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About rmarduk

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  1. rmarduk

    USS Nimitz

    Wow this is a great job :-)
  2. rmarduk

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    I want to see more of the game. Then I will make the decision.
  3. rmarduk

    Help with building a monster computer.

    Wait a year. Afeter the new AMD and Intel processors and new radeon graphic cards.
  4. When will we see some trailers showing the game how it looks ? How it works and so on ?
  5. rmarduk

    Why should I buy your game ?

    I didn't wanted to start a war Battlefield 3 vs Arma 3. And there are many aggresive answers here. I just wanted to show why does arma is unknown. I know anly 1 person that said that he played Arma 2. Arma is a title that is unknown and it is for shure lack of commercial. Please look at Battlefield 3. There are thousand and thousand of people waiting for this game. Why ? Because they know how to sell it. Answers that i readed here like because it is a good game or because it is made by this company are just funny. This game will never be well known, and sell like Battlefield unles they will do something with this title. You could have the best game in the world and it wont sell alone. I was just suprised when I saw Arma 3 screens because no one knew about this game and now suddenly such a probably good title will come out.
  6. The question is easy. I'm a normal customer. I'm going to buy Battlefield 3. Please convince me that i should buy your game to. Thousands of players are waiting for Battlefield and they will spend their money on it, that why I'm asking this simple question. Why is your game much bether than all the other games and I should not buy them but Arma 3. Did anyone asked this question to them selves to ?
  7. rmarduk

    No DX11?

    I hope Arma 3 will be using all that Direct 11 gives. Because if not it will be a massive failure.