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Everything posted by asuseroako

  1. asuseroako

    Zee Identity Pack

    Oh Oakes my god! :inlove: Body from female unit of LT Mod.
  2. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    KPA Nanosuit mod for Arma 3. Activate cloak. Team white go cloaked.
  3. asuseroako

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Lush, gorgeous! Thanks again Egil for this Bornholm terrain-map. Lovin it. Here's a short clip at Joboland Park... with BP Zombies! :681:
  4. asuseroako

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain]

    Thanks for sharing. :)
  5. asuseroako

    Zee Identity Pack

    Lovely :love:
  6. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    Some stuff showcasing the conveniences of voice commands in Arma 3. GlovePIE in Arma 3 Fun with particle effects
  7. Yeah no probs and thanks. I thought you haven't tried VACommander yet. I agree that VACommander needs some more polishing considering it was made in the early A3 Alpha days but its a good start. And I also do not mean disrespectful with those feedback. Unfortunately, I have no other addon to suggest anymore. Maybe you can PM the authors for request. Strictly for personal use, look under the hood, learn how things work and see what you can come up with. :icon_idea:
  8. asuseroako

    Why is my main menu non-existent?

    I think the -skipintro parameter would disable world intros in the main menu but regarding your nothing I can see to click on problem, that I have no idea why. I remember having a main menu problem also with testing Breaking Point zombies in A3 Editor. With the updated breakingpoint_ui.pbo file, you would end up with a main menu without the Singleplayer and Editor button. Those where disabled since version 0.1291 per changelog info.
  9. Have you tried VACommander? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153283-VACommander Here's an old video demo True. When your in-game avatar does not repeat what you say thru the mic, it would in effect translate to faster command execution and faster response from the AIs. Check from the video below
  10. asuseroako

    Why is my main menu non-existent?

    What happens if you launch Arma 3 from a desktop shortcut? Try this launch parameter. "X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" [b][color="#FF0000"]-nologs -skipintro[/color][/b]
  11. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    Some videos featuring the 1.6 km x 1.6 km Unnamed Terrain - Ukraine from Shelestov. Enjoy the scenes! This patch of paradise would be perfect for 'Village Sweep' / 'Clean Sweep' style mission. Remember - No one is to leave here alive! Lets waste 'em, out
  12. View album: http://imgur.com/a/DMekL Description: Some images / scenes from the Unnamed Terrain - Ukraine (Alpha 1) by Shelestov
  13. Thanks for sharing the map, Shelestov. I love it! :cool:
  14. asuseroako

    Happy Birthday Arma 3!

    Happy birthday A3! :cheers:
  15. Truly captivating screenshots! Good luck on the project and stay safe, Sir. :cool:
  16. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    Zombie slaying with bipedal support. Fun with zombies and wanzer in Arma 3 editor. Featuring wanzer (mech) from the Wander Panzer (WAP) mod and zombies from the Breaking Point mod. :coop:
  17. Maybe you can peek at how gmwo implemented a laser beam rifle on the Kyojun unit.
  18. asuseroako

    How exactly do I use event handlers?

    I'm not sure if the code below is what you are looking for so may I suggest that you give it a try in A3 Editor Debug Console. player setCaptive true; _sideArray = [WEST, "West", "BLU_F"]; _grpType = ["Infantry"]; _infGrp = ["BUS_InfTeam","BUS_ReconSentry","BUS_InfTeam_AA","BUS_InfSquad"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _grp = [getpos player, (_sideArray select 0), (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> (_sideArray select 1) >> (_sideArray select 2) >> (_grpType select 0) >> _infGrp)] call BIS_fnc_SpawnGroup; { _x addeventhandler ["killed", { Hint "You killed a unit, he will be deleted after 10 sec"; (_this select 0) spawn {sleep 10; deleteVehicle _this; Hint "";} }]; } foreach units _grp; What the code does: It will spawn an infantry group at your current location. Kill a member of the group and a hint will show up. After 10sec the dead unit will be deleted.
  19. This is from the Arma 3 Troubleshooting section http://day0.com.au/forum/arma/638-arma-3-performance-tweaks-and-settings-guide There is not much I can do with my machine. I'm stuck with my old laptop for Arma 3 SP gaming so specs like yours make me envious. :)
  20. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    Out in foggy Berezino (Chernarus) to slay zombies, lots of them! Created using the Arma 3 editor with zombies from the Breaking Point mod.
  21. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    Mechs versus Zombies. Such joy to see these zeds slaughtered for fun sake. Featuring mini WAPs from the Arma 3 Wander Panzer (WAP) mod and zombies from the Breaking Point mod. Also features GlovePIE Voice Commands (advanced) script for Arma 3. If you think voice commands in Arma 3 is just for controlling AI squad members, then you are missing a lot! :)
  22. asuseroako

    Singleplayer, Multiplayer or Editor ?

    In this part of the planet, power supply is unreliable and internet connection is slow to ever enjoy MP sessions. Good thing there is Arma 3 Singleplayer and Editor. :)
  23. asuseroako

    Arma3 Videos

    Just messing around with the Breaking Point zombies in VR environment Kill them all.
  24. asuseroako

    Infected Script by Gulozwood

    You're welcome. Try this: Look for the file named fnc_stuff.sqf inside infected folder then after the lines _me forceAddUniform _chosenmil; and _me forceAddUniform _chosencloth; , add the code: _me setObjectMaterial [0, "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat"];
  25. @Phoenix Looks good. Thanks for sharing your script. Can't wait to actually try it in game. I also gave this steal uniform thing a shot weeks back and here is what I came up with. Crude way, activated via voice commands.