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Everything posted by BullyBoii

  1. cheers thats what i was looking for, thanks for the quick reply
  2. Ok ive been looking around the forums for a bit and i was wondering if someone had put together an advanced arma 2 scripting tutorial. Basically what i was looking for was how to create you own custom in-game menus and how to script advanced features such as message systems, similar to that in CityLife RPG (which is one of the best arma 2 mods i have come across, in my eyes it might even be better than dayz). I was also hopeing that there was a tutorial set based on advanced scripting in the arma2 engine but i couldnt find anything. So if you guys know of any please post a link :) Thanks BullyBoii - AdamB
  3. damn i feel like an idiot :) i thought the command was unattach lol, sorry for wasting time
  4. hi all, i was trying to make a script whereby you can load a hmv into the back of a c130 by using the attach command. So far it works great, however when it comes to unloading im having a bit of a problem, i dont know how to unattach objects from each other ive had alook around on the forums and i couldnt find anything of suit, can someone help me, thanks Adam/BullyBoii
  5. BullyBoii

    Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

    thanks very very much, will do :)
  6. Hi guys, ive just starting trying to learn how to make custom maps in arma 2. Ive started going through the procedures that are set out on the wiki however ive hit a problem. when i try to connect buldozer to visitor 3 a whole bunch of error messages come up and the game closes itself i was wondering if it had anything to do with the game version im running (the latest build - for DayZ) could someone offer a solution or any suggestions on how to overcome this problem or tell me how to delete the current build and go back to 1.5 or something, i have a steam version of arma 2 and i dont want to have to delete that, but i can uninstall arma 2 OA, BAF, and PMC fine as i have the disks Help would be very much appreciated, i cant wait to give you guys some maps :bounce3:
  7. BullyBoii

    Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

    sorry, thanks for doing that :)
  8. BullyBoii

    Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

    thanks for the help anyway, i think im just going to reinstall Arma 2 RFTs and then see what i can do, im sure its something to do with the new graphical updates that came with 1.61 and 1.62. Ill keep this thread up-to-date with how im getting on so other users know what to do if they too encounter the same problem. just as something off-topic, it sucks that i have to pre-order the game to get the alpha, i was going to get it for my birthday :( but anyway its still going to be worth it :) EDIT/UPDATE: ok i uninstalled the game and then tried again, same error mesages appear, really need help ;(
  9. BullyBoii

    Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

    here are the error messages: first one - "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MpTable.shadow' second - "Shaders not valid (mismatch of exe and data?)" i doesnt matter what i do, i cant load the buldozer :(
  10. Hey guys, i makeing a campaign and i wated to check out on how-to-do some things 3D text, or text that appears when the user gets close to qan object (like in the demo mission of the PMC addon. I saw a script "somewhere" but i cant find it anymore, if anyone has a link to a good script database, apart from the biki that would gladly appreciated, or if anyone knows how to do this 3d text syntax, could they please share thanks AdamB _______________________________________________________________________ Going deep and hard -> no euphanism intended (Battlefield 3 platoon - BullyBoii1234)
  11. BullyBoii

    3D text on objects

    thanks ill check it out, sorry for the late reply i was instlaling a new i7 AdamB/BullyBoii
  12. BullyBoii

    3D text on objects

    ok, thanks for the quick reply ill try and do that, ill post again if i become stuck. AdamB/BullyBoii EDIT: i probably forgot to mention that i am a bit of a noob when it comes to doing things like this. Although my campaign is fairly complex i dont really know what i am doing with this, if someone could point out how i would go about putting this into a mission so that i can just have them displaying names and titles when i walk close to them that would be great, just because om not entirely sure of what im doing Thanks again AdamB
  13. BullyBoii

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    hey guys, my game crashes before the BI flashscreens at the start of the game i get two messages: 1) "no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow'. i click ok, because dont see that this is a major problem but the second message is whats annoying 2) Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0 i click ok and the game crashes. Please i need help asap. I dont really want to have to uninstall a game from steam that is 8gb to re download.
  14. Hi guys, I was poking round for a bit of information on what the Arma 3 engine will utilize in terms of hardware. This is important because almost everyone will need to upgrade a part of their system to run Arma 3, some more than others :icon_neutral: 1. Will Arma 3 support hyperthreading - this is a big question because I wondering whether to buy an i7 2600 or an AMD Phenom x6 2. Will Arma 3 require a large amount of VRAM or is it like Crysis which just requires a generally powerfull card 3. Will Arma 3 be available on Steam - just wondering, it has no importance to me whether i have to buy it or download it. If any of the devs read this, could you please verify this, or if anyone truly knows the answer to these questions could you also take a minute (or less) to reply Thank you Bully
  15. BullyBoii

    What hardware and Software features can we expect

    For me power is not a concern, i run a fairly low end graphics card GTX 460 with a 500W PSU so i have run for power consumption i know the i7 runs at 95W MAX so if the power output is only slightly higher im guessing it will be around the 125-150W mark which is fine for me. Imagine if that processor hard HT, 16 threads! but anyways, i dont think AMD can do this and still outclass intel on price
  16. BullyBoii

    What hardware and Software features can we expect

    Ok, thanks very much, do you by any chance know when these new CPU's are going to be avialable and at what price range they are going to be around, anything more than £250 for one component is getting a bit silly i mean £800 for one CPU is extreme (990X)
  17. Hey guys, I thought it would be a good idea to create list of scripts that you can access in Arma 2 & OA mission editor for people who are new to scripting. Basically, I would like you, the community, to post in any scripts you know along with what they do. It doesn't matter how complex or how simple they are, just send them in so I can create a massive list of scripts for everyone to use I'll start the ball rolling, This script sets the spawn hieght of an object - this setPos [ getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, ...] - the "..." can be replaced for any number Thanks, hope this helps Bully
  18. BullyBoii

    List of scripts

    cheers thanks very much, i will take a look
  19. Hey guys, I'm new to all this scripting and have obviously never done it before. Is there a list of useful scripts anywhere (i.e. ones that come with the game or that are just useful and dont require any mods) or do you have to make scripts yourself like a mod Thanks in advance Bully
  20. Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I would like to be able to listen to some of my songs I have brought in game and have different events trigger my different song. I was wondering how to do this. I have already converted my songs I want to OGG format but was wondering how to put them into the game Any help is appreciated Thanks Bully
  21. I dont think you understand, I know how to put triggers into missions to activate sounds/music when a unit activates the trigger. What i was wondering is how do you put music into the game in like a pbo file. I want the music to show up with the other soundtracks in the effects box in the trigger options
  22. BullyBoii

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    does anyone know what the system specs are, i couldnt find them anywhere thanks BullyBoii