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Everything posted by malau

  1. There are afew threads for the actual DLC, but none for the Lite demo...... I downloaded the official BIS lite patch and followed the prompt to run the game after it installed. However there is no showcase demo I can see. It appears in Armoury but only as a small section of map. I have real double-DVD Arma 2 CO and not the Steam version. Is that all it is ? An Armoury demo ? I thought there would be a Showcase in Scenarios just like PMC ?
  2. Ah, thanks. Does anyone know the actual size of the 2 new maps ? Are they the full 15x15km ? Or 5x5km ?
  3. So, the use of low res units in the Armoury IS the extent of the demo ? I guess they must have had a small team working on it then, everyone else working on Arma 3 and DayZ.
  4. malau

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    What about DayZ ? They are using a hybrid A2/A3 engine for standalone, so surely that will be DX9 compatible ? I asked in their forums, but the members there are complete asses, just the kind of asses you'd expect from the non Arma community. In fact, i've never got a sensible answer on anything from other members there (just wise cracks and smart alec replies).
  5. malau

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Will there be DX9 support ?
  6. malau

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    Is there no DX9 support at all ?
  7. I remember this bug being reported aeons ago - where even after destroying all the Factories at the HQ, the AI just keep respawning out of thin air as if the factories were still there. I am using the latest version (at the time of writing) of CO. Will there be any more fixes for Arma 2, or is the team concentrating solely on Arma III now ?
  8. Thanks for the reply. Glad to know that BIS (and everyone else) are aware of it. It's sad to think of Arma 2 as being considered 'old tech' now - with A3 on the way. It's a pity that BIS never did really put out a fully functioning product even after 3 years of patches. It does not bode well for Arma III, which will doubtlessly be even more complicated to QA. The most annoying bug for me is the tank bug - when you just want to be a driver, in Flashpoint the crew would target and fire the main tank gun themselves whilst you concentrated on driving. In A2 you have to manually tell the gunner which target to attack, having to read from the list whilst steering round trees/obstacles in the heat of battle. What's the point of having a Commander if you can't put him in auto mode like in FP.
  9. SP Missions not checking off as completed. I wanted to try and unlock the locked content by completing all missions, however, even though I played the missions and got the 'completed' message, they aren't listed as completed on the SP Menu. The missions are..... Rescue Pilot - strange feature: doing the pickup off the bridge, the objective completed at around 20m above the ground. Cobra Assault - all objectives completed as soon as my pilot arrived at the first waypoint. Battlefields - no weirdness on this mission. Battlefields SP18 - no weirdness on this mission. I have the fully patched and up to date Combined Arms, and the CWR2 I downloaded from the mod's HQ around 2 weeks ago. (If, in the unlikely even that anyone needs any further information, please use the PM feature so that I will see it in my email.)
  10. Is this the same mod as 'Cold War Re-armed 2' (CWR2) ?
  11. I have the 2 x DVD boxset of Combined Arms. I have always downloaded and installed both patches, but now I am wondering if I have been wasting my time ? Does 1.60 contain all the same fixes that 1.11 does ? Do I only need to install the 1.60 patch ? 1.11 is ONLY for people running standalone Arma 2 ?
  12. malau

    Which patch 1.60 or 1.11 ?

    That's awesome ! Thanks ! I just patched with 1.60 and it also said v1.11 patch applied ! So I came back here to ask, and you already answered it - THANKS ! EDIT - just a thought, will I still need to keep a copy of v1.05 patch if ever I uninstall Arma 2 ? Or will v1.60 patch the original 1.00 on the DVD ?
  13. malau

    Which patch 1.60 or 1.11 ?

    Thanks. That's a bummer. It seems to imply that I do need BOTH patches. I hoped that the 800mb of 1.60 would include the 212mb of 1.11.
  14. I have the Combined Operations box-set (not the Steam version) with 2 DVDs etc. (The only maybe 'unusual' thing being I installed A2OA long BEFORE A2) They are both installed into the Bohemia Interactive folder.) All my versions are the latest, A2/OA and all the addons. I have no other addons installed except the ones required by 'Invasion 1944'. I want to play 'Invasion 1944'. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=117585&highlight=run+combined+operations I installed the 1 additional addon it required, and downloaded their 1.2Gb self extracting installer. When I try to run the game, with the command line .....arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -mod=expansion;@CBA;@i44coit (I have also tried with the "=expansion" removed) on running the game, it says 'addon extended _eventshandlers requires addon catracked2_aav'. If I continue then it says 'No entry Bin\Config.bin\cfgvehicles\land_fire_barrel.scope' The mod shows up under Expansions, but there is nothing under 'Campaign' or 'SP'. Invasion 1944 is not accepting new registrations, so I cannot ask the question there. Google says that 'Invasion 1944' seems to need some kind of special configuration of the game called 'Combined Operations' (I thought this was just a title on the box !). People keep saying "you are not running Combined Operations, you need to run Combined Operations" - but without saying HOW you do so ! What is the EXE or the command I need to run that combines all the features of both Arma 2 games so that addons like 'Invasion 1944' will work ?
  15. malau

