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Posts posted by sarogahtyp

  1. okay, i read another topic and it says that u cant execute a script with remoteExec. I would do a preprocessed and precompiled function for it then.

    you can use this in the init.sqf:


    fnc_my_function = compileFinal preprocessFile "your.sqf";
    then u can use (call or spawn) it where ever u want with:


    return_value = [param1, param2] call fnc_my_function;
    [param1, param2] call fnc_my_function;
    param1 call fnc_my_function;
    [] call fnc_my_function;
    and u can use remote exec then.

  2. i ll post here what comes in my mind with ur code in order as it came with or without relation to ur problem. i will edit this post every time i ve a new suggestion.

    possibleSpies = possibleSpies + [_x];

    replace that with this cause its alot faster:

    possibleSpies pushBack _x;

    I did not understood where the specified problem occurs but the solution should be to find a string in a string like that:

    if ((_element_of_all_units find _player_Str) < 0) then
     hint "player string is NOT inside of playable units";
     hint "player string is inside of playable units";

  3. Sorry, until now i dont know what the script is exactly for.

    Could u explain what the object is which should be attached and which object it should be attached to. A real example could me help to understand what u like to do.

    Another question is why u need to manipulate vectordir and vector up. Because if u have to do that every frame then I think its useless to attach the object cause the advantage of attachTo is that u dont need to worry about those vectors. if that is needed you could setpos instead.




    The following line is definetly wrong. There must be an angle of 90 degree at every time between vector dir and vector up. In that code they r pointing in the same direction which is not allowed.

    _object setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,0,1]];
    it could be

    _object setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]];

    _object setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]];

    What is that line for? getting worlds center position in model space? for me it seems to be without of sense.

    _v = _attachToObject worldToModel [0,0,0];

  4. heliFuelTruck should be the name of a vehicle. i think it is not and for that your 2nd error shows up
    currentAO should be a markers name but it seems to be not. thats the 3rd error.
    server should be an objects name or whatever but u have no thing named server... 4th.

    I think medicTruck_1_1 should be the name of a vehicle,too ... 1st


    just read that rpt snippets urself, its telling u the error:

    Error Undefined variable in expression: helifueltruck
    Error position: <heliFuelTruck) then {heliFuelTruck setF>

    means that heliFuelTruck is used in the script but is unknown at the time of running it

  5. Ok guys I think I got it working. But it needs some more optimizing I think.

    Its useless below 10 meters too but the crosshair is nearly in the center above 10 m.

    I think we should forbid measuring below 50 meters to avoid strange behavior.

    But there are some delays sometimes and that shoul be optimized.

    Also I didnt test with other weapons but i think it should work for it.

    _perfect_start = [0.12,0.57,0.52];
    while{true} do
     while {player isIRLaserOn currentWeapon player} do
      if (cameraView == "GUNNER") then
       _txtXhair = "";
       _posXhair = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 10000];
       _dir = player weaponDirection (currentWeapon player);
       _corr = [(_perfect_start select 0), (_perfect_start select 1), (_perfect_start select 2)];
       _posLaser = AGLToASL (player modelToWorld _corr);
       _posXhair = _posLaser vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 4999);
       _hitLaser = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_posLaser, _posXhair, player,objNull, true, 1, "GEOM","NONE"];
       if (0 < count _hitLaser) then
        _posXhair = (_hitLaser select 0) select 0;
        _txtXhair = str(round(_posLaser distance _posXhair));
        _perfect_end = AGLToASL screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
    // reverse calculation of perfect start point with use of perfect end point
         _reverse_start = _perfect_end vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply -5000);
         _array = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_perfect_end, _reverse_start, objNull,objNull, false, 100, "GEOM","NONE"];
         if (0 < (count _array)) then
           if((_x select 2) == player)  then
            _perfect_start = player worldToModel ASLToAGL(_x select 0);
          } forEach _array;
      _posXhair = ASLToAGL _posXhair;
      drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\weapon_ca.paa", [0,0.2,0,1], _posXhair, 1, 1, 0, _txtXhair, 0, 0.02, "TahomaB", "center", false];
      }; // gunner check end
     sleep 0.03;
     }; // while IR on end
    sleep 5;

    Status: running with some minor bugs.

