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Everything posted by BullyBoii

  1. hi all, im having a slight problem with getting a musicfile to play in arma 3 mulitplayer here is the description.ext code class CfgMusic { // List of tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) tracks[] = {last_resort_15sec}; // Definition for each sound class last_resort_15sec { name = "last_resort_15sec"; // Name for mission editor sound[] = {\music\last_resort_15sec.ogg, db + 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; }; and here is the code in-game playMusic "last_resort_15sec"; if you can spot any errors or if you have any way of getting around this problem please could you post below, thankyou Adam B - BullyBoii
  2. BullyBoii

    cannot get music workking

    BUMP: waited 48 hours, no response
  3. BullyBoii

    Adding a Helicopter

    it depends on how you are adding it to your mission if you are adding it via the mission editor, there maybe something wrong with your game if you get this message, try verifying the games cache on steam then try again it could be down to how you are naming your helicopter names like "player", "asda!" and "678678-989567^&%^" will be classed as invalid variables because they are invalid names, try using a name like "helicopter_1" If you are adding the helicopter via a script, then people have been experiencing problems, youre not the first and most definatley no the last. i personally am having trouble trying to add units, vehicles and groups via sqf scripting. more experienced users might be able to help you there try doing something like this and seeing if it works _addHeli = "B_AH_9" createVehicle position heliSpawn //i will now explain this //"heliSpawn is an object placed on the map e.g. a small bucket //"B_AH_9" is the class name for a littlebird chopper in Arma 3 //createVehicle is the thingy telling the engine what to do i.e. create a vehicle at a given position //_addHeli means that its kept local to the player, otherwise it would create the same helicopter for each player in the game at that position hope that helps look forward to seeing you in the Arma 3 Alpha
  4. BullyBoii

    Pilot only script

    to get around this issue, name the players that you have spawned eg. set the 2 infantry players - give them names such as rifleman_1 and rifleman_2 eg. set the 2 pilots players - give them name such as pilot_1 and pilot_2 create a script for each unit and give them global variables (see below) //this is the pilotonly script playerType = "setplayerName"; //select a player type bases on name _helicopterName = _this select 0; //define helicopter name when calling script e.g. _pilotOnly = [helicopter_name] execVM "pilotOnly.sqf" _player = player //means that script attached to local player if (player = pilot_1 OR player = pilot_2) then { playerType = "pilot"; hint format ["You are a %1", playerType]; //hints the players type of character } else { playerType = "rifleman"; hint format ["You are a %1", playerType]; //hints the players type of character }; if (playerType = "pilot" && player in _helicopterName) then { hint "You are able to fly this chopper"; } else { hint "You are not a pilot and cannot pilot this vehicle"; moveOut _player; //this moves player out of vehicle }; hope you understand this and that it works for you, hope this helps have a good time playing the Arma 3 alpha
  5. BullyBoii

    Hint doesn't working

    heres a quick little thing to check, and btw hint and hintc will not work together as hintc will overight hint anyway place a trigger ingame //in the condition box type: alive player // this means that when you spawn the trigger will detect that your player is alive ingame //in the activation box type: hint "hint is working"; //this will dsiplay a hint //however if you wish to display hintC you will need totype //in the activation box type: hintc "hintc is working"; //this will dsiplay a hintc
  6. BullyBoii

    addAction Help!

    if im right in saying you want a script that creates an action when you walk up to the radio tower There are a fiew ways of doing this based on the fact that i have now clue of what the arguements mean i can suggest you do this First Way //define the arguments here _args = //put your args here e.g. player distance radio_tower <=76; _priority = 1; //this is where the action is located in the action menu 1=on the top _showWindowBoolean = true; //or false _hideOnUseBoolean = true; //or false depending on wether you want to use the action again _shortcutKey = "" //only use if you have assigned a shortcut key in the bin.cofig _condition = "" _callArty = player addAction ["Call Arty", "arty.sqf" ,(_args, _priority, _showWindowBoolean, _hideOnUseBoolean, _shortcutKey, _condition)]; then for the arty.sqf you could right hint parseText "<t size='1.2' color='#ff0000'>Arty in-bound</t>"; _artyShell = "Sh_82mm_AMOS" createVehicle position artytarget //if artytarget is a marker do this _artyShell = "Sh_82mm_AMOS" createVehicle position (getmarkerpos "artytarget"); //to create multiple shells you can do this _shellNumber = 6 while (_shellNumber >= 0) do { _shellNumber = _shellNumber - 1; _artyShell = "Sh_82mm_AMOS" createVehicle position (getmarkerpos "artytarget"); //this hints when shells are depleted if (_shellNumber == 0) then { hint "Shells are depleted"; } }; hope that helps
  7. BullyBoii

    Spawn Vehicle

    even with the new class name the script still does not spawn a chopper, dont know what else to do unfortunately
  8. BullyBoii

