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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp


    I do not agree with this opinion. A little gimmick gladly, but no discount. I find that I get a lot of content for 30 euros. But that is probably also because I deal with the Workbench.
  2. On the contrary, I hope that BI will make great progress on this point! Because if you take a closer look at the physics scripting in Arma 3, you will sooner or later realize that the physics simulation in Arma 3 is a very optimized and thus unrealistic thing. There are reasons for exploding helicopters that have been rammed a bit by small quads. And there are reasons why these 60 ton tanks fly hundreds of meters through the air... I assume very much that physics should get simulated better in AR and Arma 4 as well.
  3. This is for sure a very good solution for the problem of being not able to edit the original world. But does anybody know what this means for the mission size? Saving the whole world into the addon when you are just creating a little mission should have an impact on size I guess...
  4. I try to find a method to 1. reference to any object out of a script tied to another entity. - f.e. i have a truck named SaRo_BMHQ_Hillbilly01 and I want to hide a camo net which is not named but which is ordered below the truck in the Hierarchy: - I need to know how to reference the camo net out of a trucks event script. 2. - How to hide that camo net generally 3. - How to first reference and then hide an AR map object using the EOnInit event handler of the game mode entity (or maybe there is another better init method?).
  5. @joemac90 very helpful, very much appreciated. Thanks a lot 🙂
  6. Patience young padawan. This feature will come for sure but we are at alpha state. Its just not feature complete.
  7. sarogahtyp

    How to edit reforger models?

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_Reforger/Modding/Tutorials/Official_Tools/Enfusion_Blender_Tools Maybe this helps
  8. sarogahtyp

    How can I edit the Eden map?

    Since the day of the release it was not possible to delete anything from the map directly and permanently. So idk what you did but this was never possible for sure. I guess there is a solution for hiding such objects with scripting at least but i did not get an answer in forum and discord to that qeustion upto now. I think that will happen sooner or later....
  9. @captncaps I guess your tutorial misses some important steps to get the whole thing work. On my end I gave up because as @MRsemple said ther is nothing happening after clicking on the Export Map Data button. Best would be to begin the tutorial with the Projects window instantly after starting Arma Reforger Tools out of Steam and describing each little step precisly. This is what your tutorial does'nt do currently.
  10. you did receive an answer already. I Think there is no more one can tell you about: No need for that. There are several youtube vids out which show you how to do the basics like AI, waypoints and triggers... The other way is to just wait as mentioned above!
  11. sarogahtyp

    Gamepad control and inventory

    this is the reason for what AR is released as an Alpha and as The Road to Arma 4. BI has not much experience on xbox and they try to get such feedback to get an overview of better solutions to implement such thing in Arma 4 ( or maybe in Arma Reforger as well). Its just a playground for the devs to get data and feedback of how the things are running. Therefore, I assume BI appreciates your feedback (and that of others) and will take it into consideration even if they may not answer here.
  12. I'am not able to copy error messages in the script editor's error subwindow: This is an essential feature to be easily able to get help anywhere (google or forums). Please add this BI, thanks.
  13. sarogahtyp

    Player in a specific vehicle

    I did not check the whole script but the condition for the while loop to reun has to be: while { not isNull objectParent player and { typeOf objectParent player isEqualTo "B_T_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F" } } do you should use the wiki to get a clue of the things you are doin. = is not a comparision operator but an assignment operator == or isEqualTo are for comparision a classname is a string and needs always quotes and maybe there is some more which the wiki could answer for you.
  14. sarogahtyp

    Player in a specific vehicle

    Tell us the whole story. What do you want to do and what did you try to achieve it?
  15. sarogahtyp


    Afaik BI mentioned to implement helicopters but never planes in AR. If I remember correctly then also tanks will not get implemented. Those stuff will come with arma4
  16. sarogahtyp

    What maps are you working on?

    you can embed images to your post with the drop down menu "insert other media" in the bottom right corner. To get the correct link of your imgur posts: 1. open your link on imgur like this https://imgur.com/a/fOwnb6L 2. right click the image on imgur page 3. choose "copy image adress" (or similar) 4. you ll get this link which you can use with the Insert other media menu: https://i.imgur.com/IxAxCdZ.png I did this for your images so a forum reader needs not to head over to imgur to view it. @ForestFighters work: @ForestFighters work: @ForestFighters work:
  17. sarogahtyp

    Find nearest road position?

    how and where exactly are you running QueryEntitiesBySphere? It's not the case that I could help you much with your problem but I wan't to try out that method and learn it's usage... Edit: after following the link in the below post it is done this way: GetGame().GetWorld().QueryEntitiesBySphere(marker.GetOrigin(), m_iCityRange, CheckHouseAddToArray, FilterHouseEntities, EQueryEntitiesFlags.STATIC); So it's a GetGame.GetWorld method. Declaration of that method in BaseWorld.c: proto external bool QueryEntitiesBySphere(vector center, float radius, QueryEntitiesCallback addEntity, QueryEntitiesCallback filterEntity = null, EQueryEntitiesFlags queryFlags = EQueryEntitiesFlags.ALL);
  18. sarogahtyp

    How To Modify Building Prefabs?

    Today I played around with the prefab of a truck. First I inherited the original into my addon and then I added another material to it just to see if it works ( I m learning ...). I had the same problem several times. The save button and menu entry lit not up and the force save entry did not do anything. It just got not saved. But I repeated that procedure several times and at some times the save button lit up, I pressed it and the prefab was saved including the changed materials... I guess there is some issue with the save functionality.
  19. Nearly everything in AR is new. But also everything feels like a wireframe or template. It has to get filled firstly and this also aplies to the AI...
  20. Today during the downtime of all bohemia pages I thought they would setup the new AR forum... damn!
  21. sarogahtyp

    How to make UI key prompt

    I saw same thing on bad company domination server using the revive system there. I guess it's part of domination and therefore you could find how it is working in dominations revive system. Xenos Domination is available on GitHub: Xeno69/Domination Edit: You could also ask Xeno on his Discord Server. AFAIK he is answering such questions there and is very helpful.
  22. Helpfull would be to tell OP how you tested it and which errors occured.
  23. sarogahtyp

    How to make UI key prompt

    That link is broken... Edit: for future reference https://youtu.be/KU9G3wPiGUY?t=321
  24. i could swear it was the whole array when i tested it. Will take a look at it tomorrow