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Everything posted by BullyBoii

  1. Hi guys, here is a simple code to create ambient sounds on a loop put this into init line _null = [["an array of radio sounds"], (time interval), (number of tracks), (object/source name)] execVM ".....\fn_ambientRadio.sqf"; Here is the code _radioSound = [color="#0000FF"]_this[/color] [color="#B22222"][color="#B22222"]select[/color][/color] 0; [color="#008000"]//(type array) name of of radio sounds[/color] _interval = [color="#0000FF"]_this[/color] [color="#B22222"]select[/color] 1; [color="#008000"]//(type number) the interval between when sounds are played[/color] _number = [color="#0000FF"]_this[/color] [color="#B22222"]select[/color] 2; [color="#008000"]//(type number) number of tracks used[/color] _sourceunit = [color="#0000FF"]_this[/color] [color="#B22222"]select[/color] 3; [color="#008000"]//(type object) name of the source unit[/color] _replay = [color="#0000FF"]_this[/color] [color="#B22222"]select [/color]4; [color="#008000"]//(type number) number of replays (optional)[/color] [color="#0000FF"]if[/color] (count _this > 1) [color="#0000FF"]then[/color] {_interval = _interval} else {_interval == 20}; [color="#008000"]//default interval is 20 seconds[/color] [color="#0000FF"]if[/color] (count _this > 4) [color="#0000FF"]then[/color] {_replay = _replay} [color="#0000FF"]else[/color] {_replay == -1}; [color="#0000FF"]while[/color] {1>=1} [color="#0000FF"]do[/color] { _i = 0; _replay = _replay; { //plays sound with interval _sourceUnit [color="#B22222"]say3d [/color]_x; [color="#B22222"]sleep[/color] _interval; _i = _i + 1; } [color="#0000FF"]forEach[/color] _radioSound; _replay = _replay - 1; [color="#B22222"]waitUntil [/color]{_i = _i + 1; _i >= _number}; [color="#0000FF"]if [/color](_replay == 0) [color="#B22222"]exitWith [/color]{}; }; DOWNLOAD link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l7d1cst3fdxn8nw/fn_ambientRadio.sqf hope this is helpful
  2. BullyBoii

    Arma 3 Base Ambient Radio

    its just to make sure the loop continues. just standard notation. and i dont think it would seeing as 1 is not greater than 1, it is equal to it therefore >= or <= will give a positive result
  3. hi guys i have a problem, and i cant see where its going wrong i want to spawn AI (code below) but they do not appear. I have no script errors and i have functions module enabled _group = createGroup east; _group = [getmarkerpos "red_group1_spawn", EAST, 5] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp1 = _group addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "red_group1_wp1", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp1 setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp2 = _group addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "red_group1_wp2", 0]; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp2 setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp3 = _group addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "red_group1_wp1", 0]; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp3 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; please help, i cant see where ive gone wrong EDIT: SOLVED
  4. Hi guys, I was just searching around the forums trying to find the answer to the question: "Are there any tutorials based on ACE implementation in multiplayer missions" basically what i was looking for is any tutorials that guide mission creators on how to properly use ACE in multiplayer missions. I was searching for about 20 minutes and couldnt find anything specific to this, please can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks AdamB
  5. you could create a unit withthe default bis_fnc functions and set that unit to playable then switch the player to that unit and then delete the old one. however off the top of my head i dont know the script for it but i think that is how you would do it
  6. BullyBoii

    3D Text in arma 3 alpha

    instead of just posting "It works" perhaps you could post how you managed to get it working
  7. hi im struggling with spawning in units via a script and then automatically placing those units inside a house here is my code _group1 = [getmarkerpos "opfor_spawn_3", EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x setpos (nearestBuilding _x buildingPos random 5);} forEach unit _group1; i cant see to get the desired effect, which is hindering gameplay, please can you offer some advice. thanks
  8. thanks, i managed to get it working, turned out i forgot to include 1 line of code thanks for the help and that link is a help ful utility :)
  9. ok thanks, i thought about doing that but then something in my head kept telling me it wouldnt work, thanks for the help, ill try that now :)
  10. hi all, the title says it all really, how would i go about doing this what i wanted to do was have an array that can hold an infinite number of strings and then be able to separate out the strings individually. e.g. a list of waypoint markers in an array ["wp1", "wp2", "wp3", .....]; i then want to be able to extract these waypoint names for use as a position and create a waypoint for a unit to follow. if anyone has an idea of how to do this i would very much appreciate them advising me on how to go about doing this if i have seemed unclear, please tell me and i will try to rephrase it. edit: here is my code so far ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Arma 3 // Created by: =SOF= Sgt.Bull.A - "Bully" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //spawn_group_red.sqf _markerName = _this select 0; //type string _side = _this select 1; //type string either "red" or "blue" _groupName = _this select 2; //type array or string _wps = _this select 3; //type array of strings - needs to be with list of marker positions //sets defualt group type based on side //opfor deualt group if (_side = "red") then { if (isNil _groupName) then {_groupName = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam");}; //selects default group }; //blufor default group if (_side = "blue") then { if (isNil _groupName) then {_groupName = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BUS_InfTeam");}; //selects default group }; //spawns the group _spawnpos = getmarkerpos _markername;//gets marker name _group = [_spawnpos, EAST, _groupName] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;//spawn group //adds the waypoints //put waypoint params here for each string from _wps array exit;//ends script
  11. Hi all, I am having trouble displaying a closing shot and debriefing screen and was wondering if anyone could help here is the code i am using in the description.ext (below) class CfgDebriefing { class Test { title = "Mission Completed"; subtitle = "Well done"; description = "You successfully completed your mission, return to base."; backgroundPicture = ""; picture = "b_inf"; pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; };
  12. thanks for the quick reply, ill take a look now
  13. parachuting has yet to be implemented as far as i know try the code below _playerSetPos = player setpos [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1, 10000]; //this sets the height //lands the player on the ground waituntil {{getpos player select 2}<=100};//set to any height, i recommend 100 _playerSetPosFloor = player setpos [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1, 0]; waituntil {{getpos player select 2} <=10}; exit;
  14. Hi all. I just searched the forums for some dialog tutorials and couldn't seem to find one that suited me. Could you please recommend a set of tutorials that help for creating custom dialogs from basic level to more advanced dialogs. Preferablely please could you point me in the direction of any good YouTube videos covering this topic. Thanks very much
  15. BullyBoii

