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Everything posted by weirdo10o4

  1. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    Still here..
  2. Yeah, I just switched it. Works better (I'm A-CO as well). And I use the getposASL 'cuz it's in Takistan. Now it keeps setting my height to like 300 after I jump: hint "Exec"; 1 setrain 0; 1 setfog 0; _unit = _this select 0; showmap false; showgps false; waitUntil {((getposASL _unit select 2) < 8998)}; [_unit, (getposASL _unit select 2)] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"; _unit SetVelocity [0,-50,(velocity _unit select 2)]; waitUntil {((getpos _unit select 2) < 2000)}; _unit setpos [getmarkerpos "DropZone" select 0, getmarkerpos "DropZone" select 1, getpos _unit select 2]; waitUntil {sleep 5; getpos _unit select 2 < 2}; showmap true; showgps true;
  3. Search. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/weapons community.bistudio.com/wiki/Main_Page
  4. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    Well I know how to use the listed sounds, but I'm trying to use a default C130 sound which isn't listed: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Common\ca\sounds\Air\C130\int_forsage_1" Scripts execute like this:"\ca\air2\halo\...\...\halo.sqf" But sounds give error when you try it that way: "\ca\sounds\Air\C130\int_forsage_1" and that is a sound according to the config.. And before you ask, I've used the search function here, google and youtube with the following keywords: And that was my script. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I'll take your second advice of reading that editing guide.
  5. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    I still can't find the relevant things, though I did find the configuration viewer. Scripts execute like this "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO.sqs" so why don't sounds? Also, during HALO setDir can't be used to change direction, what should be used instead? ---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:31 PM ---------- You did not just have me scrawl around for that. I said C-130 sound from the C-130 cargo space. Not factory sound from the factory. :mad: Here it is 1 setrain 0; _unit = _this select 0; Playsound [i]"C130_internal"[/i] // [b][i][u]not the actual name[/u][/i][/b] waitUntil {((getposASL _unit select 2) < 5500)}; Playsound ""; _bbC130 = createSoundSource [[i]"C130ext"[/i], position C130, [], 0] // [i][b][u]not the actual name[/u][/b][/i] [_unit] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO.sqs"; _unit setdir 180; waitUntil {((getpos _unit select 2) < 2000)}; _unit setpos [getmarkerpos "DropZone" select 0, getmarkerpos "DropZone" select 1, getpos _unit select 2]; //"C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Common\ca\sounds\Air\C130\int_forsage_1" How do I play C130 internal, C130ext since they're in the directory "ca/sounds/air/c130/"
  6. Use the search here, use google: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=93846 As for the triggers, if I understand you correctly you want them move to another location on activation. That should be doable with just a TriggerName setPos [x,y,z] in the 'on activation' field and an activation setting of 'repeatedly'.
  7. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    You couldn't find anything smaller to try to pick apart. Just a 1 Mb file with 33,000 lines :) my eyes are spinning having gone through the triggers and west occurrences. I'll try again once I'm awake. :nuts:
  8. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    It's obviously not made with default sounds, at least not from the C-130 cargo space. And no, I didn't find any relevant reference to a C-130, C130, hercules, halo, drop, aircraft, insertion, .ogg, etc,etc,etc. :( I can't find info on browsing the game files either. To find out whether the V22 has two endamageable engines for example which is why I didn't settle for a crude solution. And not even this thing has relevant articles, though I'm too tired to be certain: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6751 (Although it does have Spanish in it, so I might be searching with the wrong language)
  9. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    So no one knows how to add default sounds from aircraft/vehicles/weapons to different things?
  10. weirdo10o4

    C-130 drop

    I was more after any elegant solutions rather than "Alright as far as the actual C130 sound, what I did was attached a "real" working BLUFOR C130 to the top of the static model." ... lets say crude ones. :)
  11. weirdo10o4

    Return real-life time?

