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Everything posted by theboob

  1. Hi people, There's a really annoying *feature* (I'm assuming it's a feature and not a bug though it could be..) where I'll be crawling prone and maybe trying to adjust my position to get behind appropriate cover, when my avatar dude will come into contact with a certain piece of terrain and just automatically stand up! Usually getting me shot in the process given the circumstances in which I do these kind of prone adjustments.. It seems to be around low terrain that perhaps isn't quite low enough to crawl on. It's almost like the game is saying "you can't crawl on this particular area so you'll have to stand instead" and then just stands me up! I find this pretty stupid, as if I can't crawl on it then fine but the avatar should just stop moving to indicate this, in the same way as if I was trying to run through a wall but couldn't (obviously). Hope this makes sense. It just seems like a very poor choice of default behaviour. Anyway does anyone know of either a way to turn this behaviour off, or alternatively of a mod that accomplishes the same thing and makes the avatar just not move if he's up against some terrain that he can't crawl onto? It's very irritating and has many times got me shot and made me hesitant about using certain otherwise perfect avenues of approach in case I get randomly "stood up" and give myself away. Cheers in advance.
  2. But then you could just stand up! Like if you back up or sidestep into a tree and stop moving as a result, once you realise you're against a tree you just move round it. It should surely be the same thing here - once you realise that you're up against some terrain you can't crawl over, you have the option of just standing up, and in your own time, or even going round it. The problem is it's not really possible to reliably tell what will trigger it and when. You may want to get as close to said terrain as possible for cover, especially if you're dealing with some narrow angles, but the added distraction of wondering what may inadvertently trigger what should in many cases be a major tactical decision (ie. do I stand up now and risk exposing myself or not?!) isn't what you need at a critical moment! It's never an invisible barrier that you're up against, just one that you can't tell what the effect will be of on your guy. Makes way more sense to just have the hassle-free option of standing when necessary. If you ask me having your guy suddenly stand up when you're expecting to inch sideways is a major immersion-breaker! Died a few times last night trying to nail a particular avenue of approach only to be suddenly completely exposed if I inched the wrong way! Got to say I'm not convinced.. :S