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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. That's strange it's always was just UnitName: Blah blah for me, what's the cfgradio entry?
  2. They're not using global say, you probably want to use: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/directSay Which uses either the KB stuff or CFGRadio entries
  3. Kerc Kasha

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Thans for this Robalo, I hope other modders pick this up as it'll remove the need to have to have patches to work with other addons etc
  4. I don't see anything painfully unrealistic with arma 3 other than the medical/stamina system but both of which are more 'unfinished' than 'unrealistic' it also doesn't help that a lot of 'realism' requests are stuff that will just make the game more tedious and not benefit gameplay in any way
  5. Kerc Kasha

    Blastcore A3

    on the subject of smoke grenades (and anythign else that should block visibility): blockAIVisibility = true; //sets if particles are in the AI visibility tests (default true) - false for better performance but AI is able to see through particles http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Particle_Effects#Definition_of_part-effect New variable for particles
  6. Kerc Kasha

    Does kit affect damage resistance?

    Barely. It's like the difference between a single bullet or so, and in the case of OPFOR they dont need to wear anything at all as they have innate damage resistance to make up for the fact they don't use plate carriers (it'd make more sense for this to be part of their uniform but whatever.. that's what it is in the config)
  7. Kerc Kasha

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    The inside stuff should work but you'd probably need a few samples otherwise it might sound weird having heavy downfall on the roof when it's barely raining outside or vice versa... As for replacing walking sounds?? There isn't any real easy way of doing that it'd need a serious hacky solution (like checking the players current animation.. their velocity... etc). Not impossible, annoying hacky and maybe performance intensive, maybe. But that's just my 2 cents.
  8. the 5.1 issues is completely unacceptable. The entire center channel is 'dropped' so when you're looking in the direction of someone firing at you, you can't even hear the gun shot or it's horribly muted. How this hasn't been fixed since alpha is beyond me, especially seeing as 5.1 worked fine in Arma 2.
  9. Kerc Kasha

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Nah nah I mean like this: _dist = player distance _weapon; in macros.sqf this works fine when you're alive but if you're using a camera of any sort it will always use the players body. so for example you could be spectating someone who's 1km away and he fires his rifle and you get the usual fire sound + the echo you'd hear from your corpse a few seconds later. not a big deal but it's pretty easy to fix edit: i'll do it for you if you'd like it's only a few lines to check the cameras position instead of the players if they're dead or using a camera.
  10. Kerc Kasha

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Great to see you still working on this LJ. One suggestion regarding the scripting though, is it possible to put an 'alive' check for the distance scripts? As in A2 if you die and go into spectator mode or whatever the distance scripts still work but it's based on your now dead body instead of the camera. This is easily fixed by using positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] instead of getpos player or whatever you guys use atm to work out position of the player. so for example: if (alive player) then { _pos = getpos player; } else { _pos = positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]; };
  11. This was a limitation of early WW2 tanks... not modern tanks
  12. Kerc Kasha

    Unrealistic weapons damage

    I don't know why people think it's more 'realistic' for people to die in one shot considering modern body armour (rifle plates) tend to actually stop bullets. Unarmoured? Even then they wouldn't instantly die at worst fall into shock. If anything ARMA 3 ridiculously underestimates body armour.
  13. Kerc Kasha

    Mission briefings - do you read them, actually?

    Short situation, objectives, anything that could be important to mission planning (movement plan... fire support etc) I don't want to read someones poor attempt at a Tom Clancy novel for a mission that boils down to 'shoot some guys', and there's far too many missions that do this.
  14. I'm not sure if it will be possible to have an external 'texture' folder but you could very well have custom textures just be stored in individual PBO files or some such. Most of the work regarding this would be GUI and planning, and working out the best way to 'detect' textures without having have either the developer or players manually add them.
  15. Kerc Kasha

    OPFOR AI & Parachutes

    That's more than likely the problem yeah. I see too many scripts like this not run in (isServer) and it leads to some hilarious situations but they're not very good for the server/clients computers.
  16. as the name suggests those keys are for the UO server to ensure people are running the right versions of the mods. There hasn't been a real public release of ACRE A3 so you'll need to sign it on your own.
  17. Kerc Kasha

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    Yes please! The backpacks look amazing but having two different systems (ACE and OA ruck systems) to juggle gets a bit confusing for some players
  18. Kerc Kasha

    VanhA's Caribou coop pack

    you need to wrap the eject action in a if (isServer) then {}; otherwise the eject action is going to run on every client, here's the aftermath of one such encounter: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/594763398216382763/643A63D539851B30543FE9EF1A9C947315043C83/
  19. This thread is a massive misinterpretation - all that line was about was that BI would ask a mod maker if they would want to make a paid-dlc out of their work, this isn't the first time this has happened. The czech DLC for arma 2 was made mostly by a mod team. This isn't BI allowing people to sell their mods - it's simply picking up content and making it official content, not something the mod maker themselves decides to do (well other than accepting BI's offer)
  20. Kerc Kasha

    TMR Modular Realism

    You can stop the 'jerk' by using playmove instead of switchmove, but from my testing playmove will stop the player from moving - usually because the transitions are removed. I've been working on this issue myself.
  21. One of my main disappointments with the current content is that there isn't a single AK variant! A world without an AK isn't a world worth living in! (seriously, TARs for FIA??)
  22. Kerc Kasha

    Magazines should be a proxy

    You can already set a custom reload animation per magazine in CFGMagazines, however the handanim (the idle holding animation) is set to the weapon only EDIT: This is how BI has a different reload animation for underbarrel grenades, shame they didnt also add an animation for the weapon itself..
  23. Kerc Kasha

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    If they're wearing the gasmask why not use CFGIdentities instead? Similar to how balaclavas work on the insurgents etc, unless you mean like a gasmask bag on their leg
  24. Kerc Kasha

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Yeah please, keep the in vehicle volume down. I know in reality they're loud as hell but in reality you also have an intercom - not to mention ACRE isn't as loud as people could reasonably shout either. It makes it virtually impossible to discuss/plan anything in an armoured vehicle with JSRS in arma 2
  25. Kerc Kasha

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    These units are absolutely stunning, excellent job!