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[evo] dan

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Posts posted by [evo] dan

  1. 2 hours ago, DnA said:

    Both are indeed available as scripted solutions. The Bobcat plow can be animated via script. Vehicle-in-Vehicle Transport now supports loading cargo that is not a vehicle, but unfortunately there is no vanilla way to load such cargo, so it can be used only for specific scenarios where it is set up. Once loaded via script, pilots / drivers can drop the cargo via the action menu (including on parachutes). It would be nice if we could at least still support 'loading' in Eden Editor, but we'll see if that's possible.

    Thanks for answering that. I hope you can get a vanilla working solution at some point, or at least the ability to preload cargo in the Eden editor.


    I assume the Bobcat is set to invincible during the mission rather than the plow being down taking all the hits?


    Also, whats the memory point to animate the plow?


  2. Out of interest, I noticed a few nice things during the campaign which I really liked (I liked the campaign a LOT too), i'm just wondering if they were scripted or engine solutions:


    1) The Bobcat can lower its dozer, and then sweeps the road of mines. How do I get it to do this minesweeping or was it a scripted solution as I couldn't figure out how to do it within the editor.

    2) The supply drop drops multiple items, does this mean that we can load normal items in such as ammoboxes? Again, I tried this but couldn't do so in the editor, am I missing something here?

  3. Some good news and some bad news.


    I've used a two story building to try out a theory with the crane. When I get out of it I always seem to "jump" out really high up. So I spawned one right next to a two story balcony and guess what, I can get in if I am close to the top of the crane. I can only get into the gunners seat though, I think I may have to do something to get in the drivers position as I can't find the action for it (possibly cargo = 0 doing it).


    Now this doesn't seem right to me, as my memory points for getInGunner are near the bottom of the model. Can anyone explain to me as to why this behaviour happens? I cannot figure out why as I thought the action was supposed to be on the memory points themselves.


    Any theories?


  4. I've changed my config again, but cannot seem to get into the object. A driver and gunner position is created though so i'm unsure as to why as I have memory points in my model named within the model. I can provide the p3d if anyone wants. Am I missing some command or anything in order to get it to work as its quite a simple object.


    Heres my config:

    lass CfgPatches {
    	class dock_crane {
    		units[] = {"dock_crane"};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {};
    class CfgDestructPos{
    class CfgVehicles {
    	class LandVehicle;
    	class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle
    		class Turrets;
    		class MainTurret;
    	class dock_crane: StaticWeapon
    		scope = 2;
    		model = "\Dan_Dock_Crane\Dock_Crane.p3d";
    		displayName = "Dock Crane"; //what the item is called in editor
    		editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Turrets"; //the sub catergory in the editor (in this case turrets)
    		destrType = "DestructDefault";
    		armor = 30;
    		fireResistance = 0.1;
    		explosionShielding = 0.1;
    		damageResistance = 0.004;
    		side = 3;	// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas
    		faction	= CIV_F; //make it a civie object
    		crew = "C_man_1"; //put a civie in the turret
    		transportSoldier=1; //transport 1 soldier
    		hasDriver = true; //allow a driver
    		hasGunner = true; //allow a gunner
    		memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver"; //driver get in pos memory point
    		memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner"; //gunner get in pos memory point
    		getInAction = GetInLow;
    		getOutAction = GetOutLow;
    		class Damage
    			tex[] = {};
    			mat[] = {};
    		//class Turrets {}; 
    		damageHalf[] = {};
    		damageFull[] = {};


  5. Hi, Could anyone explain in a bit more detail this part of the config as i'm having a bit of trouble understanding it?


    	driverAction = "driver_offroad01";
    	cargoAction[] = {"passenger_low01", "passenger_flatground_leanleft", "passenger_flatground_leanright", "passenger_flatground_crosslegs", "passenger_flatground_leanleft"};
    	getInAction = "GetInLow";
    	getOutAction = "GetOutLow";
    	cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInLow"};
    	cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"};

    More specifically the following points:

    1) Is "driverAction" requiring a memory point location (in this case "driver_offroad01") or is this not a memory point?

