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drunken officer

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Everything posted by drunken officer

  1. I have a light problem with my addon. The lights on the wall looks ugly. I triangulate all face and "sharp edge". I selected the faces, load the *.paa file with "a" and pressed "b" for background mapping. The pictures are the best examples. http://imageshack.us/g/26/licht1.jpg/ pic 1: lights on a normal arma2 building pic 2: lights on a addon of "mondkalb" pic 3: my building What did i wrong? I tryed it with a simple wall, but a other *.paa file. There is the same problem.
  2. drunken officer

    Problem with the lights on wall

    Can nobody help me? :confused:
  3. drunken officer


  4. Hello all. I created a building. Inside this building i created a lampe. With a *.rvmat file i created a light point. Yes it looks nice. But my problem is, only this point is brightly. But i need a light which "flash" / illuminate the whole room! Like a lamp on the street. Can somebody help me?
  5. drunken officer

    Light in a building for the whole room

    Okay, i found it and it works to 50%. The "class reflectors" works and blind me, when i look into the light. When i'm under the lampe, i see my character illuminated. But on the floor / wall i see no lights! Objects i put into the building with proxy are illuminated too. WHEN i move the object in the editor under a lamp, which is orginallys on map, i can see the light on my floors. Class MarkerLights shining through the walls. The walls outside are shining like a sun... :D I try to switch to "Class CargoLights", and then everything is dark. Can somebody help me?
  6. drunken officer

    Light in a building for the whole room

    I have to copy this script in the rvmat or in the config?
  7. drunken officer

    Deactived the shadows on objects with proxy function

    Here are 3 pics http://imageshack.us/g/219/arma21.jpg/
  8. drunken officer

    Deactived the shadows on objects with proxy function

    The shadow going through the floors and walls. With shadow lod or not. Still the same