    EDIT: I ve tested some other weapons now and it works. I think the laserpointer has the same position at every weapon cause i found no weapon where I noticed a different position.

  6. You are using the wrong Syntax for the Event handler.


    You have

    addeventhandler ["STRING","STRING"];
    when it should be

    addEventHandler ["STRING", {CODE}];

    _this addeventhandler ["respawn",{nil = _this execvm 'rifle.sqf'}];

    i think u r right but in the init line it shoul look:

    this addeventhandler ["respawn",{nil = _this execvm 'rifle.sqf'}];


    _d = this addEventHandler ["respawn",{_d = _this execvm 'rifle.sqf'}];

  7. _perfect_start = [0.12,0.57,0.52];
    _timestamp = diag_tickTime;
    while{true} do
     while {player isIRLaserOn currentWeapon player} do
      if (cameraView == "GUNNER") then
       _txtXhair = "";
       _posXhair = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 10000];
       _dir = player weaponDirection (currentWeapon player);
       _corr = [(_perfect_start select 0), (_perfect_start select 1), ((_dir select 2) * (_perfect_start select 2))];
       _posLaser = AGLToASL (player modelToWorld _corr);
       _posXhair = _posLaser vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 4999);
       _hitLaser = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_posLaser, _posXhair, player,objNull, true, 1, "GEOM","NONE"];
       if (0 < count _hitLaser) then
        _posXhair = (_hitLaser select 0) select 0;
        _txtXhair = str(round(_posLaser distance _posXhair));
       _posXhair = ASLToAGL _posXhair;
    // correction should be calculated every second
       _time = diag_tickTime;
       if((_timestamp + 1) < _time) then
        _timestamp = _time;
    //first test if screenToWorld provides correct values and if _posXhair has a different value
        _perfect_end = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
        _verify_STW = screenToWorld [0.5,0.499];
        _verify = _perfect_end distance _verify_STW;
        _err = _perfect_end distance _posXhair;
        if((_verify > 0.04) and (_err > 0)) then
    // reverse calculation of perfect start point with use of perfect end point
         _reverse_start = _perfect_end vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply -5000);
         _array = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_perfect_end, _reverse_start, objNull,objNull, false, 100, "GEOM","NONE"];
         if (0 < (count _array)) then
           if(((_x select 2) == player) or ((_x select 3) == player))  then
            _perfect_start = player worldToModel ASLToAGL(_x select 0);
            if ((_dir select 2) != 0) then
             _perfect_start = [(_perfect_start select 0), (_perfect_start select 1), ((_perfect_start select 2)/(_dir select 2))];
          } forEach _array;
        }; // check STW and error end
       }; // time check end
      drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\weapon_ca.paa", [0,0.2,0,1], _posXhair, 1, 1, 0, _txtXhair, 0, 0.02, "TahomaB", "center", false];
      }; // gunner check end
     sleep 0.03;
     }; // while IR on end
    sleep 5;

    Status: running but very buggy now.


    In this version u can see the crosshair only above a distance of 250 m because auto correction is not working until now. (If it ever will?)


    Main problem is that I cant get an object or its position from lineintersects return array (line 44).

    It is always returning only 1 element even if their r some objects in the way.

    That element is objNull and the parent object is objNull, too. 


    Im tired now. goin to bed.

  8. I should write withs thos ''d'' or just null ?


    Sweet it kinda work now :) Just question what i where i need change to get better loot  in your code ? Becous in that scrip 1-3 is , 1 civilian, 2mility and 3is military. I need for 3 so have big guns :P        

    And when i have spawns what need , then im ready to play withs friends ? Or i need scrip somthing else for MP ?


    ...ewUnit,3] execVM "fnc_generate...


    You can use that eventhandler in the init line of each player in multiplayer
