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bier aig tartar

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Everything posted by bier aig tartar

  1. bier aig tartar

    Civilian Opinion and Interaction Script

    hallo can you please give an example that?
  2. bier aig tartar

    Fulton Recovery

    Da habe ich mal eine frage , in welchem Szenario soll man dies nutzen ? Verstehe den genauern sinn darin nicht ?
  3. bier aig tartar

    Project OPFOR

    when I start your mod I get the error message "Author /" is not value? Can you fix it? LG Tartar
  4. Having trouble with spawning independent/resitance infantry groups, east and west groups working example east working: _cfgGroup = ( configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad" ) ;_newGroup = [ getPosATL player, EAST, _cfgGroup ] call BIS_Fnc_spawnGroup; example independent NOT working: _cfgGroup = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "independent" >> "IND_C_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BanditCombatGroup") ;_newGroup = [ getPosATL player, independent, _cfgGroup ] call BIS_Fnc_spawnGroup; The strange thing is Independent armored groups (vehicles) are working (as well as east and west armored groups). Any Ideas? LG Tartar
  5. bier aig tartar

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    hallo Will this mission developed for Tanoa DLC? This mission is one of the best Public MP missions and it would be unfortunate if it will not be built ! Sorry for my bad English ;-)
  6. bier aig tartar

    3den Enhanced

    Hello , When comes the hotfix to fix error after the arma 3 v1.60. ubdate ?
  7. Have a script error message and do not get it resolved? Who can tell me what I'm doing wrong? the script works and does what I want, but it comes the following script error message. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server RPT eintrag lautet : Server RPT entry reads: 19:11:06 Error in expression <urUnit = Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe createUnit [(_Local_var_UnitInfos select> 19:11:06 Error position: <createUnit [(_Local_var_UnitInfos select> 19:11:06 Error Typ Jede, erwartet Zeichenfolge 19:11:06 File C:\Users\ja197\OneDrive\Dokumente\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Tartar\missions\The_First_day_0_2alpha.Altis\LagerBewacherGruppe.sqf, line 24 19:11:06 Suspending not allowed in this context 19:11:06 Error in expression <agerBewacherGruppe setCombatMode "RED"; sleep 10; { _x setVariable ["FiredIndex"> 19:11:06 Error position: <sleep 10; { _x setVariable ["FiredIndex"> 19:11:06 Error Allgemeiner Fehler in Ausdruck 19:11:06 File C:\Users\ja197\OneDrive\Dokumente\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Tartar\missions\The_First_day_0_2alpha.Altis\LagerBewacherGruppe.sqf, line 43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here the script ! ----------------------------- if (isServer) then { waituntil {sleep 5;({(_x distance [10773.5,10788.5,0]) < 10} count playableUnits) > 0 }; Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe = createGroup east; _Local_var_UnitInfos = [ ["rhs_vdv_mflora_marksman", [10738.4,10797.5,20.3164], 7.225], ["rhs_vdv_flora_officer", [10763.1,10774.4,0.0159998], 328], ["rhs_vdv_flora_rifleman", [10770.4,10766.2,0.284522], 86, "rhs_uniform_cu_ocp_10th", "optic_Arco"], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_sergeant", [10783.7,10773.5,0], 266, "rhs_uniform_cu_ocp_10th", "optic_Arco"], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_machinegunner ", [10780.6,10773.2,0], 358], // 4 rechts an schranke ["rhs_vdv_mflora_grenadier", [10872,10714.1,4.40179], 14], // 11 mitte wachturm grenze links ["rhs_vdv_mflora_machinegunner", [10873.8,10712.6,4.15], 13, "rhs_uniform_cu_ocp_10th", "optic_Arco"], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_aa", [10532.6,10804.7,0], 30.4, "rhs_uniform_cu_ocp_10th", "optic_Arco"], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_machinegunner", [10785.1,10711,0.000103951], 8.21], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_officer_armored", [10779.3,10672.8,0], 92.2], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_engineer", [10772,10666,0.535555], 6.20], ["rhs_vdv_mflora_at", [10761.6,10683.2,-9.53674e-007], 346] ]; for "_i" from 0 to 12 do { _Local_var_CurUnit = Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe createUnit [(_Local_var_UnitInfos select _i) select 0, (_Local_var_UnitInfos select _i) select 1, [], 0, "none"]; _Local_var_CurUnit setRank "Private"; _Local_var_CurUnit setDir ((_Local_var_UnitInfos select _i) select 2); _Local_var_CurUnit setSkill 0.9; _Local_var_CurUnit disableAI "MOVE"; if (count (_Local_var_UnitInfos select _i) > 3) then { removeUniform _Local_var_CurUnit; removeHeadgear _Local_var_CurUnit; _Local_var_CurUnit unassignItem "FirstAidKit"; _Local_var_CurUnit removeItem "FirstAidKit"; _Local_var_CurUnit forceAddUniform ((_Local_var_UnitInfos select _i) select 3); _Local_var_CurUnit addVest "rhs_6b23_ML_6sh92_headset"; _Local_var_CurUnit addHeadgear "rhs_6b26_bala"; _Local_var_CurUnit addPrimaryWeaponItem ((_Local_var_UnitInfos select _i) select 4); }; }; Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe setBehaviour "AWARE"; Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe setCombatMode "RED"; sleep 10; { _x setVariable ["FiredIndex", _x addEventHandler ["fired", {{_x enableAI "Move";_x removeEventHandler ["fired", _x getVariable "FiredIndex"];} forEach units Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe;}], false]; } foreach units Global_var_LagerBewacherGruppe; };
  8. bier aig tartar

