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Fonz -UK-

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Everything posted by Fonz -UK-

  1. Problem solved, he had to download a custom launcher.
  2. Hi guys, Im writing this on behalf of a mate who is having trouble launching Combined Operations on Steam. He has both Arma 2 & Arrowhead through steam but trying to launch combined ops wont work, he just gets the cmd box appear then disappear, then nothing else. He has tried running steam as admin, and has also used the files found on the first page of this topic, but still no joy. Although he bought the two games at the same time, he mentioned that he installed and played Arrowhead before installing Arma 2. Could this be the problem? Any help would be hugely appreciated, Regards Fonz
  3. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Commanche helicopter project was scrapped.
  4. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    are you for real? :p
  5. Thanks for that, got it figured now! Another question (final one hopefully!), is it possible to edit the game settings so that players dont need to wait 30mins to fly jets and attack helis? If so which file do I edit? Cheers Fonz (nooby editor)
  6. Hi guys, sorry to ask such a silly question, but does anybody have the base files for the chernarus carrier_domination? I've tryed all of the PBO opening problems, but either cannot uncompress the PBO or have problems with the opening program. Ive got the domination editing files that come with the domi_pack but have no idea how to turn that into carrier Domination. Any help would be appreciated, and I apologise if this question has been asked already but but I did have a quick search of the forum. Thanks, Fonz
  7. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I too noticed this, glad Im not the only one. Hope its relevant :cool:
  8. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Fingers crossed tomorrows hack is more revealing! :n:
  9. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

  10. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Air to Air refuelling? I just jizzed.
  11. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Earth sized map? Its hard enough getting an EVAC from somewhere in Takistan let alone on another continent lol :D
  12. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I see your point' date=' but arma 2 has the potential to last for a long time, tweaks to the current engine and additional Expansion packs would have kept the community happy for a good couple of years (think of a China PLA addon maybe, or an arctic warfare expansion) . But now that there is an idea of ArmA3, thats all people are going to want. You cant compare Arma 2 with CoD :p Arma 2's potential to last longer comes from a closer community, editable content, and and thousands of mission ideas. :) Tool.
  13. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Im probably the only person here that would be disappointed if it is ArmA3, having just bought BAF and PMC, and Arrowhead only a year ago.. Personally I would rather see another large expansion (OA style), with some physics changes, rather than my entire Arma 2 liberary being superseded by something else, then having to buy similar addons for that. Just my 2 cents worth. Fonz
  14. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Agreed. Military related clues are a lot more interesting than a reference to the physics behind a ball hitting a wall.
  15. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I too think that the one was too easily solved, considering how much harder the last hacks were. This makes me assume that it has no relevance to physics at all and we are missing something much deeper.
  16. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yeah not far off. What would be the state in the white area?
  17. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    The ball breaking the wall could indeed mean physics improvements, but its not very in-keeping with the other clues. There have been walls in the past that have been very significant when theyve been broken.. Hitler's Atlantic wall The Berlin Wall Also china has a pretty big wall too ;) And there have already been clues leading to their involement in this. Fonz
  18. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Looks like a island, or a jigsaw of an island to me. Heres mine, it looks weird..
  19. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Nice find! btw, regarding the Rihanna song 'Smashing Dishes', Smashing your dish on the floor is a tradition of Greece. Perhaps they are involved..
  20. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    seems more than coincidental that we stumble upon a link to a youtube vid, and the numbers point to a lyric 'Scarecrow', given that Scarecrow is apparently a character in the series. I mean how many songs have the word 'scarecrow' in them... lol regards
  21. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I got the same as bulldog, with the numbers as seconds.. I/we broke out of every prison Im looking round for something else to throw If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen me :confused: This one is tough!:)
  22. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Im currently anagram checking the letters, currently I have got this, from checking only the non-capital letters (uickdaqvynbo) NAVY BUCK DO Qi QUICK NAVY BOD NOVA BY DUCK Qi Still working on it..
  23. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Im trying to Decipher the Code, cross-checking the letters and numbers in the hackers' name, recommend somebody checks this too..
  24. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yeh I thought the 1st one looked more like a 'C' too
  25. Fonz -UK-

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    In order from left, the 2nd and 4th are definitely an 'O' or a '0'. And lol @ chicken head