    2) For "getInAction" is this a memory point or an animation I need to configure in the model.cfg?

    3) Is there anything else I need to add in order to be able to get in or out of my vehicle beside using these commands and adding some memory points? 


    I'm inheriting from LandVehicle and StaticWeapon.


    I think it may be worth putting the details on the BIKI as its a bit thin on information regarding this.

  6. Has anyone got any tutorials on making and configuring vehicles? I'm having trouble with it at the moment and the BIKI isn't that useful other than giving the title of the class to use, but doesn't give what it should be named for.


    Also some of the links to the tutorials in this thread don't work such as the OFP one and Mons

  7. Hi all, just a small update on this. My HDD died a few weeks ago and I lost everything. However I have been able to make the barrel again and I have made it better this time around and have released it in the other thread.


    I'm currently working on a little prototype model for a light dockside crane just to see if I can get one to work. I plan on using a "turret" setup and then having a memory point that is used to locate the objects below it. PhysX ropes would then be used to lift the object, although this would limit what can be lifted by the crane. I am having a few problems with getting the basics to work (I can't get in the object although I can spawn inside it) so if anyone wants to give me a hand they would be most welcome.

    • Like 2

  8. I've been looking through various sources and have seen that I need the following commands in my config.cpp to be able to get in and out of my object at a set point:


    I've created these points within the memory LOD of the model as per what the samples have in them. However, I do not get an action to get in the vehicle and I've spent the last 2 days trying to figure out why I cannot get back in once I get out of the object. I thought it was a case of the vehicle being locked by default but I manually set it to unlocked in the editor. I can't even get the answer by walking to almost the centre of the object so I'm not sure whats exactly wrong.


    Here is my config, it does include some placeholder stuff from a different config file:

    class CfgPatches {
    	class dock_crane {
    		units[] = {"dock_crane"};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {};
    class CfgDestructPos{
    class CfgVehicles {
    	class LandVehicle;
    	class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle
    		class Turrets;
    		class MainTurret;
    	class dock_crane: StaticWeapon
    		scope = 2;
    		model = "\Dan_Dock_Crane\Dock_Crane.p3d";
    		displayName = "Dock Crane";
    		editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Turrets"; 
    		destrType = "DestructDefault";
    		armor = 30;
    		fireResistance = 0.1;
    		explosionShielding = 0.1;
    		damageResistance = 0.004;
    		side = 3;	// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas
    		faction	= CIV_F;
    		crew = "C_man_1";
    		class Turrets: Turrets
    			class MainTurret: MainTurret
    				selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
    				class ViewGunner
    				class ViewOptics
    		class Damage
    			tex[] = {};
    			mat[] = {};
    		//class Turrets {}; 
    		damageHalf[] = {};
    		damageFull[] = {};

    Here is a copy of my project folder if anyone wants to have a look at the model:


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0g90uu6rxwsuji4/Dan_Dock_Crane 2.zip?dl=0




    Thanks for any help in advance.

  9. 18 minutes ago, soldierman said:

    In terms of model its very similar to a vehicle 


    LODS are pretty much the same except no need for Phsyx LOD

    Needs a model config with animations 


    Config terms:

    Again very similar to a vehicle, get an all in one config and see how BIS do it. 


    Then once you reach a specific issue then you can post on the forums. There aren't many guides for modding in arma, people are especially reluctant to sit down and talk someone through the process. Do what everyone else has done, try to figure out how BIS did it, try to replicate their work using the stuff you've made. 


    You can also look at the public source files for the RDS static weapons pack : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24909

    I'll have a look over the pack tomorrow. Out of interest, is there a script command to get a more "friendly" looking version of the games config files as I don't like the format in game, I much prefer something I can look at in notepad.

