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drunken officer

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Everything posted by drunken officer

  1. Try this. Untested code radius whatever / whatever activion: blue or red or everybody Condtion: this && (vehicle player) in thislist && vehicle player != player Act: your code
  2. Hello. I've spawned objects called "test_EmptyObjectForFireBIG"; But i cant delete this objecst. But i need it, because it takes FPS. And i don't need longer then 2 mins. The command deleteVehicle doesnt work.
  3. i set it publiceVariable, no error. But i cant deleted it...
  4. Maybe i'm to dumb for this.... Start the script inside the object init: [this, 50, 10] execVM "fnc\fireeffect.sqf" private ["_fire", "_dis", "_obj", "_burntime ", "_einheiten"]; if (isMultiplayer) then {_einheiten = playableUnits} else {_einheiten = switchableUnits }; sleep 1; _obj = _this select 0; _dis = _this select 1; _burntime = _this select 2; waituntil {sleep 2; {_x distance _obj < _dis} count _einheiten > 0 }; if (isServer) then { _fire= createVehicle ["test_EmptyObjectForFireBIG", (getPos _obj), [], 0, "can_collide"]; }; sleep _burntime ; _emitterArray = _fire getVariable "effects"; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _emitterArray; deleteVehicle _fire; }; It works in the edior but not on Dedicate Server. It burn and burn and burn. What do i wrong?
  5. MMMH, it seems this code runs not on dedicate server
  6. Hello. Since a while, my GUI Edior is broken. But in some arma-forums, the most user reported, that the problem is gone. Not for me. When i'm opening the GUI Editor, there is a "OK" button without any interaction. The game crashes and i've to shut down by task manager. Somebody knows, what the problem is?
  7. drunken officer

    Open map dialog from Communication Menu

    I've the same problem with my dialog. There is one option, you can some with + & - by the num-block. If you call the dialog by radio trigger, the map zoom didnt works too. Only with addaction, you can use the mouse wheel. Someone knows, how to fix it`?
  8. drunken officer

    [DOF] Advanced Artillery System

    Are you sure, that you coords are right? I tested it on both maps (from BIS). I didnt tested it on all the other addon maps. And the units will fire correct. x-Axis = (123) Number of fiel and (12) select the part // 19250 -> the middle betwenn 192 and 193 the same with the y-axis YEs: i will add a warning system. At the moment, the script checks, if any unit can fire or not. When all units didnt fire, you can call again without any sleep time.
  9. Hello. I will show you my "Advanced Artillery System" (AAS). First of all, it's my first dialog ever in Arma! And i tested only in singleplayer. Maybe a good scripter can help me to make it possible to use in MP I think, it is to easy to do a simple click on map and the artillery will fire to this spot. My idea was, that the soldier which one is in the battle, has to call the artillery. But they need the infos, about the coordinates and what the soldier need. So the soldier doesnt have to type in the angle and what ever. It's a part of the artillery... The soldier have to say: How many units have to fire. The rounds, the ammo and the x/y coordinates. This script have two options. The first one is simple. The map builder dont need to place units on map. It is a phantom script. That means, the rounds will created by script. Options are: rounds type of ammo max. spread The secound one is a "real" system. That means, the units must placed on map. Options are: how many units rounds for each unit type of ammo for each unit coordinates for each unit The script will check, if the unit are alive or not and will deleted dead units. The mission builder can remove and add units. I add a "masterinit". There its possible to set phantomscript-settings max. rounds possible type of ammo (use six config browser) realsystem-settings: fill the array with the units max. rounds autorearm (true/false) for both systems time to sleep, before you can call again min. distance from target area to player max. distance form target area to player Description.ext Start Parameter Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/017uilqn0piyht0/DOF_AAS.7z The script dont required anything. Copy the whole DOF_ASS folder into your mission folder.
  10. Wrong size. 256 x 256,512 X 512, 1024 x 1024 .... Or 512 x 1024, 512 x 256, ....
  11. drunken officer

    Creating Custom Vehicle Crew

    And what do you need? kill the crew {_x setdammage 1} forEach crew heli1 place a new unit on map and move ths unit into the helicopter.
  12. After a long try, I can not get past. I have dealt with dialogues and displays. A simple dialogue can I make. Also pictures and a simple text, I can show with a display. But I can not superimpose a structured text. I also read a lot in the BIS WIKI. I wanted to show as a credit for my mission: Special thanks to BOSCH for speaking the dialoges I have in my description.ext the definitions and RscText. Can someone show me an example. On working examples you learn best. Thank you
  13. drunken officer

    Problems with value in my combo field (DIALOG)

