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About kalkain

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  1. kalkain

    Can someone please help me fix this

    the demo, which im guessing was 1.14, ran perfectly. can we revert to 1.14?
  2. kalkain

    Can someone please help me fix this

    yes i bought off steam
  3. kalkain

    Can someone please help me fix this

    I'm also having a problem with the new patch. Specs Windows 7 64-bit I3 4 Gig Intel integrated graphics (i think integrated graphics cards are having trouble with 1.18) I would say its my gpu but I downloaded the demo a few months before the patch and it ran like a dream, no hiccups. I finally get around to putting down a few dollars on a great game and now it crashes at the atari screen. I've uninstalled everything (Arma and BattleEye) and reinstalled it. Do i need to uninstall anything else to make a clean reinstall? I've also found the crash files (.rpt). Does anyone know where i should send them?