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Hallo Habe folgendes Problem habe in der serverconfig.hpp die Einträge für RHS und Cup Units eingetragen , auf dem Server sind folgende mods -mod=@RHS;@Cup;@Ace3;@cba_a3;@dcg aber egal was ich mache als gegner kommen immer die standard Einheiten der Russen. Was mache ich fals , der Headlessclient lädt die mods auch mit , außer @dcg ! oder muss der headlessclient auch @dcg mit laden ? in Englisch: Hello Have the following problem checked the server entries for RHS and Cup Units serverconfig.hpp registered on the server are the following mods -mod=@cba_a3;@RHS;@Cup;@Ace3;@dcg But in the battle zones are not RHS units ? Have as you entered the bottom of the see serverconfig.hpp can everything! Use the standart mission dcg_west.altis, I have in this mission and what change so RHS units spwanen as enemies? Sorry my English is not so good ;-) /* Author: Nicholas Clark (SENSEI) Description: handles server side DCG settings, this file only has an effect on the server __________________________________________________________________*/ class dcg_main_debug { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 0; }; class dcg_main_loadData { typeName = "BOOL"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_main_baseName { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "MOB Dodge"; }; class dcg_main_baseRadius { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1800; }; class dcg_main_baseSafezone { typeName = "BOOL"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_main_blacklistLocations { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { }; }; class dcg_main_simpleWorlds { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { "Chernarus", "Chernarus_Summer" }; }; class dcg_main_unitPoolEast { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_vdv_des_at","rhs_vdv_des_at","rhs_vdv_des_marksman_asval","rhs_vdv_des_junior_sergeant","rhs_vdv_des_RShG2","rhs_vdv_des_LAT","rhs_vdv_des_grenadier","rhs_vdv_des_rifleman_asval","rhs_vdv_des_rifleman","rhs_vdv_des_medic","rhs_vdv_des_machinegunner","rhs_vdv_des_aa","rhs_vdv_des_at","rhs_vdv_des_driver_armored","rhs_vdv_des_crew","rhs_vdv_des_combatcrew","rhs_vdv_des_crew_commander","rhs_vdv_des_efreitor","rhs_vdv_des_grenadier_rpg","rhs_vdv_des_strelok_rpg_assist","rhs_vdv_des_engineer"} }; }; class dcg_main_vehPoolEast { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_tigr_3camo_vmf","rhs_tigr_sts_3camo_vmf","rhs_gaz66_ammo_vmf","RHS_Ural_Fuel_VMF_01","rhs_btr70_vmf","rhs_btr60_vmf","rhs_zsu234_aa","rhs_bmp1_vv","rhs_prp3_vv","rhs_sprut_vdv","rhs_bmp1d_vdv","rhs_t80u","rhs_t72ba_tv","rhs_t90_tv","rhs_t80um","rhs_btr80a_msv","RHS_Ural_Fuel_MSV_01","rhs_btr60_vmf"} }; }; class dcg_main_airPoolEast { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","RHS_Mi8AMTSh_UPK23_vvs","RHS_Ka52_vvs","RHS_Su25SM_vvs"} }; }; class dcg_main_sniperPoolEast { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_vdv_des_marksman"} }; }; class dcg_main_officerPoolEast { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_vdv_des_officer","rhs_vdv_des_officer_armored"} }; }; class dcg_main_unitPoolInd { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_TL","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_AA","CUP_I_PMC_Sniper_KSVK","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_GL","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_M4A3","CUP_I_PMC_Engineer","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_AT","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_MG_PKM","CUP_I_PMC_Soldier_MG","CUP_I_PMC_Medic","CUP_I_PMC_Sniper","CUP_I_PMC_Bodyguard_M4","CUP_I_PMC_Bodyguard_AA12","I_G_Soldier_SL_F","I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_exp_F","I_G_Sharpshooter_F","I_G_Soldier_M_F","I_G_Soldier_LAT_F","I_G_Soldier_lite_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_medic_F","I_G_officer_F","I_G_Soldier_A_F","I_G_engineer_F","I_G_Soldier_GL_F","I_G_Soldier_AR_F"} }; }; class dcg_main_vehPoolInd { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_uaz_ags_chdkz","rhs_uaz_dshkm_chdkz","rhs_uaz_spg9_chdkz","CUP_I_SUV_Armored_ION","I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","CUP_I_Datsun_PK","CUP_I_Ural_ZU23_NAPA","CUP_I_T34_NAPA","CUP_I_T72_NAPA","CUP_I_BRDM2_NAPA","CUP_I_BRDM2_ATGM_NAPA","CUP_I_T72_RACS"} }; }; class dcg_main_airPoolInd { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","RHS_Mi8amt_chdkz","I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F","I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F","CUP_I_Mi24_D_ION","CUP_I_UH1H_TK_GUE"} }; }; class