yes! it's possible!) but I can't switch to M203... Anyone knows how to do this?
  7. I have similar question. Is it possible to add some kind of grenade launcher to helicopter? I want to create scenario where light heli goes to recon mission, finds some targets, then marks them using some smoke/flare shooting weapon. Then calls his big brother (Hind) to destroy those targets. Is it possible?
  8. Great find hon0! Especially the second one! I'd love to see that one in TOH! O8j6dbjxEOA 4lQdqJj0OgM
  9. beepee

    Hinds FM

    The split-s was a common manouver waaaay before Spitfires. The Wolrd War One pilots used it quite often, for example to attack two-sitter machines. So no, it can not be credited to Spitfire pilots.
  10. Welcome to the forum ru_disa Check this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?126733-Auto-hover&highlight=auto+hover
  11. beepee

    Hinds FM

    Buahahaha :232:
  12. Great! I'll try it right away. God job BIS! (misspel intentional)
  13. A little bit of history... .......................................................And mast bumping explanation M5i2XRweAvE _QkOpH2e6tM
  14. y47VK6baK0Q Nice, smooth graphics. I wonder what GPU this guy has. And where did he get this Bell 407? Does anybody know where can I get this addon?
  15. Have you seen this one? -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?130472-Blake-s-Mobile-Parts-Workshop Also check this one -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129961-Render-to-Texture-Examples
  16. beepee

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Of course it might not be reachable if heli is too heavy, thats why i left my weapons, gunner and half of fuel at base. And still flying stright doing literally NO manouvers the damage occurs. I don't know, maybe my torque gauges don't work properly but no matter how hard I try the needles on those gauges don't want to go higher than 20%. I don't know what, but something is wrong here.
  17. beepee

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Possible bug here, need confirmation. The Hind, as most of you probably know, for quite some time holded the speed record for helicopters with 368.4 km/h. Which is ~200knots. Despite that in Take On the speed gauge in SuperHind has the red (never exceed speed) range starting from ~140knots. I've made some small test today morning. Picked up the hind without ammo and tanks with half fuel. Started gently, accelerated to 260km/h and flew stright for about 10 min, than landed. During flight speed varied from 260 km/h to 300km/h. No harsh turns, no violent controls movement. As soon as hind reached 260km/h it started to shake slightly making "brake engine noice". After landing the sound and shake remained proving that helicopter is permanently damaged. The question is, is it only on my version or there is such bug already reported and I didn't find it? Or, what I can hardly belive, nobody noticed that yet? Or maybe somehow the max hind speed is less than 260km/h?:confused:
  18. Great job! Can't wait to try it out. PS You guys have sooo much free time :eek:
  19. I don't know if everyone experience this, it happens for me but I use FreeTrack not TrackIR. I can rotate the pilot's head to the side ~160 degrees then rotation stops. And its good, you cant rotate your head more than this. But when I try to rotate my IR sensor more, than the pilot's head suddenly snaps another ~40 degress to the other side. So I am unable to look directly behind, when I try, the pilot's head jumps form left to right and back, over and over. This effect is easily achievable when IR software is set to high sensitivity. Other than this and that "hypersensitivity on the shifting axis" described by Serclaes and Jedra TrackIR works great.
  20. beepee

    Cockpit interactivity

    De gustibus non est disputandum. By the way... check the date of above posts.
  21. beepee

    Cockpit interactivity

    I don't know. Maybe other flight sims are simply worse than Take On?
  22. beepee

    Cockpit interactivity

    That's the point. I like this "conflict" as you describe it. I can use track ir and freelook simultaneously. I don't mind your suggestion, but as I said in previous post: say for yourself, because someone can have other opinion.
  23. beepee

    Cockpit interactivity

    Say for yourself m8. I like it the way it is now.
  24. I want to move a chopper to specific position. To position where player is. So I wrote simple script like this: while {true} do { (_this select 0) doMove (getPosATL player); sleep 2; }; I fire it up like this: nil = [this] execVM "follow.sqf" in heli init line. I also tried those: while {true} do { heli1 doMove [((getPosATL player)select 0), ((getPosATL player)select 1)]; [i]//heli1 is the name of helicopter which is supposed to follow me[/i] sleep 2; }; and while {true} do { (driver (_this select 0)) doMove [((getPosATL player)select 0), ((getPosATL player)select 1)]; sleep 2; }; This script works perfect when fired for single soldier (he follows me) but not for heli. And it doesn't matter if heli is with engines off or already flying. Whats the propper way of using "doMove" for helis?