drunken officer
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Everything posted by drunken officer
String from array use as variable fo a spawned group
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I think i got it. Now the AI follow the wayoints and its possible to call the group by given name in array .... _grp = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; missionNamespace setVariable [_DOF_GRPNAME, _grp]; _grp setGroupId [_DOF_GRPNAME]; //dont be needed, just rename the group. _DOF_GRPNAME = _grp; //testline player sideChat format ["Gruppenname: %1 Anzahl: %2 ID: %3", _DOF_GRPNAME, (count units _DOF_GRPNAME), (groupID _DOF_GRPNAME)]; .. or .... _grp = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; missionNamespace setVariable [_DOF_GRPNAME, _grp]; _grp setGroupId [_DOF_GRPNAME]; //dont be needed, just rename the group. [s]_DOF_GRPNAME = _grp;[/s] //testline player sideChat format ["Gruppenname: %1 Anzahl: %2 ID: %3", _grp, (count units _grp), (groupID _grp)]; .. //but u have to use ... [_grp, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "safe"; [_grp, 1] SetWaypointType "Move"; [_grp, 1] setWaypointSpeed "limited"; .... -
String from array use as variable fo a spawned group
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello. I would spawn a group and give them waypoints. To controll this group, i want to give a name to it. I start the script with: o=["Markername","groupname"] execVM "spawnandpartol.sqf"; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_ldr", "_wppos", "_msize", "_mpos", "_DOF_GRPNAME"]; _DOF_GRPNAME = _this select 1; // _msize = getMarkerSize (_this select 0); _mPos = markerPos (_this select 0); _DOF_WPPOS = [( _mPos select 0) (random (_msize select 0) - random (_msize select 0)),(_mPos select 1) (random (_msize select 1) - random (_msize select 1)),0]; _grp = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // now, the spawned groupname is _grp missionNamespace setVariable [_DOF_GRPNAME, _grp]; // if i understand it, now the 2nd element of the array (groupname) is right now the variable for the group while {{alive _x} count units _DOF_GRPNAME > 0} do { _wp1 = _DOF_GRPNAME addWaypoint [_DOF_WPPOS, 1]; _wppos = getWPPos [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1]; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "safe"; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] SetWaypointType "Move"; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] setWaypointSpeed "limited"; [_DOF_GRPNAME, 1] setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN"; .... }; this code is not working. If i use _grp instead of _DOF_GRPNAME everything is fine. How can i use the 2nd element of the array as variable for the spawned group? -
String from array use as variable fo a spawned group
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Nope If you use this _groupname = [_mPos, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _groupname get a new value. So it's not the same before -
Added uniform disappearing in SinglePlayer
drunken officer replied to alky_lee's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I've the same problem I load for all west units a uniform. I do this in my init file. As long i run this mission in the editor, everything is fine. If i save the mission as SP and switch to it, i got the original uniforms. {if (side _x == WEST) then {_x setobjecttexture [0,"scripte\....paa"];} forEach allunits I retexture the origianl uniform and changed the flag. I saved it as paa file DX 1. I didnt changed the size or something -
Hello. I gave my player this command: player addheadgear "H_Beret_red"; Okay, ALL berets are black... :mad: I unpack the pbo and recolor the *.paa file. Now i would to like to load this paa. player setObjectTexture [?, "pics\headgear_beret01_red_co.paa"]; Index 0 is the uniform. Which index i have to use for the beret. Edit: If i set 0, the whole uniform is red. If i set 1, nothing happends. The beret is still black. If i load a non exitst paa, there is a massage. I think, 1 is the right index, but nothing happends
drunken officer replied to fusion13's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
@Dragonsyr Use your script and do a test. Open the map by your script. Close the map (Yes, your script is canceled at this moment). Open the map again (but not by your script !!! ) and do a single click. See what happend... Why? The waitUntil-command is behind you onClick command. And this is still in your memory. To avoid this, i set a variable to nil. openMap [true, false]; titleText ["Senden sie die Koordinaten (Einfack-Klick auf Karte)","PLAIN",1]; onMapSingleClick "[color="#0000FF"]ari_ziel = _pos;[/color][color="#00FF00"] anforderung = true;[/color] onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; waitUntil {!visibleMap || [color="#00FF00"]anforderung[/color]}; if (!anforderung) exitWith {titleText ["","PLAIN",0.5]; [color="#0000FF"]ari_ziel = nil;[/color] hint "Unterstützungsanforderung abgebrochen";}; You can work around only with !visibleMap, sure, but you need one step, to set the clickpos to nil. -
Help with Police Sirens
drunken officer replied to thetrooper's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
You mean like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOIYEkUIm2E&nofeather=True ? I used 3 scripte. the first one add the lightbar. The 2. script start the lightbar animation. The i add a action menue to start the sirenes. You can block the multiple adding with a variable. Use the waitUntil command. The 3. Script add the menue to turn off, delete the action menue and create a new one. I can post you the script, when i'm back at home. -
addwaypoint position
drunken officer replied to dragonsyr's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Syntax: Array = groupName addWaypoint [center, radius] or [center, radius, index] Parameters: groupName: Group [center, radius]: Array center: Position or Object index: Number Return Value: Array - format Waypoint Examples Example 1: _wp = grp addWaypoint [position player, 0] Postion is an arrray. Normaly addwaypoint [[x,z,y],0] but i'm not sure. Try it -
CinemaBorders and magic movesm How did it BIS
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I played arround, but i dont know, how BIS it did. When you start the campaign or mission "maxwell", there is a nice on. 1. CinemaBorders. I can show them only when a camerafly is activ. When i destroy the cam, i cant show this borders 2. Movment without keys but free to look arround. - I can switch the camera to other chars into the internal mode, then the person is walking without any keys and i've a ego view. But i cant look arround. Anybody know, how BIS did it - CinemaBorders when a camera is not activ? - the magic movement without keys but free to look around. -
CinemaBorders and magic movesm How did it BIS
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
It works right now. 1. dont do it in the init line of players 2. if you use a trigger, use a spawn script for that i love it. Thanks again -
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thank you guys! -
I've a question to this BIS_fnc_typeText When i use it, the message is in the upper selection of my screen. [ [ ["Coast of South ALTIS","<t align = '[color="#FF0000"]center[/color]' shadow = '1' size = '0.7' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>"] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; align give me the chance to set it left, center or right. But i need it in the lower right corner. How can i "move" this message block?
CinemaBorders and magic movesm How did it BIS
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
okay, the bis_fnc_cinemaborder works great. But the animation not. In this viewer, it's looped. My little soldier is standing on spot, i can just look arround, but the soldier is not moving -
Hello. I'm looking for a tutorial to create campains. I know, a campain is a row of single missions. There must be multiple pbo files inside the main folder. Each of them have a own mission.sqm, description.ext ... But i dont know the code, when i finish the first mission to load the next mission/pbo. I ask google, but there is no tutorial about campains. :( Can someone explain me the first steps or send my the link to a good tutorial.
hello I've a problem with this command this say ["radiosong",1]; - init line of the radio inside a camp If i change the number (TitleDistance), there is no difference. The "soundsource" is on the right position. When i move away, the loudness is lower, but it's never quite. Can sombody help me? discription.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class radiosong { // how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects) name = "radiosong"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = {"\sounds\metallica.ogg", 1,1}; // subtitle delay in seconds, subtitle text titles[] = {1, "*metalica*"}; }; };
Hello. I try to import my A2 car moddels to A3. But i cant find the proxy path for the drivers. Can someone told me, the right path? I think, the hatchback should be the right one. And the next one is. I cant move the head, when i'm inside.
Music question
drunken officer replied to AveryTheKitty's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Waypoint > effects > music Or use a trigger. Try it with a spawn script and use the fademusic command. You have to define the music in your description.ext by cfgsounds -
Offroad Police sirens, lights and underglow?
drunken officer replied to progamer's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I tried this this animate ["HidePolice", 0]; but i cant see the lightbar at this offroad vehicle -
Conversation - allway the group name is shown in chat not the char name
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I've a question about a conversation. I named my soldiers s1, s2 & s3 (just for testing). When i use this code s1 sidechat "it'S boring today"; sleep 4; s2 sideChat "yeah, because DOF forgot to set some targets"; sleep 4; s3 sideChat "Keep cool."; Every time, the shown name is the group name. It looks like: Alpha 1-1: it'S boring today Alpha 1-1: yeah, because DOF forgot to set some targets Alpha 1-1: Keep cool. How can i add the "names" to the chat? -
Respawn disable
drunken officer replied to mr_shadow's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
oh, nice to know! -
Police Lightbar has model .p3d???
drunken officer replied to maxjoiner's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
There is a police offroad car from BIS? Are you sure? The only BIS lightbar i've seen, is the police boat. -
Possible to make a built in weapon flashlight?
drunken officer replied to zachgibson22's topic in ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)
Only the flashlight class will not working!!! You have to add a new class inside your weapon class. I dont know the name right now, because i'm not at home. There you have to add comaptibleitems[] = {acc_flashlights}; When you add a proxy, you gun have a model as flashlight -
Missing useraction after attach the obj to a car
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)
1. Then it's changed to A2. I did it on same way. 2. Hm, thats true. I will attach it to a bike or to a house. But it's strange. Normaly you need a geo-lod to actived the UA-menue. The blue dot inside this LOD is the middle of the radius. -
Missing useraction after attach the obj to a car
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)
Hello. I create a object (lightbar in us & german style) with a useraction. Everything is fine and working. Now i attached it to a car. I moved my actionpoints under ths object. Radius is 5. When i attached the object to the car, there is no useraction menu! Anybody got the answer? Thanks -
Config: Parajumping Issue and Reflector A2/A3 conversion issue
drunken officer replied to BadHabitz's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
call it by this way: [name_chopper,time for jumper delay, counter] execVM "scripte\dof_sprung.sqf"; para = [mytransportchopper, 1, 8] execVM "scripte\dof_sprung.sqf"; ********************************************************************************************** *** Script by Drunken Officer *** Version 1.0 ********************************************************************************************* _lfz = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; _counter = _this select 2; _list = assignedCargo _lfz; _cnt = count _list; _lfz vehicleChat format ["Get ready for jump. Jump is in %1 sec.", _counter]; sleep _counter; _lfz vehicleChat "JUMP"; for "_spr" from 0 to _cnt do { _springer = _list select _spr; _springer setPos [(getPos _lfz select 0),(getPos _lfz select 1),(getPos _lfz select 2)-15]; _springer action ["EJECT", _lfz]; _chute = "Steerable_Parachute_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; sleep 0.5; _chute setPos [(getPos _springer select 0),(getPos _springer select 1),(getPos _springer select 2)+5]; _springer moveInDriver _chute; sleep _delay; }; ;