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drunken officer

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Everything posted by drunken officer

  1. I think i got it. Now the AI follow the wayoints and its possible to call the group by given name in array .... _grp = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; missionNamespace setVariable [_DOF_GRPNAME, _grp]; _grp setGroupId [_DOF_GRPNAME]; //dont be needed, just rename the group. _DOF_GRPNAME = _grp; //testline player sideChat format ["Gruppenname: %1 Anzahl: %2 ID: %3", _DOF_GRPNAME, (count units _DOF_GRPNAME), (groupID _DOF_GRPNAME)]; .. or .... _grp = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; missionNamespace setVariable [_DOF_GRPNAME, _grp]; _grp setGroupId [_DOF_GRPNAME]; //dont be needed, just rename the group. [s]_DOF_GRPNAME = _grp;[/s] //testline player sideChat format ["Gruppenname: %1 Anzahl: %2 ID: %3", _grp, (count units _grp), (groupID _grp)]; .. //but u have to use ... [_grp, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "safe"; [_grp, 1] SetWaypointType "Move"; [_grp, 1] setWaypointSpeed "limited"; ....
  2. Hello. I would spawn a group and give them waypoints. To controll this group, i want to give a name to it. I start the script with: o=["Markername","groupname"] execVM "spawnandpartol.sqf"; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_ldr", "_wppos", "_msize", "_mpos", "_DOF_GRPNAME"]; _DOF_GRPNAME = _this select 1; // _msize = getMarkerSize (_this select 0); _mPos = markerPos (_this select 0); _DOF_WPPOS = [( _mPos select 0) (random (_msize select 0) - random (_msize select 0)),(_mPos select 1) (random (_msize select 1) - random (_msize select 1)),0]; _grp = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // now, the spawned groupname is _grp missionNamespace setVariable [_DOF_GRPNAME, _grp]; // if i understand it, now the 2nd element of the array (groupname) is right now the variable for the group while {{alive _x} count units _DOF_GRPNAME > 0} do { _wp1 = _DOF_GRPNAME addWaypoint [_DOF_WPPOS, 1]; _wppos = getWPPos [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1]; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "safe"; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] SetWaypointType "Move"; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] setWaypointSpeed "limited"; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN"; .... }; this code is not working. If i use _grp instead of _DOF_GRPNAME everything is fine. How can i use the 2nd element of the array as variable for the spawned group?
  3. Nope If you use this _groupname = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _groupname get a new value. So it's not the same before
  4. I've the same problem I load for all west units a uniform. I do this in my init file. As long i run this mission in the editor, everything is fine. If i save the mission as SP and switch to it, i got the original uniforms. {if (side _x == WEST) then {_x setobjecttexture [0,"scripte\....paa"];} forEach allunits I retexture the origianl uniform and changed the flag. I saved it as paa file DX 1. I didnt changed the size or something
  5. Hello. I gave my player this command: player addheadgear "H_Beret_red"; Okay, ALL berets are black... :mad: I unpack the pbo and recolor the *.paa file. Now i would to like to load this paa. player setObjectTexture [?, "pics\headgear_beret01_red_co.paa"]; Index 0 is the uniform. Which index i have to use for the beret. Edit: If i set 0, the whole uniform is red. If i set 1, nothing happends. The beret is still black. If i load a non exitst paa, there is a massage. I think, 1 is the right index, but nothing happends
  6. drunken officer


    @Dragonsyr Use your script and do a test. Open the map by your script. Close the map (Yes, your script is canceled at this moment). Open the map again (but not by your script !!! ) and do a single click. See what happend... Why? The waitUntil-command is behind you onClick command. And this is still in your memory. To avoid this, i set a variable to nil. openMap [true, false]; titleText ["Senden sie die Koordinaten (Einfack-Klick auf Karte)","PLAIN",1]; onMapSingleClick "[color="#0000FF"]ari_ziel = _pos;[/color][color="#00FF00"] anforderung = true;[/color] onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; waitUntil {!visibleMap || [color="#00FF00"]anforderung[/color]}; if (!anforderung) exitWith {titleText ["","PLAIN",0.5]; [color="#0000FF"]ari_ziel = nil;[/color] hint "Unterstützungsanforderung abgebrochen";}; You can work around only with !visibleMap, sure, but you need one step, to set the clickpos to nil.
  7. drunken officer

    Help with Police Sirens

    You mean like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOIYEkUIm2E&nofeather=True ? I used 3 scripte. the first one add the lightbar. The 2. script start the lightbar animation. The i add a action menue to start the sirenes. You can block the multiple adding with a variable. Use the waitUntil command. The 3. Script add the menue to turn off, delete the action menue and create a new one. I can post you the script, when i'm back at home.
  8. drunken officer

    addwaypoint position

    Syntax: Array = groupName addWaypoint [center, radius] or [center, radius, index] Parameters: groupName: Group [center, radius]: Array center: Position or Object index: Number Return Value: Array - format Waypoint Examples Example 1: _wp = grp addWaypoint [position player, 0] Postion is an arrray. Normaly addwaypoint [[x,z,y],0] but i'm not sure. Try it
  9. I played arround, but i dont know, how BIS it did. When you start the campaign or mission "maxwell", there is a nice on. 1. CinemaBorders. I can show them only when a camerafly is activ. When i destroy the cam, i cant show this borders 2. Movment without keys but free to look arround. - I can switch the camera to other chars into the internal mode, then the person is walking without any keys and i've a ego view. But i cant look arround. Anybody know, how BIS did it - CinemaBorders when a camera is not activ? - the magic movement without keys but free to look around.
  10. drunken officer