    Dialog help

    cheers buddy, ill take a look at that now :)
  16. thanks, im having a bit of a dull moment, probably should get some sleep, ive been working on this mission for too long :)
  17. hi guys, ive just been playng around with the editor again, and i waswondering how you can add units into the players group. Obviously ths can be done, like in Warfare. i have been unable to do this so far, i have tried creating a group and then seting a "join" waypoint to the player, however im an unsure of how you synch scripted waypoints, which is where i fell down. any help is appreciated Adam
  18. i do have another question, i didnt want create another thread but i getting a problem. If the members of my group are killed i would like to spawn new ones this is the code i am using that detects the number of units alive in my group, ive set it so that if the number reaches 1 (i.e. only theplayer is alive) a hint will appear. however after playing the game and loosing all the units the hint does not appear. I have checked that the number returned is one using hint format, and the returned value is in fact one, however the hint does not appear, there are no scripting errors, so im a bit confused, have i done this right?? // request_group.sqf //removes action _actTar = _this select 0; _actcal = _this select 1; _actID = _this select 2; _actArg = _this select 3; _actCal removeAction _actID; _actCal = _player; _dir = getdir player; _sideHQ = createcenter west; _group = creategroup west; _group = [getpos player, WEST ,["B_soldier_SL_F", "B_soldier_GL_F", "B_Medic_F"], [],[],[],[],[], _dir] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _groupunits = units _group; _groupunits join (group player); hint format ["Units:%1, have been added to your group", _groupunits]; //number of units alive in group aliveUnits = {alive _x} count units group player; waitUntil {aliveUnits == 1}; hint "We can fly reinforcements to your position"; thanks for all the help so far
  19. no way, its that easy, i must have missed that command, goddam, so annoying when ive been spending ages trying to figure out a work around :) thanks very much
  20. this group is spawned in with a script. Ill post the script below. _dir = getdir player; _sideHQ = createcenter west; _group = creategroup west; _group = [getpos player, WEST ,["B_soldier_SL_F", "B_soldier_GL_F", "B_Medic_F"], [],[],[],[],[], _dir] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp1 = _group addwaypoint [position player ,0]; _wp1 setwaypointtype "JOIN"; hope thats enoguh info for you guys
  21. BullyBoii

    Set Underwater Visibility?

    try editing the post processing values underwater, im not sure how to go about doing this, but there might be a way to disable the underwater veiw effect
  22. BullyBoii

    Set Underwater Visibility?

    i guess you could getposASL of the player and then set an if statement the if player is lower than i think 0 then setviewdistance to a number _viewdst = //put a distance here _posASL = getposASL player; if (_posASL < 0) then {setViewDistance _viewdst}; hope that helps
  23. I have had a few problems with trying to spawn groups of ai in the mission editor here is the code _side = createCenter east; _group = createGroup East; _group = [getmarkerpos "spawn", EAST, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; exit; i don't get any units spawning, is there a way around this? or have i done something wrong, i don't get any scripting errors, any help is appreciated
  24. BullyBoii

    AI spawning problem

    ok so having something like this _side = createCenter east; _group = createGroup East; _group = [getmarkerpos "spawn", EAST, (**group config path**)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; exit; **or** _side = createCenter east; _group = createGroup East; _group = [getmarkerpos "spawn", EAST, [**[array], [of], [different], [units]**]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; exit; will work?? EDIT: Ok thanks for the help, i just ried it out and it works
  25. As you know in the mulitplayer in arma the player has to join the game, select their unit, download the mission and then they start to play However, the mulitplayer causes the player to spawn even before the player can see or play. i am trying to hold a script that will allow not start until the player can move be himself, how do you do this. Im sure that there is a way around this, and i would be very greatfull if someone can please share this information with me Thanks