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About AGRESSOR-92th

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  1. Not needed, i solved my problem. it seemed i have accidently made like another keyboard language option, so i had EN and TH(thai) so it sometimes would change, so i just removed TH and ive never seen the problem again.
  2. Ive removed all of my addons, but it didnt seem to fix anything
  3. Oh :P But i had the chat bug even before i used addons. I've had that problem since the release
  4. Yeah, i sent a ticket now. Hope they fix my problem.
  5. Okay, thanks for the help. http://www.file-upload.net/download-3579475/arma2free.RPT.html That's my report file, im not sure if i've done it right.
  6. Thanks mate, ill make a report file. Kinda stupid question, but how do i open the RPT file?
  7. Hello guys. ive been playing ArmA 2 free since the release, but i have this SUPER annoying problem that occours randomly. The problem is that whenerever i type something it goes blank. The chat works fine the first 10 - 30 mins, but after that my chat goes all messed up. Here is an example if you dont know what i mean AGRESSOR says: hello everybody After 10 - 30 minutes(even an hour or sometimes under 5 minutes) it messes up, it just goes blank whenever i write something, like this: Agressor says: The num pad works fine, all other keys dosent work, please help me, its so freaking annoying! I have to restart the game everytime this happens, or else im not gonna have a chat.