dcg_main_sniperPoolInd { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_g_Soldier_M_F"} }; }; class dcg_main_officerPoolInd { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhs_g_Soldier_SL_F"} }; }; class dcg_main_unitPoolWest { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhsusf_army_ucp_teamleader","rhsusf_army_ocp_medic","rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_engineer","rhsusf_army_ucp_medic","CUP_B_US_Soldier_AR","rhsusf_army_ocp_marksman","rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_machinegunner_ass","rhsusf_army_ucp_javelin","rhsusf_army_ocp_rifleman"} }; }; class dcg_main_vehPoolWest { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhsusf_m1025_d_m2","rhsusf_m1025_d_Mk19","rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_M2_d_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_rg33_d","rhsusf_rg33_m2_d"} }; }; class dcg_main_airPoolWest { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","RHS_CH_47F_10","RHS_CH_47F_light","RHS_UH60M_d","RHS_UH60M_MEV_d","CUP_B_GR9_CAP_GB","CUP_B_AH1_MR_BAF","CUP_B_Wildcat_Unarmed_RN_Blackcat","CUP_B_Merlin_HC4_GB","CUP_B_C130J_Cargo_GB"} }; }; class dcg_main_sniperPoolWest { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhsusf_army_ucp_sniper"} }; }; class dcg_main_officerPoolWest { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","rhsusf_army_ucp_officer"} }; }; class dcg_main_unitPoolCiv { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","C_man_1","C_man_1_1_F","C_man_1_2_F","C_man_1_3_F","C_man_hunter_1_F","C_man_p_beggar_F","C_man_p_beggar_F_afro","C_man_p_fugitive_F","C_man_p_shorts_1_F","C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_polo_2_F","C_man_polo_3_F","C_man_polo_4_F","C_man_polo_5_F","C_man_polo_6_F","C_man_shorts_1_F","C_man_shorts_2_F","C_man_shorts_3_F","C_man_shorts_4_F","C_man_w_worker_F"} }; }; class dcg_main_vehPoolCiv { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","C_Offroad_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F","C_Van_01_transport_F","CUP_C_SUV_CIV"} }; }; class dcg_main_airPoolCiv { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL","C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F","CUP_C_Mi17_Civilian_RU","CUP_C_MI6A_RU"} }; }; class dcg_occupy_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_occupy_cooldown { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1200; }; class dcg_occupy_locationCount { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 2; }; class dcg_occupy_infCountCapital { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 30; }; class dcg_occupy_vehCountCapital { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 2; }; class dcg_occupy_airCountCapital { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_occupy_infCountCity { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 15; }; class dcg_occupy_vehCountCity { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_occupy_airCountCity { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_occupy_infCountVillage { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 8; }; class dcg_occupy_vehCountVillage { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 0; }; class dcg_occupy_airCountVillage { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 0; }; class dcg_patrol_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_patrol_cooldown { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 500; }; class dcg_patrol_groupsMaxCount { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 25; }; class dcg_patrol_vehChance { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 0.30; }; class dcg_radio_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_radio_tfar_command { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "tf_anprc152"; }; class dcg_radio_tfar_support { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "tf_rt1523g_big"; }; class dcg_radio_tfar_squad { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "tf_rf7800str"; }; class dcg_radio_acre_command { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "ACRE_PRC152"; }; class dcg_radio_acre_support { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "ACRE_PRC117F"; }; class dcg_radio_acre_squad { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "ACRE_PRC343"; }; class dcg_radio_commandNet { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { "plt_co", "a_sl", "b_sl" }; }; class dcg_radio_supportNet { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { "plt_sgt", "r_1", "r_2", "r_3", "r_4", "rh1_co" }; }; class dcg_radio_squadNet { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { {"plt_co","plt_sgt","plt_med","plt_eng"}, {"a_sl","a_med","a1_ftl","a1_ar","a1_aar","a1_at","a1_ab","a1_eng","a2_ftl","a2_ar","a2_aar","a2_at","a2_ab","a2_eng"}, {"b_sl","b_med","b1_ftl","b1_ar","b1_aar","b1_at","b1_ab","b1_eng","b2_ftl","b2_ar","b2_aar","b2_at","b2_ab","b2_eng"}, {"rh1_co","rh1_driver","rh1_gunner"}, {"r_1","r_2","r_3","r_4"} }; }; class dcg_task_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_task_cooldown { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 900; }; class dcg_task_primaryTasks { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { "dcg_task_fnc_pVip", "dcg_task_fnc_pCache", "dcg_task_fnc_pOfficer", "dcg_task_fnc_pDefend" }; }; class dcg_task_secondaryTasks { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { "dcg_task_fnc_sDeliver", "dcg_task_fnc_sRepair" }; }; class dcg_transport_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_transport_maxCount { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 5; }; class dcg_transport_cooldown { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 300; }; class dcg_weather_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_weather_season { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = -1; }; class dcg_weather_time { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = -1; }; class dcg_weather_mapData { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = "POOL"; value[] = { {"ALL",0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5}, {"ALTIS",0.67,0.65,0.56,0.52,0.44,0.34,0.26,0.27,0.33,0.47,0.54,0.62}, {"STRATIS",0.67,0.65,0.56,0.52,0.44,0.34,0.26,0.27,0.33,0.47,0.54,0.62}, {"TAKISTAN",0.54,0.6,0.55,0.46,0.32,0.19,0.15,0.15,0.12,0.15,0.25,0.41}, {"KUNDUZ",0.54,0.6,0.55,0.46,0.32,0.19,0.15,0.15,0.12,0.15,0.25,0.41}, {"MOUNTAINS_ACR",0.54,0.6,0.55,0.46,0.32,0.19,0.15,0.15,0.12,0.15,0.25,0.41}, {"CHERNARUS",0.98,0.96,0.93,0.9,0.86,0.84,0.84,0.86,0.88,0.94,0.96,0.98}, {"CHERNARUS_SUMMER",0.98,0.96,0.93,0.9,0.86,0.84,0.84,0.86,0.88,0.94,0.96,0.98} }; }; class dcg_cache_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_cache_dist { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 2000; }; class dcg_civilian_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_civilian_spawnDist { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 800; }; class dcg_civilian_countCapital { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 18; }; class dcg_civilian_countCity { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 10; }; class dcg_civilian_countVillage { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 8; }; class dcg_civilian_hostileChance { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 0.3; }; class dcg_civilian_vehMaxCount { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 9; }; class dcg_civilian_vehCooldown { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 800; }; class dcg_fob_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; class dcg_fob_name { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "FOB Pirelli"; }; class dcg_fob_range { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 200; }; class dcg_fob_rangeRecon { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 2500; }; class dcg_fob_cooldownRecon { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1800; }; class dcg_fob_flagTexturePath { typeName = "STRING"; typeDetail = ""; value = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_nato_co.paa"; }; class dcg_fob_addons { typeName = "ARRAY"; typeDetail = ""; value[] = { "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", // "A3_Soft_F_MRAP_01", // "A3_Soft_F_HEMTT", "CUP_B_HMMWV_M2_GPK_ACR", "CUP_B_LR_Transport_CZ_W", "rhsusf_m1025_d_m2", "CUP_B_HMMWV_Ambulance_USA", "CUP_B_HMMWV_Terminal_USA", "rhsusf_m998_d_s_2dr", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Fortification", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Shelters", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_BagBunker", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_BagFence", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping", "ace_medical" }; }; class dcg_fob_placingMultiplier { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = -0.025; }; class dcg_fob_deletingMultiplier { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 0.025; }; class dcg_ied_enable { typeName = "SCALAR"; typeDetail = ""; value = 1; }; gruß tartar
  9. bier aig tartar