    A damn, my foul. When i hit the button, the dialog was close. But i have to store the index in a global variable, before the dialog is closed.
  14. Hello. I've create my first own dialog for arty-support. I add a combo field, to select the ammo type. But idk how to take this valu to my script. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lbSetSelected_index needs a control. And there is my problem. What does it means this control? I've a control class in my dialog.hpp. There is a class for the combo field. I think this is this control... if i use _selected = DOF_AMMO_SWITCH lbIsSelected 0; i get a message, that the DOF_AMMO_SWITCH is not a defined variable Here some codes Dialog class DOF_DIALOG { idd = -1; movingenable = true; class controls { ... ... class [b]DOF_AMMO_SWITCH[/b]: RscCombo { [b]idc = 2903;[/b] x = 0.578000; y = 0.2 + (11 / 23); w = 0.2075; h = 0.045; sizeEx = 0.025; rowHeight = 0.4; wholeHeight = 4 * 0.025; // 3 lines to display + 1 line of the unelapsed control class ComboScrollbar : Scrollbar { color[] = {1,1,1,0.6}; colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3}; thumb = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; arrowEmpty = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; arrowFull = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; border = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; shadow = 0; }; }; }; }; [/Code] [u]dialogstart.sqf[/u] [code] disableSerialization; createDialog "DOF_DIALOG"; waitUntil {dialog}; {lbAdd[2903,_x]} forEach ["Sh_82mm_AMOS","Sh_120mm_HE","Sh_120mm_APFSDS", "Sh_155mm_AMOS"]; lbSetValue [2903, 0, 1]; lbSetValue [2903, 1, 2]; lbSetValue [2903, 2, 3]; lbSetValue [2903, 3, 4]; ARTYSCript //testline _index = lbCurSel 2903; player sideChat format ["INDEX: %1", _index]; _index is always -1 I need the values 0 - 4 for my script. Which command i have to use, to take the values to my arty script?
  15. drunken officer

    Problems with value in my combo field (DIALOG)

    Yes, the dialog is open. If i open the dialog, nothing is selecet. The player has to do it
  16. 1. missing muzzleflash I've a handgun. But i cant see the muzzleflash, when i trigger the gun. I've created a own flash model. I have add a proxy to my gun, which is linked to the p3d object (flash). The proxy is named as "zasleh" and "muzzelflash". In A2 it was "zasleh", thats why its named to. When i start the buldozer, i can see the flash. This flash is called in the model.cfg class mygun { sections[] ="zasleh"; }; Is there something changed by the muzzleflash in A3 to A2? 2. deactived the firepicture at the ground, when trigger the gun Everytime, if you trigger the weapon, A3 creates a picture at the ground. But i dont need it. I have deactivated the gunparticle effects, but i dont know, how to deactived the pic on the ground.
  17. LOL, if i use a A3 proxy, it works. If i use my muzzlemodel, it's doesnt works. If i copy my muzzel to my model and dont call it "zasleh", i can see it. If i use my muzzelmodel directly to my gun and named it zasleh, it works too, if i fire the gun. But then, my gun is not longer in the correct handposition. Thats arma.......
  18. Hello. I've a problem with my car mirrors (Rendertargets) Outside of the vehicle, all targets are black. When i'm in, i can see the mirror, but it looks like a big zoomfactor. I changed the FOV value, but nothing happends. So what i did: Resolution LOD and ViewCargo LOD: LeftMirror named as rendertarget0, mapped with #(argb,256,512,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0) rightMirrior named as renderatarget 1, mapped with #(argb,256,512,1)r2t(rendertarget1,1.0) middleMirrior named as rendertarget2. mapped with #(argb,256,512,1)r2t(rendertarget2,1.0) no RVMAT on it. In my memory LOD, i create at the centre of each mirror a point. Copy and paste them an set them a bit way. The points at the mirror i named them Pip0_pos (left mirror), PIP1_POS (right mirror), PIP2_POS (middel mirror) the other ones i named PIP0_dir, PIP1_dir, and PIP_dir Config: class RenderTargets /// class for all Picture-in-Picture { class LeftMirror { //renderTarget = "rendertarget0"; /// what texture is going to be used, it should be mapped in model like #(argb,256,512,1)r2t(rendertarget0,1.0) renderTarget = "rendertarget0"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP0_pos"; /// memory point of PiP origin pointDirection = "PIP0_dir"; /// memory point of PiP direction renderQuality = 2; /// what quality should the PiP be renderVisionMode = 0; /// zero means standard vision fov = 1.2; /// what is the angle of the PiP field of view }; }; class RightMirror { renderTarget = "rendertarget1"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP1_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP1_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 0; fov = 0.7; }; }; class MiddleMirror { renderTarget = "rendertarget2"; class CameraView1 { pointPosition = "PIP2_pos"; pointDirection = "PIP2_dir"; renderQuality = 2; renderVisionMode = 0; fov = 0.7; }; }; }; What did i wrong, that i cant change the zoom and why is it outside the vehicle black?
  19. I have my own artillery script with dialog to give to coordinates by x and y axis and not by click. I use a phantom script. It means, I create the bullets with the createVehicle command. In A2 Its possible to create arty bullets. In A3 it seems it is not possible. The arty bullets spawn in the air and nothing happened. If i use some ammo from the rocket class "r_80mm_he" or bomb class it works. What I have to do, that the arty bullets will falling down and explode. I use the pitchbank command to turn them downwards.
  20. drunken officer