  10. I've been having a play around with the config and have removed pretty much everything in it. I can't even get a getinaction to work so ill have to revisit it again once my home internet is working again. I think I've must have done something critically wrong.


    Does anyone have any advice or tutorials they would recommend looking at as I can't seem to figure it out from the samples or looking at the config browser.


    Heres my code with the actions removed:

    class CfgPatches {
    	class dock_crane {
    		units[] = {"dock_crane"};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {};
    class CfgDestructPos{
    class CfgVehicles {
    	class StaticWeapon;
    	class dock_crane: StaticWeapon
    		scope = 2;
    		model = "\Dan_Dock_Crane\Dock_Crane.p3d";
    		displayName = "Black Barrel w/White Stripe";
    		editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Turrets"; 
    		destrType = "DestructDefault";
    		armor = 30;
    		//editorPreview = "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\Previews\dan_black_barrel.paa";
    		fireResistance = 0.1;
    		explosionShielding = 0.1;
    		damageResistance = 0.004;
    		side = 3;	// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas
    		faction	= CIV_F;
    		crew = "C_man_1";
    		//need to add something to get in get out of the static. But what?
    		memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
    		gunnerInAction = "ManActTestDriver";
    		gunnerGetInAction = "";
    		gunnerGetOutAction = "";
    		class Damage
    			tex[] = {};
    			mat[] = {};
    		//class Turrets {}; 
    		damageHalf[] = {};
    		damageFull[] = {};

    There is a memory point named pos gunner in my model. Here is the zip of it if anyone wants to look:



  11. I've decided to try and make a really basic turret like object for arma. Well, its actually a crane but nevermind about that bit for now.


    I'm having trouble with the config.cpp and not knowing quite what to put into it. I figured the "turret" class wouldn't work with the ThingX class as it needs a "gunner" so I decided to use "AllVehicles", however, the object doesn't show up in the editor. I've also tried inheriting from the GMG but whilst I could fire the gun straight ahead (not intended but I knew I would inherit that), I couldn't get my "CraneArm" section to turn around the top of the base post.


    I've had a look here:


    and on the ships config guidelines, as well as the GMG through the config viewer in the editor.


    Heres my config.cpp:

    class CfgPatches {
    	class dock_crane {
    		units[] = {"dock_crane"};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {};
    class CfgDestructPos{
    class CfgVehicles {
     	class AllVehicles //AllVehicles eg
     		class NewTurret;   // derive from your base base base class
    		class Animations;
    	class dock_crane: AllVehicles
    		scope = 2;
    		model = "\Dan_Dock_Crane\Dock_Crane.p3d";
    		displayName = "Black Barrel w/White Stripe";
    		editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Turrets"; 
    		destrType = "DestructDefault";
    		armor = 30;
    		//editorPreview = "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\Previews\dan_black_barrel.paa";
    		fireResistance = 0.1;
    		explosionShielding = 0.1;
    		damageResistance = 0.004;
    		class Damage
    			tex[] = {};
    			mat[] = {};
    		class MainTurret : NewTurret
    			body = "MainTurret";
    			maxTurn = 360;
    			maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 2;
    			turretAxis = "Base";
    			class ViewGunner
       				initAngleX = 5;
       				minAngleX = -85;
       				maxAngleX = 85;
       				initAngleY = 0;
       				minAngleY = -150;
       				maxAngleY = 150;
       				initFov = 0.7;
       				minFov = 0.42;  // FOV of 0.4 is considered as 1x magnification by RSC displays
       				maxFov = 0.85;
      			class ViewOptics
       				initAngleX = 0;
       				minAngleX = -30;
       				maxAngleX = 30;
       				initAngleY = 0;
       				minAngleY = -100;
       				maxAngleY = 100;
       				initFov = 0.3;    // baseline FOV 0.4 / optic FOV 0.3 = x1.33 magnification
       				minFov = 0.07; // baseline FOV 0.4 / optic FOV 0.07 = x5.7 magnification
       				maxFov = 0.35;  // baseline FOV 0.4 / optic FOV 0.35 = x1.14 magnification
    		class Animations:Animations
    			class MainTurret
       				source="mainTurret";//The controller that provides input above
        				selection="CraneArm";//The name of the skeleton bone used.
        				axis="Base";//name of the axis in the model.
    		damageHalf[] = {};
    		damageFull[] = {};

    and model.cfg:

    class CfgSkeletons {
    	class dock_crane_skeleton {
    		isDiscrete = 1;
    		skeletonInherit = "";
    		skeletonBones[] = {};		
    class CfgModels {
    	class dock_crane {
    		skeletonName = "dock_crane_skeleton";
    		sections[] = {"Base", "CraneArm"};

    Heres the project folder if anyone wants to have a look:



    I'm just looking to see how to get this working and I am looking for some more pointers as where to take this config next in order to get something that works and so the top beam can move around 360 degrees about the top of the "base". This code builds the addon as it is and loads into the editor, but the object does not show up as it is.


    Thanks for any help in advance.

  12. Long time since I last posted on this thread. My HDD died and I went both on holiday and away with work so I've had to start from scratch again. I've made the barrel and managed to find an old config for it but I did lose the mission. I suppose i'll have to make a new one at some point when I have a few more objects to use in it.


    We now have the "Schnell" fuel company as one of the logos I am going to use. They just have their name printed on the barrels for now, but I may make a logo if I can be bothered to do one.


    However, it isn't all bad as I've been able to put some new skills I've learnt from Burnes's youtube tutorials to use.


    Anyway, heres the new release with 8 different variants inside. If anyone wants a copy of the blank textures so you can reskin, feel free to ask. I've put the updated link in the first post.



    • Like 1

  13. On ‎29‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 11:49 PM, zedderzulu said:


    Oh, agreed! I don't know why exactly, but something about the design screams to me that it originally was a mount for a rail gun. There's graffiti on the side that implies it's taken down infantry as much as it has aircraft (reminds me of a pic I saw of a Flak88 barrel just the other day), and, well, yeah that could mean that it's just a bigger brother of the Praetorian, I just wonder whether BIS may be trying to revive the early rail gun concept they had for the Tanks DLC?


    And maybe confirm HL3 at the same time.

    I dunno, it's fun to speculate! :P

    Its a walking goalkeeper system!

  14. 9 minutes ago, soldierman said:

    The vehicleClass system is sort of unused now; instead you need to use Editor Categories and Editor Sub Categories.


    For example:

    class CfgEditorSubcategories {
        class dan_oil_barrels {
            displayName = "Oil Barrels";
    class dan_black_barrel: ThingX {
    	editorSubcategory = "dan_oil_barrels";

    This will put it the objects under the Oil Barrels sub category under the main category Things.


    Read more here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Object_Categorization


    That worked, thanks for a quick response on this. Back to creating extra textures now :D

  15. I'm attempting to create a new vehicleClass so that my objects are kept in their own category within the editor instead of just putting them into the Objects (Small) category. I want them to remain in the "Things" category but I want them under their own Category within.


    So far I've managed to get them to go within just the "Things" category, but the category they are in now doesn't have a title. I have tried defining a new class but it says it cannot find it when I open the editor.


    I've tried to use the search function on the forums but couldn't find anything useful other than saying define the class (which I think I've done correctly). Can anybody help me out on this as the BIKI doesn't tell me much about what to do to get around it.