    required spec's

    That's a pity. No XP [even x64] (that's 40% of installed user base) and required i7 immediately cuts off a massive proportion of potential purchasers. Got to admire their balls in putting their vision of a future proof product above profit. Remembering how A2 v1.01 was compared to v1.10, I dare say that if BIS could release a properly optimized final version of A3, that the system requirements could be dropped considerably ?
  16. malau

    They better have female soldiers...

    I look forward to the first NUDE PATCH - you just KNOW (and BIS know) one will be made !
  17. I have tried replacing the versions in Flashpoint, and in Resistance individually and together, but all combinations cause 'missing......' errors at the startup menu and throughout missions.
  18. I HATE tank missions in A2 because your fellow tank crew members are useless. They can't drive worth a damn, they are stop/start/stop/start/crash into buildings and trees, but the worst thing is............. They will only fire the machine gun at targets on their own volition, they will never fire on Tanks/APCs with the main gun no matter how many times I '2' them and select the target for them. The only option is to move to the Gunner's seat and desperately search for the target myself and hope I find it before I get blown to ****. The old Operation Flashpoint tank crews were pretty smart, but these A2 tank crews !!
  19. If you used LokiKeys with God Mode on then you can see that the AI cheats alot - such as Tank/APC machine gun turrets not bothering to turn in your direction to shoot you, or that the AI can run AND shoot at the same time with 100% accuracy. Or that the AI soldiers can see and shoot through tents and trees whilst lying in long grass. Without Lokikeys you don't get to appreciate what a raw deal you are getting as a player because you are dead. Also, Tanks can, instantly, after being whacked by an AT-13 missile, machine gun you down from 600+ metres away (not with a prolonged burst even, but a single shot), whereas the tank crew should be concussed and confused.
  20. Thanks for the great reply. However, I find that if I select the main cannon then the Gunner AI / Commander AI will also perform autonomously, targeting and shooting (as it does with the MG), resulting in it wasting precious shells shooting at foot soldiers.
  21. malau

    Stop the AI 'cheating'

    You seem an angry guy. Let me explain what I meant by the term 'cheating' - back in the day 'cheating AI' was the description given to AI that 'knows' where the player is at all times, rather than it's 'knowledge' of the player's position being based upon on it's line of sight and 'hearing'. "Lies" ? Well that's abit mean for a forum where we should be able to discuss as adults our differing experiences of playing the game. If you don't agree with me that's cool, I expected that of alot of people, but there's no need to be disrespectful and provocative. You need to install 'Loki' and you'll see the AI doing all sorts of unfair things that BIS never intended you to see. But also anyone, be warned, installing this addon just to play as God WILL totally ruin the game. It is meant for map testers. Loki Lost Keys Link to Armaholic
  22. I was wondering because facial and object rendering / texture mapping and draw distances seemed faster to me when I played Harvest Red over playing the same in standalone Arma 2. Is there any truth to this ? Are there any performance advantages in playing Harvest Red in Combined Arms rather than as standalone ?
  23. In Harvest Red, if you are shot and need your medic, and he is sitting in a vehicle, you may as well 'revert' because he won't get out of the vehicle to heal you no matter how much you shout for assistance.
  24. The AI can see perfectly in grass, it isn't fair for the player to be at such an obvious disadvantage. It can 'see' and shoot through hospital tents too.
  25. I think it was because the scenario was already many hours in progress before I installed Loki - guessing that it only works with SP scenarios from the beginning rather than from saved games ? I'm going to have to delete it, because like you said; the temptation is too much not to cheat. I don't want to start another thread about this unnecessarily, but can anyone tell me if plating Harvest Red (or SP Scenarios) in Combined Arms gives any graphical, or performance advantages over playing them in standalone Arma 2 ? I started re-playing H.R, and tried it in both programs, and in Combined Arms the rendering of faces and the landscape seems quicker - is this just wishful thinking ? Or is there no performance / graphical difference ?