    CinemaBorders and magic movesm How did it BIS

    It works right now. 1. dont do it in the init line of players 2. if you use a trigger, use a spawn script for that i love it. Thanks again
  11. drunken officer


    Thank you guys!
  12. drunken officer


    I've a question to this BIS_fnc_typeText When i use it, the message is in the upper selection of my screen. [ [ ["Coast of South ALTIS","<t align = '[color="#FF0000"]center[/color]' shadow = '1' size = '0.7' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>"] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; align give me the chance to set it left, center or right. But i need it in the lower right corner. How can i "move" this message block?
  13. drunken officer

    CinemaBorders and magic movesm How did it BIS

    okay, the bis_fnc_cinemaborder works great. But the animation not. In this viewer, it's looped. My little soldier is standing on spot, i can just look arround, but the soldier is not moving
  14. drunken officer

    create a Campain

    Hello. I'm looking for a tutorial to create campains. I know, a campain is a row of single missions. There must be multiple pbo files inside the main folder. Each of them have a own mission.sqm, description.ext ... But i dont know the code, when i finish the first mission to load the next mission/pbo. I ask google, but there is no tutorial about campains. :( Can someone explain me the first steps or send my the link to a good tutorial.
  15. hello I've a problem with this command this say ["radiosong",1]; - init line of the radio inside a camp If i change the number (TitleDistance), there is no difference. The "soundsource" is on the right position. When i move away, the loudness is lower, but it's never quite. Can sombody help me? discription.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class radiosong { // how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects) name = "radiosong"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = {"\sounds\metallica.ogg", 1,1}; // subtitle delay in seconds, subtitle text titles[] = {1, "*metalica*"}; }; };
  16. drunken officer

    Proxy path for driver

    Hello. I try to import my A2 car moddels to A3. But i cant find the proxy path for the drivers. Can someone told me, the right path? I think, the hatchback should be the right one. And the next one is. I cant move the head, when i'm inside.
  17. drunken officer

    Music question

    Waypoint > effects > music Or use a trigger. Try it with a spawn script and use the fademusic command. You have to define the music in your description.ext by cfgsounds
  18. I tried this this animate ["HidePolice", 0]; but i cant see the lightbar at this offroad vehicle
  19. I've a question about a conversation. I named my soldiers s1, s2 & s3 (just for testing). When i use this code s1 sidechat "it'S boring today"; sleep 4; s2 sideChat "yeah, because DOF forgot to set some targets"; sleep 4; s3 sideChat "Keep cool."; Every time, the shown name is the group name. It looks like: Alpha 1-1: it'S boring today Alpha 1-1: yeah, because DOF forgot to set some targets Alpha 1-1: Keep cool. How can i add the "names" to the chat?
  20. drunken officer

    Respawn disable

    oh, nice to know!
  21. drunken officer

    Police Lightbar has model .p3d???

    There is a police offroad car from BIS? Are you sure? The only BIS lightbar i've seen, is the police boat.
  22. drunken officer

    Possible to make a built in weapon flashlight?

    Only the flashlight class will not working!!! You have to add a new class inside your weapon class. I dont know the name right now, because i'm not at home. There you have to add comaptibleitems[] = {acc_flashlights}; When you add a proxy, you gun have a model as flashlight
  23. drunken officer

    Missing useraction after attach the obj to a car

    1. Then it's changed to A2. I did it on same way. 2. Hm, thats true. I will attach it to a bike or to a house. But it's strange. Normaly you need a geo-lod to actived the UA-menue. The blue dot inside this LOD is the middle of the radius.
  24. Hello. I create a object (lightbar in us & german style) with a useraction. Everything is fine and working. Now i attached it to a car. I moved my actionpoints under ths object. Radius is 5. When i attached the object to the car, there is no useraction menu! Anybody got the answer? Thanks
  25. call it by this way: [name_chopper,time for jumper delay, counter] execVM "scripte\dof_sprung.sqf"; para = [mytransportchopper, 1, 8] execVM "scripte\dof_sprung.sqf"; ********************************************************************************************** *** Script by Drunken Officer *** Version 1.0 ********************************************************************************************* _lfz = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; _counter = _this select 2; _list = assignedCargo _lfz; _cnt = count _list; _lfz vehicleChat format ["Get ready for jump. Jump is in %1 sec.", _counter]; sleep _counter; _lfz vehicleChat "JUMP"; for "_spr" from 0 to _cnt do { _springer = _list select _spr; _springer setPos [(getPos _lfz select 0),(getPos _lfz select 1),(getPos _lfz select 2)-15]; _springer action ["EJECT", _lfz]; _chute = "Steerable_Parachute_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; sleep 0.5; _chute setPos [(getPos _springer select 0),(getPos _springer select 1),(getPos _springer select 2)+5]; _springer moveInDriver _chute; sleep _delay; }; ;