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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. sorophx

    VeteranMod demo release

    you should really lay off the flippin' self-extracting archive bullshit and start uploading separate files as means of updating the mod. I'm afraid I'll just go insane if I have to download the whole 1.4 GB again
  2. sorophx

    Does this gametype exist?

    TvT Domination is one such mode (I&A ripped Domi off, actually), but I don't think Arma 3 has had one made
  3. sorophx

    Body armor

    Giunta is a Medal of Honor recipient, AFAIK, so it's probably something about him, memoirs or something
  4. the guy asks why the devs leave content creation up to the players, and all the responses are "just leave it to the players". let me translate that for you, Robertqx. "Bohemia can't into mission design, we're all aware of this and have become used to it over the years, so just wait a couple of months and hope some modder comes up with a game mode that you'll like." but of course they are wrong. you can't expect the game be any good when the devs themselves have no interest in making it. relying on enthusiasts for content creation is a good way to save resources, but it also shows how bad things really are, and how it's become habitual, to the point of absurdity (like official statements from Bohemia claiming they never were going to provide any content, only the basic elements, relying on modders to the the rest for them).
  5. sorophx

    Improving visual effects and fps

    1) disagree, ACE has better effects when firing a weapon. a matter of opinion, of course. just as your post is :rolleyes: 2) nah, PR has awful blood splashes that turn into red mist no matter what part you hit. it serves its purpose (which is to indicate you actually hit your target) but it's in no way better than in A3 (where you can't see the blood coming out of bullet wounds at 200+ meters with no optics). 3) again, ACE does it better than PR, you can use any surface in ace to rest your weapon, even your buddy's shoulder. hell, it works even without bipods 4) as far as FPS go, YMMV. the game could use some optimizing, but I'd rather have BIS work on the network code, because currently MP is unplayable because of all the lag and desync
  6. sorophx

    Body armor

    my thoughts: it's going to be in DayZ, so we just have to hope at some point BIS port it over to Arma 3. :rolleyes:
  7. oh, but this is where you're wrong. it's easy to hack your way around it and make a mod that makes you think you're using the bipod when you're not actually. it's not easy to make the bipod be a separate item that changes the weapon's behavior when used. they'd have to make new animations, adjust the existing configs for weapons, account for different surfaces etc. besides, the bipods have been done to death. even the devs discussed it in detail right here on these very forums. not that I disagree with you, the bipods should be in the game. just as there should be a proper body protection system, a proper interaction system, a proper squad command system etc. etc. the list goes on. but bitching on the forums will not make it happen sooner, unfortunately.
  8. sorophx

    A relaistic Modern OPFOR

    I'm more than sure that you'll see Russian units in A3 very soon, along with weapons and vehicles. there are at least two mods in development that will cover that. unfortunately, one of them will change the game mechanics as well
  9. this place was last updated almost a year ago, but I see new versions popping up in the server browser all the time. are those "official" updates, or for that matter, is the A3 Domi made by Xeno even? or is that a port over done by someone else? any info on this subject? :confused:
  10. sorophx

    VeteranMod demo release

    I assume the .exe is a self-extracting archive?
  11. I wonder if there's a possibility of having two exe files without having to install the game twice
  12. thanks for the tip, but I'm specifically interested in what Xeno's doing with his Domination, and if there's a chance of finally seeing Domination 3 be released. :o so I'm just looking for the source of these Domination versions that keep coming out. but since we're on the subject, I am actually disappointed that some people are simply trying to copy Domi (Invade & Annex, I'm looking at you) instead of coming up with a different game type. I am also disappointed by A2 CO's PvP version of Insurgency (by fireball), so if your mission works the same way, GD, I probably won't enjoy it.
  13. sorophx

    What is the PDW 2000's classname?

    the in-game editor has all of the weapons and vehicles listed in its config viewer. open up the editor, click on the viewer icon, a new window will pop up with the class tree
  14. I agree armored vehicles in this game behave... strangely when hit, to say the least
  15. as long as you think is necessary. I know with the Su-25T I have to wait around 20 seconds for each engine to start up in DCS World and it doesn't bother me personally one bit.
  16. I tried once, but the chopper just bounced off the ground back into the air without damaging itself. it happened during a training mission so I figured it was set to be indestructible? I like it that it's more durable than other Arma choppers, though.
  17. sorophx

    Weapon switching need some love

    the only thing I hate about switching weapons is that stupid animation when the unit moves his rifle to his back. he doesn't do that when he climbs ladders or switches to binoculars, but when he needs to grab his pistol - suuuuuure :confused:
  18. if you're in the FCR/G targeting mode, your FCR is on and acquiring targets (they're appearing on your radar screen on your RMPD), you're in LOBL, scroll through them with whatever key you've set as your TSD/FCR Target Filtering (I use Tab). when you have your gunner locking your target (the square will be on it, it will be solid, and the punctured crosshair will be locked onto it as well) place your HMD over the target and right click your mouse. another smaller solid square will appear around the target. if you're properly aligned and there are no obstacles between you and the target a small circle will appear around it. that's your cue - you have a lock. if at this point I launch the rocket, it hits my target 100% of the time.
  19. sorophx

    When is this game going to be good?

    ahaha, man, I can't stop laughing :D this is so accurate, I should probably be crying instead about the state of affairs in Arma 3. you hit the nail on the head. it lacks structure. I mean, the game is obviously made with single-player missions in mind, and multiplayer feels like an afterthought. the most popular activity - Co-op multiplayer - is barely supported (bad performance all around, complete server meltdown if you have more than a 100 AI units on the map, hence why most dynamic missions are so boring). the only thing this game shines at is PvP (DayZ is a testament to that). but nobody plays PvP because there aren't any good scenarios that would play off of the game's strengths. I used to like Warfare in Arma 2, but it was always hard to find a good server (or any kind of server really). best PvP games happen "behind closed doors" because most players can't stand the through of playing with and against random people. this is the reality of Arma's community. I liked DayZ when it first came out because I was tired of playing small Co-op scenarios and Domination, but the DayZ Standalone got confirmed and the mod descended into the same abyss - a million servers each with custom files and settings. looks like it's turning into a rant... anyway, since Project Reality seems to be transitioning to Arma 3 it could be worth waiting to see what they can come up with. hopefully it doesn't take them 8 years to make PR 1.0 for Arma 3.
  20. thank god for this thread. had the same issue. was locked in my Arrowhead campaign. unchecking the read-only box fixed it. thanks!
  21. sorophx

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    you mean the 1988 video game, right? :rolleyes: just kidding. congrats on the release, great job!
  22. concerning the 82nd Airborne, there's already a mod that adds these (wearing Multicam) to the game. nothing wrong with having more of the same, but why have mods overlap? just sayin' :rolleyes:
  23. this is also possible to reproduce without Track IR. just sprint and scope in, you'll get zoomed in without the weapon coming up. very handy in some situations :D