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About coco146

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  1. A dedicated server? My internet isn't great would it work? How do I set one up?
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right forum so could someone tell me where posts like this should go in the future? I want to know if it is possible to play takistan warfare with russians rather than Takistani army? Or if it has already been done.
  3. coco146

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Does anyone know why it just hangs on the Loading(this may take a few minutes screen at the start I cant seem to get past that without suspending the match in which case the spawn point is of in some ridicuolus section of the map far away from my HQ
  4. coco146

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Are there any ACE2 warfare scenarios for the Takistan map that I can play bith on and offline?
  5. coco146

    Addons not working

    hang on a minute! I appear to have been supplied with the wrong disk I believe that the disk should say reinforcemnts but instead it says operarion arrowhead.
  6. coco146

    Addons not working

    I recently bought Arma 2 reinforcements it installed OA fine but BAF and PMC are nowhere to be seen, can anyone help me ?