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About MorrisBoy94

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  1. no, im just making my own little campaign and thats it
  2. No, for some reason it wont show. Here my init file in case that helps
  3. This is what i got after adding scripts for the note section made in ARMA Briefing Manager
  4. Oh my God, Gunter thanks mate, this has been very helpful. Many Thanks :)
  5. Hello I am currently making a spec-ops mission where the target are two Zeus AA guns. I would like to make a trigger that marks off a task as complete when the Zeus' are destroyed and gives a message saying the aa are destroyed. Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you
  6. MorrisBoy94

    ArmA 2 Briefing Manager

    thanks mate, but what i meant to say is, what is the code to get it to appear on the mission within the breifing document itself
  7. Hello I've installed the Arma 2 briefing manager addon and I've saved a briefing for a mission. However im having trouble making it appear within themission itself. Can anyone help me if they have used this program and got it working, such as showing me what texts to put in the file itself. Any help will be apprieciated. Thanks :)