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Everything posted by azz_er

  1. Hey guys, Im using this script for my AI mortars: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34043.0;prev_next=prev#new and I was wondering if there's anyway I can increase the range of them or if someone could provide me a different way of having AI fire mortar shells when Human BLUFOR are present in an area? Cheers!
  2. Cheers, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111855 I tried this method of using mortars but I get an error saying the script doesn't exist even when it clearly does! :( Anyone got any ideas?
  3. Its not that Im blaming AMD for poor performance but people's perceptions of CPU speed and technology are poor as well which was the point I was trying to make. People assume that an i7 at 3.2ghz and a 955 at 3.2ghz are the same and are asking why they are getting such poor performance from their rig.
  4. azz_er

    GTX 570 users experience

    Just swap your components back and forth until it stops, then you'll know whats causing it. I know its a hassle but its the best way to find out the source of the problem. By the sounds of it, its either a RAM or a HHD/SSD problem.
  5. Anyone else started to realise there seems to be a link with a lot of FPS problems and AMD CPU's?
  6. Getting the error "Addon RWS_HK416 requires addon 'acex_main'" Is the campaign meant to be run with ACE or?
  7. Yeah, this would be awesome if it was implemented. Right now you can hear people whispering from the other end of the road!
  8. azz_er

    Advanced Combat Radio Environment

    Also having ACRE built into the game would put even more load and stress on the game server which could cause lag or de-sync issues. At least now the load is shared with a Teamspeak server.
  9. azz_er

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    I agree with the less mods view. Unless the campaign is designed from scratch to run ACE then its a bad idea to use it as certain features may not work. However, if the campaign did use ACE the amount of people wanting to play it would decrease as not the entire community use the ACE mods. Great work again!
  10. Is there any way to save the data the server has saved? So if the server went down we could just use a backup and start from where we left off?
  11. azz_er

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Just finished Operation Cobalt and it was absolutely brilliant!! Going to start this one tomorrow :D Great work!
  12. Hey guys, Im interested in playing the official missions and campaigns and I was wondering if I'd have any problems if I used ACE, RWS, MMA and a few other squad mods/client side things? Or would it be safer to just use no add-ons at all? I would test it but I wouldnt want it to crash half way through a mission or something.
  13. azz_er

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Any ETA to when 1.2 will be released? Nearly finished Cobalt, on the last mission!