    I don't think so. Not here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 The only thing that might fit your bill is ServerTime, what are you up to?
  12. weirdo10o4

    Missing Map

    you get it, to create a shortcut place: "C:\Program Files\...\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" "-mod=C:\Program Files\...\arma 2;Expansion;ca" In the target field in the properties of an OA shortcut (create correct paths, I'm a steam user). http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu347/Weirdo10o4/nimasdafetn.jpg?t=1308239803 Or get Arma launcher.
  13. They won't play with switchMove or playMove. Other moves work fine with this code: //[unit,animation name] execVM "animation.sqf" _unit = _this select 0; _anim = _this select 1; _unit disableAI "TARGET"; _unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; _unit disableAI "ANIM"; * _unit playMove _anim; * I also tried _unit setdamage 1 there. So how do they work? I'm trying to make a crash side mission where you have dead crew members sitting in a wreck. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_Moves
  14. Well the best I can advise you is to try "Squint". It did a lot of good work for me a while back. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11817
  15. weirdo10o4

    Objects Listing

    I think the empty menu lists are vast and counterintuitive. (Guessing: )To solve the problem, the faction option should be left usable, but not mandatory or be replaced by something when using the empty list? I think it's rather annoying that there are eight lists of objects scattered about in the first menu, and they don't even separate desert from woodland. On another note, the editor should be brought to the 21st century with an image depiction of your selection. Since "blankets" I'd associate with a few worn old mattresses where a renegade commander might sleep during his command, not a pile of four luxurious looking Middle Eastern blankets neatly folded. Oops, I was lost in the "Objects (Furniture)" menu thinking that it was another mix of items. :D Anyways, it's already been done in-game? Do enlighten me if I've missed some great tool.
  16. Hi, I've been making a mission where you have a very large explosion of an ammo depot. It utilizes the smallest ACE nuke, a 300 ton explosion, but its deadliness really comes from the hundreds of bombs and grenades it throws up to 500 meters away randomly. Now I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to discover how to create tracer rounds via scripting, for their awe inspiring effect and warning. I went through large parts of the weapons list(in any case just to check them out), googled and searched. All I got were large blasts of dust puffs around me from normal rounds with no visual warning.
  17. I'm not sure, but isn't the base thing a location? I think you're supposed to use setPosition for locations: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPosition I'm not at all acquainted with this type of scripting yet.
  18. weirdo10o4

    wreck damage?

    And perhaps you could use the setVectorUp to make it tilted or something? Another possibility would be to create a hidden object inside the wreck, that's intact and destroyed instead of the wreck initiating your script or whatever wants it "dead". :)
  19. Pretty much, not just an effect, I need shrapnel to rain down. Something like this: Simply, how do I create tracer rounds, since the bullet/ammo list doesn't make it possible. I need to add them in the mission to give some visual warning to the player of the coming danger since A2 doesn't do shrapnel/random bullets normally. I plan on creating random streaks of tracer bullets flying around randomly, and a focused jet of normal bullets raining down on the city, where you have to work your way to accomplish some tasks, to secure the area, evacuate and stop looting of duds and so forth.
  20. I specifically said it was an ammo depo explosion. Only that it utilizes (no fallout), the smallest ACE nuke with a yield of 300 tons of TNT, 0.3kt. + I don't think 300 tonnes is large in terms of an ammo depot. + But sparks would, in addition, be cool as well, come to think of it.
  21. I'm trying to create tracer bullets via scripting. for [{_i = 0},{_i < 1},{_i = _i + 1}] do { for [{_b = 0}, {_b < 200},{_b = _b + 1}] do { sleep 0.001; _shrapnel = "ACE_B_127x99_T" createVehicle [posES select 0, posES select 1, 1]; _shrapnel setVelocity [((random 300) - 150),((random 300) - 150),(random 300) + 150]; _shrapnel setdir (random 360); _shrapnel setvectorup [((random 100) / 100),((random 100) / 100),((random 100) / 100)]; }; }; Normally the nuke would be in the first braces before the shrapnel blast, but I'm just testing. That won't create tracer rounds, but it does make a large blast of bullets.