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Everything posted by ShinShin

  1. The Big Question is... How on earth do you create a barebones mission with the addon free zombies celery has made. It's been so long since I played and worked on any missions and I've completely forgotten how to get the zombie scripts/mission working with those zombies. I'd JUST like to know the steps to creating a teamplate for using the addon free zombies by celery that DynamicZombieSandbox and chernarus apocalypse use. I've opened up the misisons and dug in them to try and figure things out to no avail.. that doesn't help much. I don't even know why the mission has all those friggin triggers spread out across the mission map in the editor for those who have dePBO'd the mission and checked it out.
  2. The Quality of the radios them self are really nice. Better then ACRE's if I may say so. Good work, keep it up.
  3. ShinShin

    Blastcore A3

    Shock waves.... lots of shock waves... that's all I have to say ;D
  4. ShinShin

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    I'm in love... I can't get enough of the WW2 Mods/Scenarios. Love I44 for A2, now A3, I'm gonna love it a million times more now when it's released.
  5. ShinShin

    CSLA Studio - A3 WIP

    This will be great come it's first release, will there be any custom islands to be made with it also?
  6. Is there some kind of way to reduce the amount of animals making noises... it happens so often and for so long from far away and only difference up close is that it only gets louder. It's driving me nutts.
  7. ShinShin

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Is it possible to have the reinforcements come in and land at a marker area instead of being limited to the very center of that marker/position? and instead they pick a random location within that target marker/landing area? Say for instance, I run the reinforcements script and the pilots target landing location is a [100x300] marker (some sort of rectangle) and the pilot can land freely any where within that markers area. Suggestions/Wishes: 1-Force AI to go back in to "SAFE" mode after being engaged or engaging someone within a delayed time period (say 1 minute or so), would this even be possible since "knowsAbout" is sorta hard-coded and you can't just up and change the value for the units? 2-Give AI reinforcements the ability to land anywhere freely within target marker landing area instead of being limited to precisely the exact center of marker/or marker area. eg "Call BIS_fnc_selectRandom" with radius/marker area and all that good stuff
  8. Is it just me, or is it that every time I click "left-alt" my unit/player is transferred to where I clicked on the map with the "alt" key. If possible, could you make it so that the person using it does not get warped any where in anyway. anyways, great script! Okay, I JUST realized... I removed everything to your script and realized that I still got teleported while in the editor (I hadn't known they updated the game to have that function when in the editor) so please disregard this post. If anyone else is wondering that aswell... It's the game, not the scripting. But for a scripting suggestion I would change that key from "ALT" to something else this way there isn't any confusion. Thanks again for your work.
  9. lol No worries, thanks for the help and concern you all had xD
  10. Hey! Quick help/Question. I'm having a small bit of trouble now trying to get this bit of script to execute if the conditions are met/true. I'm wanting to execute this code only if the unit(s) are infantry & if they're a vehicle or in a vehicle then I want it to do nothing. [Status | Working] (10/29/2013 - 7:30AM) { if ((side _x == EAST) && (vehicle _x == _x)) then { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _x enableGunLights "forceOn"; _x setBehaviour "SAFE"; _x setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 0.60]; _x setSkill ["endurance", 0.50]; _x setSkill ["courage", 0.60]; _x setSkill ["spotTime", 0.50]; } } forEach allUnits;
  11. Yes, thanks for your Input and I will try it as you've stated. as for the "_x" part, that wasn't meant to be, was just fiddling around with it way before I made this thread and forgot to change it back to "allUnits;". Hehe :) Okay, tested your way and it's working great now. Thanks man, for such a small problem It was really frustrating me for the past 3 hours. lmao
  12. RPT is spitting this error out at me and I don't understand why. { if {(side _x == EAST) and (vehicle _x ==> Error position: <if {(side _x == EAST) and (vehicle _x ==> [color="#B22222"]Error if: Type code, expected Bool[/color] File C:\Users\KALEB\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\INDIANA\missions\Co13_OperationWhiteKnight.Altis\startUpInit.sqf, line 84 But anyways, tried it your way and that's the result.
  13. ShinShin

