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About pater

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  1. What happened to the sniper scopes? If I spawn a sniper unit they have the M320 or Lynx but there is no scope and I can't find the classnames, so I can't even add it to my inventory manually.
  2. Hi SaOk I'm having a really weird issue just with your mission - my weapon won't fire every time I click. This is for any weapon. I will shoot, then the next 2-4 mouse clicks do nothing, then it will shoot again. Seems completely random. This only happens with this mission however. It wasn't doing it at first but I have a couple hours into it now (taking my sweet time) and it does it for any weapon now. Makes it almost impossible to do anything since I don't know whether I will actually be able to shoot someone or not.
  3. What's with the bugfix about the Comanche in the changelog? It's not even available yet, is it?
  4. pater

    Compass + Watch Enlarger

    I have the latest dev build and can confirm the compass and watch are much larger and now easily readable.
  5. For anyone who still doesn't know, it's the numpad / key by default.
  6. pater

    RH wip thread

    That's true, although personally I prefer the look and feel of the Mk23. But anyways I'll go ahead and make it then - or at least try. Edit: Sif - Right. Both pistols were pretty much developed in the same time frame; 1-2 years in terms of weapon development really makes no difference (that is, the USP was "finished" about 2 years after the Mk23). I consider the USP and the Mk23 two completely different pistols, even though they are the same general design.
  7. pater

    RH wip thread

    Old? What's the "new" Mk23?
  8. pater

    RH wip thread

    Hey RobertHammer, I'm currently working on modeling an HK Mk23, but by no means am I an expert at modeling. I just want to know, do you happen to be working on one (seeing as you've already done USPs)? Because I don't really want to waste my time if you're going to come out with one, since you're much more experienced than me.