I've always played Warfare BE and have no clue how different it is from vanilla. Anyway, I'd say map size is unbalanced. Played alot, but I know I really suck at this game... this is what I feel (and it does relate to warfare):
* AI is either considerably better or considerably worse than human player. I usually drive a tank and let AI man the guns. Why? Because AI spots enemies at ranges I never could and also through foliage and so. While it sometimes fails miserably, more often it's way, way better than me. Also, going against AI is usually hopeless. I get shot and have no clue where from.
...and then, sometimes all my 3 gunners fail to see enemy standing in front of the tank. Come on? It's AI. LET THEM CHEAT FOR REALISM SAKE if you cannot implement LOS correctly. AI knows where everyone is anyway so let them just cheat and shoot the enemy. Being "honest" and relying on broken vision is dumb and looks very buggy and unprofessional.
* Maps are way too big and way too tiny... Let's take Chernarus. Playing warfare on it with anything but planes makes this game ARMA2: The country driving simulator. You take good 15 minutes to get somewhere and catch a bullet out of nowhere in 30 seconds. Repeat ad nauseaum. This is absolutely not fun, and all of your team is scattered around the map so there's not even a smell of teamplay. In that regards, MAPS ARE WAY TOO BIG.
But - if you're in a plane... well, I have no idea how to even use a plane in this game. At 1000km/h I can barely pilot and shooting just anything is crazy idea better not to try. So MAPS ARE WAY TOO SMALL FOR PLANES.
I'd either make planes slower and really easily usable, something Battlefield 2 does right, or remove them at all. I know that there's some plane enthusiasts and pros out there, but if casual gamer cannot pick flying up after 100 hours of gameplay, scrap or fix the damn thing. It's very unfair.
Also, It's not very fun to trip few dozen km just to try to shoot something. I'd make maps alot smaller or adjust warfare so there's owned territory, a front line and you cannot go capturing a town at the other end of the map, just 1-3 villages on the front line, and when they're capped, then game opens up next ones. This would concentrate players on same point and have - you know - actual fighting instead of ninjas in every woods in every village.
Something like Bad Company 2's rush game mode, but both sides can capture and advance. Simulator okay, but there's no point in making a simulator that isn't very fun.
* AI control in all games so far is absurd. "Salute"? "Sit down"? the idiotic way picking up gear works? Few menus of radio commands nobody never, ever uses? All this horror has to go, no game in 2011 would ever develop so user-unfriendly interface. Also, if I point at tank and press a key, AI better understand what the hell I want. And to switch seats, I DO NOT need to order them out. Let me press ONE key and sucker make room automatically, occupying NEXT MOST IMPORTANT position in machine (hint: back seat is not it). AI failing to do simplest of things drags down warfare too. BI should employ a person who has any actual clue what user interface is and how it should serve user, not other way around. I understand OPF and so on, but after so many games in series, bashing in every review ever written and still that monstrosity making players wrestle with it - is simply an insult. If ARMA 3 hasn't improved... or let's say, completely removed and totally rewritten the way you give commands and manage inventory, I will not buy it.
* I love warfare, but it really, really should get more enjoyable, team-oriented and feel like a war with plan and goal, not random town capping and general chaos around enormous map.
* More visible distance and lose LOD's from units! All heavy weapons shoot large distances, but it's quite dumb if visibility is capped to say, 4km and enemy is reduced to 6-side box.