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Persian MO

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Everything posted by Persian MO

  1. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Update to ver 1.4 added voices , ais will talk with radio or yelling while firing fix remove firstaid and medkit fix some performance issues , thanks to hunter1000 added 2 new killer voices added parameters for control script How to use: Copy folder and files from demo mission into your mission folder. Check out init.sqf and injured.sqf and killer.sqf for more setting and add your own sounds. /*//parameters _this select 0, true or false, ais war voices,ais will talk with radio or yelling while firing, (default = true) _this select 1, true or false, drop smoke around injured ai, (default = true) _this select 2, true or false, drag to cover, dragger will drag injured to covers like bushes or rocks, for longer distance drag set this false, (default = true) _this select 3, unconscious and drag chance, determine chance unit unconscious if got hit, min 0%-100% max (default = 50%) _this select 4, hit react chance, determine chance unit have react animation if got hit, min 0%-100% max (default = 20%) *** Important Note: if you increase hit react chance, it also decrease unconscious and drag chance *** */ _null = [true, true, true, 70, 20] execvm "scripts\injured.sqf"; Hi Cheitan Thank you very much :) Nice work.Good example that i can compare with script! anyway, i'm not going for modding but if you made it please send me a link so i can share it here too.Its ok if releasing it under your own name , just release it on public so everyone can use.. i'm just wonder how it came out with cba dependency while script itself not using any cba!
  2. remove medical pbos from ace 3 mod folder, also you can remove any other pbos from it if you want to disable some other features from ace 3.you can rename mod folder to have your own customized ace 3 mod.
  3. You may need to set name for 2 truck vehicle( add them if your not) as flatbed1 and flatbed 2 or remove last lines in your init.sqf, check it out , you will find it.
  4. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Thanks for codes. I ll use your code and change script for next update. I used nearestTerrainObjects before but sometimes draggier stuck at position while drag injured unit.It was strange.I ll try again with your code.
  5. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    No problem when i tested. New version incap.sqf
  6. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Thanks guys. I have to fix this issue too, for next update but still you can change it by added a code line to loop line. End of injured.sqf, important note part, replace below code lines with yours. //******* IMPORTANT NOTE ****\\\\\\\\\\\ //look for number 70 means 70% chance to ai get injured and Unconscious instead dead.you can change it to increase or decrease Unconscious chance. // ( min value 1 - max value 100 ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isServer) then { _units = []; while { (true) } do { { if ((_x isKindOf "Man") && (!isplayer _x)) then { _uls = lifeState _x; if ((_uls != "INCAPACITATED") && !(_x getVariable ["MBG_ready",false])) then { _units pushBack _x; _x removeItems "FirstAidKit"; _x removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPHit"; _x setVariable ["MBG_ready",true]; call compile format[" %1 addMPEventHandler ['MPHit',{ if (vehicle %1 == %1) then { _rand = random 100; if (_rand < 70) then { [%1] spawn fnc_injured; }; }; }] ",[_x] call BIS_fnc_objectVar]; }; }; } forEach allUnits; sleep 10; }; }; Smokes just drop by script, I should add a option for it to enable or disable it, next update. You can change it in inCap.sqf remove line 27 to 33 if (isServer) then { _smokeColor1 = ["SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellBlue", "SmokeShellOrange" ] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _smoke1 = createVehicle [_smokeColor1, _unit, [], 2, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _smokeColor2 = ["SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellGreen", "SmokeShellBlue", "SmokeShellOrange" ] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _smoke2 = createVehicle [_smokeColor2, _unit, [], 4, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; }; Open demo mission and run it once with vanilla units and then try with unsung units.If units not wear vest or the weapon is high caliber , shouted unit will die. I don't have unsung mod right now but with cup units that happen most times because they vest is weak or not wear one, i think. Try to hit them with a pistol,
  7. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    - drag and heal injured unit is not depend to medic role. Script select somebody random in 25 distance from injured unit , not player , drop smoke, give move command to selected unit and then drag animation while attaching both units to a hidden civilian, then select a random position around injured unit , radius random 50 meter or if they are near building , select inside it, then they moving to that . - if injured unit have med kit or bandages , it may broke drag animation because injured unit will try to heal himself.if you spawning units middle of mission, you have to remove their bandages(_x removeItems "FirstAidKit";, i ll fix it next update, add this to loop line injured.sqf) - sometimes helper unit will pass drag and help at all, if he is under fire, no try to approach to injured unit - if unit not wear a vest, he will die when got shot.small chance that unit follow script, for example some mod units - mostly first shouted units can get help, last units in a group have less chance for it if there is not any friendly groups in near - sometimes you may see some weird actions in units animations, because hit react animation conflict i had anew test on dedicated server and all work.I was alone in server.i didn't have somebody else on server or JIP but the script ruining on server ,most of it,so shouldn't be a problem.
  8. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Script looking for sides, west, east and independent , should be ok with any mod units. I don't know how to mod, feel free if u want and you can do it. Script need some more tweaks i think.not perfect yet.specially with Zeus part. Thanks for feedback.I didn't know that, about friendly fire :)
  9. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    It working for me , i just tested again, do you using ace 3 mod? Please try sample mission and see if it not working for you, let me khnow.
  10. About ace 3 weather, i think it changing weather even if you not use ace weather module. Use Ace 3 weather module and set for not changing weather if there is a option for it.
  11. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    :) civ not working. actually there is a hidden civ that dragging injured. also most drag part is from this thread https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/122542-a-cheap-method-to-make-ai-drag-wounded-soldiers/
  12. try this [[_source,_sound] remoteExec ["say3D"]]; trigger condition must be isserver
  13. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Update to ver 1.3 added dragging action to Ais to drag injured body and heal Added hit react to Ais fix some zeus issues Added timer to injured Ais to die if not get heal
  14. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    should be possible.Right now there is sleep time which has been set with heal animation play time.I ll try to do things you asking after i finish most part the script, i hope. I didn't tried it yet but it should work too.just need some more tweaks and test, i ll try it later after done carry/drag part. sound files, pain5, pain6 and pain7
  15. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Here is a demo video that show dragging injured ais, still need some more tweaks but looks ok for now. perhaps a carry injured ais would be possible later
  16. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Thanks, Im working on Ais drag injured body, now. I ll check out again kill sound part and try to put all codes in a single script.
  17. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Update to ver 1.2 - Added hit sounds -Added finisher sounds How to use: Copy sqf files and sound folder from demo mission in your mission folder. Check out init.sqf and injured.sqf for more setting and add your own sounds. Download ver 1.2
  18. Persian MO