    spawned ari bullets dont falling down

    It works right now. Thank you
  21. Hello. I create my first dialog Now i have to change the value of the slider. Standart is 0 to 10. I need 0 to 200. I know, i can change it with this command sliderSetRange [idcnumber, 0, 200]; But this is inside the mission. Is there a way to do it inside the dialog.hpp? .... class DOF_dropzone_slider : RscXSliderH { idc = 2901; text = ""; onSliderPosChanged = "hint format[""%1"",_this];"; tooltip = "Rad. of dropzone"; x = 0.49239 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.755713 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = "9 * ( ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40)"; h = "1 * ( ( ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25)"; };
  22. Hello guys. I've 2 question. I wrote my arty-script. In Singleplayer it works 100% correct. But in MP there are some problems. 1. Generll, not everybody can read the commander message. Just the caller of the script. 2. If I host the mission and i do call the script, the arty will fire. 3. If i host the mission, and my friend call the script, the script runs, shows him the message. Script is done but the arty dont shoot. What i have to do, that this script is useable for SP/MP (Host/Deti) ? This script needs real arty units on map. It's possbile to set a undefined count of arty-units. [ [nameofarty1,nameofarty2], true ] execVM "DOF_realarty.sqf" The sleeptime and the rounds are defined in the description.ext //***************Arty script for multiple units *** V 1.0 ************ // //**********the unit must be placed on map and namend ************* // //******* 0=[[unit1,unit2,unit3], true/false,] execVM "DOF_realarty.sqf"; //if (!isServer) exitWith {}; if (!isServer && isDedicated) exitWith {}; private ["_DOFARTY", "_DOFGREN", "_DOFSLEEP", "_DOFARTYSIDE", "_DOFREARM", "_DOFCNT"]; _DOFARTY = _this select 0; _DOFGREN = (paramsArray select 6); //_DOFGREN = _this select 2; _DOFSLEEP = (paramsArray select 2); //_DOFSLEEP = _This select 3; _DOFARTYSIDE = side gunner ((_this select 0) select 0); _DOFREARM = _this select 1; _DOFCNT = count (_this select 0); if (_DOFCNT == 0) exitWith {hint "No units available"}; if (isNil "_DOFREARM") then {_DOFREARM = false}; if (isNil "dof_schwereari_anforderung") then {dof_schwereari_anforderung = false}; if (isNil "_nachladen") then {_nachladen = false}; if (dof_schwereari_anforderung) exitWith { [_DOFARTYSIDE, "HQ"] commandChat "Artillery is rearming at the moment"; }; //************ öffnet Karte und verlangt Klick **************** openMap [true, false]; titleText ["Send the coordinates (single-click on map)","PLAIN",1]; onMapSingleClick "ari_ziel = _pos; dof_schwereari_anforderung = true; onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; waitUntil {sleep 1; !visibleMap || dof_schwereari_anforderung}; if (!dof_schwereari_anforderung) exitWith {titleText ["","PLAIN",0.5]; ari_ziel = nil; hint "Support canceld";}; [_DOFARTYSIDE, "HQ"] commandChat format ["Artillery will fire on %1 , %2", (ari_ziel select 0), (ari_ziel select 1) ] ; //************** kriert Hilfsziel und Marker ************** _hz = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle ari_ziel; createMarker ["Zielmarker", position _hz ]; "Zielmarker" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "Zielmarker" setMarkerType "mil_warning"; "Zielmarker" setMarkerText "Artillerysupport"; "Zielmarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; dof_schwereari_anforderung = true; { effectiveCommander _x commandArtilleryFire [getPos _hz, currentMagazine _x, _DOFGREN]; sleep 1 + random 3 } forEach _DOFARTY; waituntil {sleep 1; {unitready _x} forEach _DOFARTY}; [_DOFARTYSIDE, "HQ"] commandChat "Artillerysupport finished"; if (_DOFREARM) then { {_x setVehicleAmmo 1} forEach _DOFARTY; }; ari_ziel = nil; deleteVehicle _hz; deleteMarker "Zielmarker"; sleep _DOFSLEEP; dof_schwereari_anforderung = false;
  23. http://hx3.de/editing-scripting-187/hilfe-heli-evakuierungs-script-23283/#post466677 I have now the version 2.0 There its possible to define a group, which one should be pick up. And the call can throw any grenade.
  24. drunken officer

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    After a short talk with Rockhount, i used the wrong programm. It's not possible with IZArc. Now i have to use 7zip
  25. drunken officer

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I downloaded the 4.6 MB. If i try to unzip the file (Fulldownload mappack v1.4, mirror 2) it need a passord! Can somebody tell me it