    Spawn Vehicle

    thats what i said, i couldnt find a functions module in the mission editor to place on a map, usually that was the problem in arma 2 but i cant seem to find one, or get the script to work
  9. Here is my code to delete a marker and then replace it with a new one, however, it does not delete the first marker or create a new marker, can some one please help me. Thanks, the code is below. //removes previous markers deleteMarker "agia_red_area"; deleteMarker "opfor_controlled_agia"; //creates a blue marker and blufor controlled marker agia_blue_area = createMarker ["agia_blue_area", position (getmarkerpos "agia_area")]; "agia_blue_area" setmarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "agia_blue_area" setMarkerSize [300, 300]; "agia_blue_area" setmarkerColor "ColorBlue"; agia_blufor_controlled = createMarker ["agia_blufor_controlled", position (getmarkerpos "agia_text")]; "agia_blufor_controlled" setmarkershape "ICON"; "agia_blufor_controlled" setmarkertype "Warning"; "agia_blufor_controlled" setmarkersize [0, 0]; "agia_blufor_controlled" setmarkertext "BLUFOR controlled"; "agia_blufor_controlled" setmarkercolor "ColorBlue";
  10. BullyBoii

    Competition amongst clans (Query / Suggestion)

    perhaps with BI imrpoving the multiplayer UI there may be the possibility for clans to more easily play with and against each other, i used to love being part of an Arma 2 clan because it was structured gameplay with a massive multiplayer outfit which is just what arma is about imo
  11. BullyBoii

    Unlock Code???

    i have the same problem, i ran the steam version and i had no on-screen message about typing in an activation key. i also have another problem, in the editor it has a listing of side "Allies" but nothing in it, is this there because of the upcoming DLC or is my game playin up??
  12. BullyBoii

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    I have exactly the same build other than a 500GB HDD instead of 1TB, but the GFX card is the only bad thing about the build. Im upgrading to a gtx670 within the next few months, hopefully that should give me a massive boost :)
  13. Hi guys, not a complex one but something ive ad a look at and are unable to find a solution (yet again :) ) what i wanted to do is to set a name to an object as though you would set a name to a unit using the Name section in the editior _bomb2 = "Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1" createVehicle getmarkerPos "bomb2pos"; _bomb2 setIdentity "bomb2"; this is what ive got but for some reason it aint working :( please can you help Thanks
  14. Hey guys, i know this can be done, create a building at a certain position on the map (for example creating a mosque at a marker) and then set a direction. I didnt really now where to start but this is what ive got so far shed = "Land_GuardShed" createVehicle getmarkerpos "shed_building_a"; thanks
  15. ok so the code would be shed = "Land_GuardShed" createVehicle getmarkerpos "shed_building_a" shed setDir direction
  16. hi guys, im back again with a rather simple problem im trying to add an action to a unit for the player to activate when they are at a certain distance <=5meters but im getting scripting errors this is what i wrote so far: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault 2 Operation Arrowhead // Created by: TODO: Adam // use: shop = [] execVM "shop.sqf" in the init box of shopman ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //trigger to check whether player is close enough to shopman to use the action "Use Shop" if (player distance shopman <= 5) then { _accessShop = shopman addAction ["Use Shop", "shop_access.sqf] } else { shop removeAction _accessShop and hint "action removed" }; im not great at coding and i cant see why this is going wrong so any help is very much appreciated thanks
  17. i would also like to mnow if its posible to add a weapon via variable i have made an action for a man to be able to pick up an ammo box which removes his weapon, but then i dont know how to add it back into the inventory ammo_1 attachTo [player, [0,1,1.6]]; _mainWeapon = weapons player; removeallweapons player; hintsilent "you can only carry onject for 10 seconds until you have to put it down\n\nIts rather heavy"; sleep 10; detach ammo_1; ammo_1 setpos [getpos ammo_1 select 0, getpos ammo_1 select 1, 0]; player addWeapon _mainweapon; thanks
  18. thanks guys, really helpfull i was quite sure on how to do that, the BI wiki doesnt really go into too much detail about that subject and im not great at these sort of things :)
  19. This is the code im working on, almost a carbon copy of the script from the tutorial editor by BIS _shellArray = [ "Bo_GBU12_LGB", "B_30mm_HE", "ARTY_Sh_81_HE", "ARTY_Sh_120_HE" ]; //calls the shell array and selcts a random shell _shell = _shellArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //hints the shell used (for editor use only) hint format ["A %1 has been selected for the IED", _shell];//this returns "any" sleep 2; //creates an explosion at IED_1 _explosion = _shell createVehicle position IED_1; The explosion never happens and i cant seem to figure out, "why not?"
  20. omfg AHHHHHH!!!!!! thats what did it, i was wondering why it wasnt working, goddam it. Thanks mate, schoolboy error AHH!! :)
  21. Hi guys, i was just trying our some basic scripting to try and display the position of a player in-game via the hint script _playerPos = getpos solider_1; hint _playerPos is see no reason for this not to have worked, based on my very limited scripting knowledge, anyone have any suggestions
  22. cheers, i spose its really about logical thinking, its just hard trying to get into that mentality im still gooing to keep at it, it doesnt process itself overnight :)
  23. thanks, so if i wanted to create a trigger from this to kill the player if they are at a certain direction would i just script hint format ["%1", getdir player] if (%1 === 300) then {player setDamage 1} else {}; sleep 1; if (alive player) then {} else {hint silent "you have been killed"}; thanks for your help, i really need to start learning how to script, ive been trying codecademy for javascript and html but its not the same as having some face-to-face teach you, plus i try and work throught the exercises too fast so i dont really learn much :) thanks anyway