    Heres my config.cpp for reference:

    class CfgPatches {
    	class Dan_Oil_Barrel {
    		units[] = {"dan_oil_barrels", "dan_black_barrel", "dan_black_schnell_barrel", "dan_red_schnell_barrel", "dan_red_barrel"};
    		weapons[] = {};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {};
    class CfgDestructPos{
    class CfgVehicles {
    	class ThingX;
    	class dan_oil_barrels : ThingX
    		scope = 1;
    		displayName = "Oil Barrels";
    	class dan_black_barrel : ThingX
    		scope = 2;
    		model = "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\Dan_Oil_Barrel.p3d";
    		displayName = "Black Barrel w/White Stripe";
    		vehicleClass = "dan_oil_barrels";
    		destrType = "DestructBuilding";
    		armor = 30;
    		fireResistance = 0.1;
    		explosionShielding = 0.1;
    		damageResistance = 0.004;
    		slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] =
    		class Damage
    			tex[] = {};
    			mat[] = {};
    		damageHalf[] = {};
    		damageFull[] = {};
    		supplyRadius = 20;
    		transportFuel = 800;
    		class DestructionEffects
    			class Smoke1
    				intensity = 1;
    				interval = 1;
    				lifeTime = 1;
    				position = "";
    				simulation = "particles";
    				type = "ObjectDestructionSmokeSmall";
    			class Smoke2
    				intensity = 1;
    				interval = 1;
    				lifeTime = 1;
    				position = "";
    				simulation = "particles";
    				type = "ObjectDestructionSmoke2";
    			class Fire1
    				intensity = 1;
    				interval = 1;
    				lifeTime = 25;
    				position = "";
    				simulation = "particles";
    				type = "ObjectDestructionFire1Small";
    			class HouseDestr
    				intensity = 1;
    				interval = 1;
    				lifeTime = 5;
    				position = "";
    				simulation = "destroy";
    				type = "DelayedDestructionAmmoBox";
    	class dan_black_schnell_barrel : dan_black_barrel {
    		scope = 2;
    		displayName = "Black Barrel w/Schnell Fuels Logo";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Logo"};
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Dan_Oil_Barrel\SchnellLogoWhite.paa"};
    		transportFuel = 800;
    		supplyRadius = 20;
    	class dan_red_schnell_barrel : dan_black_barrel {
    		scope = 2;
    		displayName = "Red Barrel w/Schnell Fuels Logo";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Bottom", "Side", "Top", "Logo"};
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Dan_Oil_Barrel\RedSchnellLogo\RedBottom.paa", "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\RedSchnellLogo\RedSides.paa", "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\RedSchnellLogo\RedTop.paa", "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\SchnellLogoWhite.paa"}; //logo must go last otherwise it doesnt load for some reason
    		transportFuel = 800;
    		supplyRadius = 20;
    	class dan_red_barrel : dan_black_barrel {
    		scope = 2;
    		displayName = "Red Barrel w/White Stripe";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Bottom", "Side", "Top", "Logo"};
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Dan_Oil_Barrel\RedSchnellLogo\RedBottom.paa", "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\RedSchnellLogo\RedSides.paa", "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\RedSchnellLogo\RedTop.paa", "\Dan_Oil_Barrel\Logo.paa"};
    		transportFuel = 800;
    		supplyRadius = 20;

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  16. Just now, nikiforos said:

    Maybe moving on to Arma 4 with the Enfusion engine :)

    Hopefully with upgrade scripting, 3d editor out of the box, and better multiplayer physics (objects being able to stay on each other without scripting). its probably going to be a Czech drinking sim though.

  17. 21 hours ago, Sniperwolf572 said:

    1.) Senior Leads moving onto other projects that are not public for a while now. What are we on now, like a third or fourth Arma 3 project lead?

    2.) Second wave of DLC's post-expansion to smooth out the money income

    3.) Enfusion engine has been in the pipe and public knowledge for what feels like forever now

    4.) Public admittance of people moving to other projects. Artists clearly busy with something else if B01 did the art.

    5.) More community people being hired/injected into the Arma 3 sunset-period dev team


    "Gee, I wonder what's going on" said nobody who can read between the lines. :tounge_o:

    Arma 4? BIS Cake and Beer Simulator?