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Looks like Orange is VR. https://twitter.com/Lathspel/status/796594649297223680
  19. Persian MO

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Its not naval , its not Argo, its something about battlefield , some orange fruit and some pumpkins and a Squirrel ! :confused:
  20. Fixed jip and particle effects for server, sort of., i think.i had a test on server and looks fine. for jip and locality if you didn't see this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG#Determining_if_machine_is_Ingame_Server.2C_Ded_Server.2C_Player_or_JIP_Player jip fix is in init.sqf and particle effects fix is in addBirdDamageEH.sqf and featherEffect.sqf I hope this can help you. Changes:(description in script lines) init.sqf //if(!isServer) then {waitUntil{!isNull player}}; JBOY_say3d = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY\JBOY_say3d.sqf"; JBOY_isFetchable = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY\JBOY_isFetchable.sqf"; JBOY_turboChicken = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY\JBOY_turboChicken.sqf"; //addBirdDamageEHs = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY_Dog\addBirdDamageEHs.sqf"; //if jip player then exit _JIPplayer = not isServer && isNull player; if (_JIPplayer) exitwith {}; // ************************************************************************** // Create some rabbits and chickens explicitly. These small animals will run or fly when dog or man approaches. // ************************************************************************** R1 = createAgent ['Rabbit_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [2, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; R2 = createAgent ['Rabbit_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [5, 90], [], 0, "NONE"]; R3 = createAgent ['Rabbit_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [4, 180], [], 0, "NONE"]; R4 = createAgent ['Rabbit_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [2, 270], [], 0, "NONE"]; {nul = [_x] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_animalScatter.sqf";} foreach [R1,R2,R3,R4]; // rabbits will scatter when dog or man near. C1 = createAgent ['Cock_random_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [3, 200], [], 0, "NONE"]; C2 = createAgent ['Cock_white_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [2, 100], [], 0, "NONE"]; C3 = createAgent ['Cock_random_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [4, 200], [], 0, "NONE"]; C4 = createAgent ['Cock_white_F', rabbitPos getRelPos [1, 100], [], 0, "NONE"]; // ************************************************************************** // Also look at Animals Module in this mission used to create hens. // It has the following line of code in the module's init field, which readies // the birds and rabbits to scatter. // ************************************************************************** // nul = [this, 20] execVM "JBOY\addBirdDamageEHs.sqf"; addBirdDamageEH.sqf ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // addBirdDamageEH.sqf // Created by: johnnyboy // // Give object a boost when sticks in shallow water // // nul = [bird] execVM "JBOY_Dog\addBirdDamageEH.sqf"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isServer) exitwith {}; params["_bird"]; if (_bird isKindOf "Fowl_Base_F") then { _bird removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _bird addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { private ["_return"]; _bird = _this select 0; _selection = _this select 1; _passedDamage = _this select 2; _source = _this select 3; _projectile = _this select 4; diag_log["damage",_bird,_selection,_passedDamage,_source,_projectile]; //run on all machines [[[_bird],"JBOY\featherEffect.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; // nul = [_bird] execVM "JBOY\featherEffect.sqf"; _return = _passedDamage; _return }]; }; featherEffect.sqf // Puff of feathers spawned around object. Preferably a bird!! Or a guy with down vest! // // nul = [bird] execVM "JBOY\featherEffect.sqf"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // execute on clients too //if (!isServer) exitwith {}; params["_bird"]; Private["_effect"]; _effect = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; //(getPos player); _effect setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\cl_feathers2", 1, 0, 1], "", "SpaceObject", 0.4, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], 0, 8, 4, 0.075, [1.4, 2, 4], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0]], [0.08], 0.9, 0.6, "", "", _bird]; _effect setParticleRandom [0, [0.25, 0.25, 0], [0.1, 0.1, 0], 0, 0.1, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 1, 1]; _effect setParticleCircle [0, [0, 0, 0]]; _effect setDropInterval 0.02; _effect attachTo [_bird,[0,0,0]]; sleep .5; //_emitterArray = _effect getVariable "effects"; //{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _emitterArray; deleteVehicle _effect;
  21. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Everything possible in arma but it depends on scripter skills. I'm not good to much at it. For now i trying with drag and revive part.so Ais drag injured mate to cover and heal. If i can make it :)
  22. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Thanks guys. Yes.Ais finish the job and talk also.
  23. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    added sound when Ais got shot and sound for finishers . just need fix MP issue and find some good voices for finishers
  24. Good job. any variable to check if bomb has been disabled? for trigger condition example
  25. Persian MO

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Open injured.sqf , line 82: increase number 35, this is chance number about ais move to unconscious instead dead.(min 1 - max 100) Cool ideas, let see if i can make it. :)