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    dvdbrewster thanks for Info ;-)
  10. bier aig tartar

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hallo Is it possible that you create the Liberation Mission with the mod ACE 3.5.1
  11. bier aig tartar

    AEGIS - Surrender Script

    there is the following script error message ! 12:19:54 Surrender: current state same as new 12:19:55 Error in expression <mbientAnim} else {(_this select 1) call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate};};> 12:19:55 Error position: <BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate};};> 12:19:55 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: bis_fnc_ambientanim__terminate 12:19:55 Error in expression <mbientAnim} else {(_this select 1) call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate};};> 12:19:55 Error position: <BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate};};> 12:19:55 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: bis_fnc_ambientanim__terminate 12:19:55 Error in expression <mbientAnim} else {(_this select 1) call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate};};> 12:19:55 Error position: <BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate};};> my Init.sqf = while { true } do { _units = allUnits - ( playableUnits + switchableUnits ); { if(((side _x) == east) || ((side _x) == resistance))then { if(isNil { _x getVariable "unitHasFSM" } && {!captive _x}) then { _x execFSM "aegis_surrender.fsm"; _x setVariable ["unitHasFSM", true]; sleep 1; }; }; } forEach _units; }; sleep 1; _this action ["useWeapon", player, player, 2]; my Mods = @helo_hmds_kimi | @sab_C130 @Ares @Trawler config @BurnesLCAC @Burnes_MK10 @TEC_CSAT @3den Enhanced @ATLAS_LHD_Plus @][XENO][ Taru Pod Mod @RHSUSAF @RHSAFRF @CUP_Weapons-1.5.0 @CUP_Vehicles-1.2.0 @CUP_Units_1_2_2 @CUP_Terrains @CUP_Ace_Compatibility @ace_Rhs_optional @ace Advanced Combat Environment 3.5.1 | @task_force_radio ommunity Base Addons v2.3.1 | @CBA_A3
  12. bier aig tartar

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    hy SENSEII Can we count an a fix in the forseeable future so that the mission is playable again? Like myself and plenty others have already mentioned, sice the last ACE 3 and ArmA 3 update your mission isn't running anymore. It would really be a shame not being able to offer this mission on our server anymore. Therefore my question is when can we expect an update of your mission.
  13. bier aig tartar

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    either since ArmA 3 Update or the new Ace 3 v3.4.0 no longer works, the mission? If for a fix made? german; entweder seit dem ArmA 3 Ubdate oder der neuen Ace 3 v3.4.0 funktioniert die mission nicht mehr ? Wird dafür ein fix gemacht ?
  14. bier aig tartar

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    Just wanted to say a compliment for me, this is one of the best public missions I've played in the 3 years ArmA. 3 Therefore, thanks to the scripter this mission and hope you scriptest a still a few nice things.
  15. bier aig tartar

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Excuse my bad english! A question ? Why you build the ArmA 3 becoming a run-of-the-mill game? It started with Dayz and becomes a non-military simulation game more and more? You should adjust the fatigue and not take it out, or do you want a Call of Duty, BTF 4 game make it? In my opinion, this game is more and more dirty.
  16. bier aig tartar

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    Have you for this evo to ported to the Islan Altis ? LG Bier AIG Tartar www.bieraig.eu ts 3 -
  17. bier aig tartar

    A3 Launcher

    I have found your launcher and this need internet connection , why ! Why does he need this ? can you change that the launcher dont need internet connection ?becouse offline it does not work ? And i play sometimes offline , and then I can not use the launcher. LG Tartar
  18. bier aig tartar

    A3 Launcher

    I have found that your launcher and internet connection need! Why does he need this and you can change that if you want to use ofline does not the launcher. LG Tartar
  19. Why does the community have to mod important stuff like this for ArmA3 themselves ? Why Bohemia has built or at least no female player AI? You can not create a mission, as in Arma 2 OA. What Bohemia has matrimonial thinking that I would be intrested times! 1 plane, no women, too few objects that can be set in the editor? What the hell is this, no wonder that most will continue to play out Arma 2 Oa on. But for this addon, I can only say thank you!
  20. bier aig tartar

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    There is the hope that you are doing the Evo for Arma 3 on porting Altis
  21. Have a problem like that the objects are stored and weapons, magazines.? the Obejekte be saved but not weapons and magazines. What is wrong with this script and who could help me to improve it. anyObjects.ini standeth in the following. [Count] Count="2" [obj0] classname="Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F" pos="[1780.17,5489.07,5.51338]" dir="[[0.194919,-0.980819,2.11758e-022],[0,0,1]]" supplyleft="0" weapons="[[],[]]" magazines="[[],[]]" [obj1] classname="Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F" pos="[1835.82,5604.84,5.52389]" dir="[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]" supplyleft="0" weapons="[[],[]]" magazines="[[],[]]" Here is the script. sleep 60; while {true} do { PersistentDB_ObjCount = 0; { _var = _x getVariable "objectLocked"; if(!isNil "_var" && (alive _x)) then { _classname = typeOf _x; // addition to check if the classname matches the building parts if(_classname in objectList) then { _pos = getPosASL _x; _dir = [vectorDir _x] + [vectorUp _x]; _supplyleft = 0; if(_x isKindOf "Land_Sacks_goods_F") then { _supplyleft = _x getVariable "food"; if(isNil "_supplyleft") then { _supplyleft = 20; }; }; if(_x isKindOf "Land_BarrelWater_F") then { _supplyleft = _x getVariable "water"; if(isNil "_supplyleft") then { _supplyleft = 20; }; }; _weapons = getWeaponCargo _x; _magazines = getMagazineCargo _x; _objSaveName = format["obj%1", PersistentDB_ObjCount]; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, _objSaveName, "classname", _classname] call iniDB_write; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, _objSaveName, "pos", _pos] call iniDB_write; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, _objSaveName, "dir", _dir] call iniDB_write; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, _objSaveName, "supplyleft", _supplyleft] call iniDB_write; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, _objSaveName, "weapons", _weapons] call iniDB_write; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, _objSaveName, "magazines", _magazines] call iniDB_write; PersistentDB_ObjCount = PersistentDB_ObjCount + 1; }; }; } forEach allMissionObjects "All"; ["Objects" call PDB_databaseNameCompiler, "Count", "Count", PersistentDB_ObjCount] call iniDB_write; diag_log format["GoT Wasteland - baseSaving saved %1 parts to iniDB", PersistentDB_ObjCount]; sleep 120; };
  22. bier aig tartar

    [MP] [COOP/DM] GoT Wasteland v2 (Enhanced-edition)

    Yashamaru, that's a good idea! that would definitely make it more attractive Wasteland and prepare more joy to players.. ;-)
  23. bier aig tartar

    [MP] [COOP/DM] GoT Wasteland v2 (Enhanced-edition)

    Arma 3 Development has a bug, it may only be a pbo in the MPmissions folder in it. Otherwise, not the server loads the missions and you Think the mission is not working. I ask if the problem also appears when you open a ticket in Bohemia, thank you! Gruß BierAigtartar
  24. bier aig tartar

    [MP] [COOP/DM] GoT Wasteland v2 (Enhanced-edition)

    @ inidb the addon does not work with the x 32 x 86 but with the You must have instaled here the 32-bit x86 C + + 2010 Redistributable
  25. bier aig tartar

    [MP] [COOP/DM] GoT Wasteland v2 (Enhanced-edition)

    The latest Dev update Arma 3 and the Wasteland 2.3 no longer works. White one they have changed? So we can change it the problem.