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About AlanAkbar

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  1. AlanAkbar

    Merkava... IDF??

    Probably been said before but in the E3 videos the israeli vehicles seem to be driven by Iranian soldiers (going by the flags on the uniforms). Also going by the map shown at E3 it seems like iran has allready taken israel (and has borrowed some of there vehicles). probably too much speculation on my part though.
  2. AlanAkbar

    submarine, walk in cargo, ships?

    iirc i thought walk in cargo, specifically (moving) ships was an engine limitation. however if the engine overhaul is as large as it seems it'd be a great addition.
  3. AlanAkbar

    Changes to air units!!

    talking about targetting pods, render to texture looks extremely promising when it comes to targetting systems, cant wait.
  4. AlanAkbar

    can we shoot while in a vehicles?

    I thought this feature was allready included in VBS, so im pretty sure that well see it in ArmA III. (well heres hoping)