    Dynamic Player Markers

    Smexy! ;D Good work man. Saves us a lot of time, thanks for your work <3
  14. Anything to shorten the length of the script it self +1 to that man.
  15. Okay, hello! I've looked around for the past couple hours now while working on my mission too... and well, i'm quite stumped on this trick i'm wanting to pull for this script. So if anyone could help, awesome! any and all help will be greatly appreciated. anyways, here ya go... Question #1: "How do I run the script for each individual player" Questions #2: "How do I set a cool off timer for the script before it can run again for the individual player" to sum it up: ⇊ ⇊ Basically what I'm saying is I want this script to do something along the lines of making/giving each individual player the ability to blow his own cover if he fires his weapon without a silencer. But I don't want it to be broadcast on the server, I only want it to broadcast per player/client. and for it to be possible multiple times hence for the cool off timer?? Script: (Ran From within a "startUpInit.sqf" like [] execVM "checkWeapon.sqf") checkWeapon.sqf | Status: Working (10/28/2013 - 8:15 AM) replace anything in red with your own. if (!isDedicated) then { // run on clients waitUntil {!isNull player}; // waituntil player variable is valid to use _playerUnits = [[color="#FF0000"]variableName[/color], [color="#FF0000"]variableName[/color]]; {_x addEventHandler["fired", {_this call TAG_fnc_suppressorCheck}];} Foreach _playerUnits; // add the EH only once, these are retained after death TAG_fnc_suppressorCheck = { //store the code into a global variable only one time private ["_suppressor"]; _weaponFired = _this select 1; _weaponItems = weaponsItems player; _suppressor = false; { if ((_weaponFired == _x select 0) && !((_x select 1) == "")) then { _suppressor = true; }; } forEach _weaponItems; if (_suppressor) then { // don't need to check whether or not a shot was fired, as we already know one was fired because the fired EH went off, check if it's silenced though hint "[color="#FF0000"]the shot was suppressed!![/color]"; } else { hint "[color="#FF0000"]Shot not Suppressed[/color]"; }; sleep 60; }; };
  16. Alright, let me replace the line in the script with what you've given me and I'll get right back to you on the out come... ---------- Post added at 08:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ---------- Awesome man, it worked... now with it setup this way, do you know if this would be MP compatible or would I have to take that on a run for myself. S.N. I'll update the main post for any others who'd wish to use the script and reference the page.
  17. Okay, so getting to the unit variables... _playerUnits = [tom, bob, steve, rick]; So i've tried this (and maybe I was doing it totally wrong or missing something) but calling on the units via an array never worked out.
  18. Yeah, which blows. but any who... could there be a work around to that?? Like maybe giving the playable units in editor a variable name, eg "TOM" and executing the script for each and every named unit/player? this way, if playing with any AI or actual people, the event handler is executed for that unit if it fires it's weapon.
  19. Nevermind you're correct, it fires repeateadly upon shooting. I was relying on the hint, but I just retested that aspect and changed hint to hintC so everytime it fires the dialogue comes up (just to make sure it's firing.) thanks on that part man :D lol
  20. Alright, it runs fine the first go around. But I'm in the single player editor doing all of this so I don't know how that'd affect anything. But any who... I'm testing it out with a unit as player and shooting once and I get the hint. But when I switch my player to another editor placed unit which is just playable and shoot, I get nothing?? (That's how I'm testing if the script will work, if multiple players are the case). Ohh!! and so far it's only firing **ONCE**.
  21. Beautiful Beautiful work man, I'm definitely using this. If only multi-player servers would accept ad-dons like this to be used by players especially when the mission that's running uses Automated Intelligence (AI).
  22. [/i][/color][/size] I Run my mission in the Single Player Editor with nothing loading (For faster loading purposes since I debug my codes through the Debug console). Time Consuming, I know! :plain: anyways, i'm finally stumped with this error here. Could anyone tell me what's going on please? Thanks for any help in Advance! :bounce3::D [size=3]So here's what i'm doing exactly... Load Mission In Editor then Select Preview:[/size] [size=2][b]A:[/b] [color="#FFA500"]Line entered into Debug Console[/color][/size] [code][] execVM "init_Objectives.sqf; ==================== B: Opening Arma 3 Logged Information Error in expression <X", "_newY", "_testPos"]; _newX = _posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); > Error position: <+ (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); > Error Generic error in expression File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 90 ==================== So I'm stumped...:mad::confused::( My Scripts In Order by which the mission should/would execute them... 01: Init.sqf // =================================== // Mission Init // Credits: INDIANA // =================================== // Required before mission starts working center = createCenter East; townLocs = []; _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital"], 100000]; _randomTownPos = position (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns)))); townLocs = townLocs + (_randomTownPos); // Declare Island Locations Once (Saves on pointless loading times) // Execute Mission Scripts [] execVM "init_Objectives.sqf"; ==================== 02: init_Objectives.sqf // =================================== // Credits: INDIANA // =================================== handle_MainMission = [] execVM "Missions\mainMission.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone handle_MainMission}; // =================================== handle_SideMission = [] execVM "Missions\getSide_Missions.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone handle_SideMission}; ==================== 03:mainMission.sqf // =============================== // Create Main Mission Objective // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== aoMainUnits = []; // =============================== // A1: Declare Vairables // =============================== private ["_mainAO","_random","_randomPos","_spawnGroupMain"]; // =================================== // C1: Create Main AO Position // =================================== mainMkr = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr", townLocs]; mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; mainMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; mainMkr setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; mainMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; mainMkr setMarkerSize [500,500]; mainMkr2 = createMarker ["mainMissionMkr2", townLocs]; mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; mainMkr2 setMarkerText "Main Objective"; mainMkr2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; mainMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; mainMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; mainMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; // =============================== // D1: Build Mission Objective Now // =============================== _mainAO = floor (random 3); switch (_mainAO) do { //Choice 1 case 0: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 6) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; }; //Choice 2 case 1: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 6) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; }; //Choice 3 case 2: //Generate Units at AO { _random = floor (random 6) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random do { _randomPos = []; _randomPos = [[[getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", (random 250) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _spawnGroupMain = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupMain, getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", random 250 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupMain allowFleeing 0; aoMainUnits = aoMainUnits + (units _spawnGroupMain); }; }; }; mainMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; mainMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; [player, "taskMainMission", ["Eliminate Enemy Occupation", "Main Objective", "Area of Operation"], getMarkerPos "mainMissionMkr", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; //waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _spawnGroupMain == 0}; //["taskMainMission", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; ==================== 04:getSide_Missions.sqf (This is the Scripts the Log Appears to be Pointing too. But I don't understand??) // =============================== // Randomized Side Missions // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== // A1: Check For Side Missions // Select Side Mission Type // ================================= //private ["_missionSelected"]; _missionSelected = floor (random 1) - 1; switch {_missionSelected} do { case 0: { [] execVM "Missions\sideMissions.sqf"; }; /*case 1: { [] execVM "missions\sideMission_armor"; }; */ }; ==================== 05:sideMissions.sqf // =============================== // Create Side Mission Objective // Credits: INDIANA // =============================== aoSideUnits = []; // =============================== // A1: Declare Vairables // =============================== private ["_sObj","_sMinDis","_sRndDis","_sRndDir","_sMkrPos","_sNewY","_sMkrPos","_sideAO","_random2","_randomPos2","_spawnGroupSide"]; // =============================== // Designate Side Mission Position // =============================== _sObj = (position mainMkr) this select 0; _sMinDis = 800; _sRndDis = _sMinDis + random 200; _sRndDir = random 360; _sMkrPos = [mainMkr]; // =============================== // Create Side Mission Marker(s) at designated position // =============================== sideMkr = createMarker ["sideMissionMkr", _sMkrPos]; sideMkr setMarkerAlpha 0; sideMkr setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; sideMkr setMarkerColor "ColorYellow"; sideMkr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; sideMkr setMarkerSize [150,150]; sideMkr2 = createMarker ["sideMissionMkr2", _sMkrPos]; sideMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 0; sideMkr2 setMarkerText "Side Mission"; sideMkr2 setMarkerType "mil_warning"; sideMkr2 setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR"; sideMkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; sideMkr2 setMarkerSize [1,1]; // =============================== // B2: Get position and set Position + Check surface // =============================== _sideAO = floor (random 3); switch (_sideAO) do { //Choice 1 case 0: //Generate Side Mission Stuff { _random2 = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random2 do { _randomPos2 = []; _randomPos2 = [[[getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", (random 100) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; spawnGroupSide call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupSide, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 100 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupSide allowFleeing 0; aoSideUnits = aoSideUnits + (units _spawnGroupSide); }; }; //Choice 2 case 1: //Generate Side Mission Stuff { _random2 = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random2 do { _randomPos2 = []; _randomPos2 = [[[getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", (random 100) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; spawnGroupSide call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupSide, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 100 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupSide allowFleeing 0; aoSideUnits = aoSideUnits + (units _spawnGroupSide); }; //Choice 3 case 2: //Generate Side Mission Stuff { _random2 = floor (random 4) + 1; //Amount of groups for "_i" from 0 to _random2 do { _randomPos2 = []; _randomPos2 = [[[getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", (random 100) + 50]],[],{!(surfaceIsWater _this)}] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; spawnGroupSide call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_spawnGroupSide, getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", random 100 + 50] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; _spawnGroupSide allowFleeing 0; aoSideUnits = aoSideUnits + (units _spawnGroupSide); }; }; }; }; sideMkr setMarkerAlpha 1; sideMkr2 setMarkerAlpha 1; [[player, "taskSideMission", ["Plan and Execute Side Mission", "Side Objective", "Side Mission"], getMarkerPos "sideMissionMkr", true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; //waitUntil {{alive _x} count units _spawnGroupSide == 0}; //["taskSideMission", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; ==================== Ohh and the rest of the spammed nonsense at the top of my log... Top Half Of Log:
  23. BUMP Anyone? How could I do this ^
  24. I updated the scripts so refer back to the main post to see where I'm at with things. Now with that being said, Quote from previous post... I need help getting my Side Mission made about 800m to 1000m from the Main Mission Objective as well as getting the side Mission markers set as the side Missions position before hand. Basicly the starting point of generating the side mission. I can't figure it out, been up all night fiddling around and searching for alternative ways, but I'm tired now and finally decided to ask for help on it.(S.N.) Also, after the main objective is complete, I wish for It to run again and generate another main objective but NOT create another side mission until the current one is completed. and when the current side mission is complete, It too should then generate another side mission for the players. Thanks in advance.. Scripts working with to accomplish thee above statement mainMission.sqf --> getSide_mission.sqf --> sideMissions.sqf
  25. Shit man, Thanks! that saved me a lot of time and scripting. Now i'll have to make those changes to the sideMissions.sqf ---------- Post added at 02:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 AM ---------- Your advice is true, I will change the town positions so that they are set once in a script for all to use. as for the side mission question, my goal is to have a side mission available about 3 to 5 minutes after the main objective is set in place?