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Everything posted by b1944

  1. b1944

    ACE for OA 1.12

    I have checked the rest of the pages but found no answer to Achilles's question. I have the same problem, the "Set timer" function does not work, I get the same error message. I also have 1.59 CO and the latest ACE stable. Could you please help?
  2. b1944

    Fallujah 1.2

    Hi The map is excellent but when I place the ambient civilians (expansion) module on the map (in debug mode), nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? If I do the same on Zargabad, the town gets populated within a minute.
  3. b1944

    Day & Weather Script

    I have put W0lle's "light" version into my mission and it seems to work. However I'm a bit unsure about this 12:00 July 25 time and date. Is it necessary to make the script work? In my case it's a night mission so 12:00 is not the best choice. :D
  4. b1944

    Day & Weather Script

    Thank you both, it is good to know that there are people who are willing to help and help quickly. :)
  5. b1944

    Day & Weather Script

    Hi Moerderhoschi I saw your script in W0lle's Motorcade mission and really liked it. I would like to add it to a mission that I'm now working on but I have a question. I need only random weather because it's a stealth mission taking place at night. In this case I will have to modify the description.ext only. Is that right? I just simply modify the values and texts in paramsArray[0]? Thank you for the great scrip.
  6. First of all, thank you guys for your work. I am definitely not as good at scripting as you are but I hope you are interested in my opinion about the script: 1, For some reason I couldn't make the SC-TdCconvoy.Zargabad test mission work in the editor but it did work when I put the mission in the MPmissions folder. 2, While editing scr_convoy_cfg.sqf I realized that always twice as many convoy guard and convoy transport vehicles were created as defined. I couldn't create any support vehicles or helicopters. I have no idea about the reason. 3, The "reaction under fire" is I think very good but I think more smoke shells would be better. I tried the script with CO 1.59 with and without ACE. Now I am about to incorporate it into one of my missions. I'm looking forward to the next release. :bounce3: