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Posts posted by BL1P

  1. @AntalopeAUT

    Ill answer what I know ... :) which isnt alot

    -Missing ammobox for some players at MHQ (ACE)

    We get this aswell its normaly when the player has just joined or has rejoined the server after the MHQ / Ammobox has been deployed.

    just redeploy mqh and load unload ammobox and its fixed

    -Missing ACE-menues (ACE)

    Which menus ?

    -Not being able to reload guns (once with ACE/ another time ACE+SLX)

    Which guns ?

    As reguards the Ace wounds and player sinking into the ground I had the same problem so I disabled the ace wounds and used the built in game revive / heal instead.

  2. Hello.

    I am editing a mission that uses civilian suicide bombers

    and a player ranking system

    what I want to do is "player addRating 200" when he kills the civilian suicide bomber..

    what commands do I need to add in the bombers script to achieve this ?

    Currently the player losses rank when killing the bomber

    here is the script im using for the bomber (its not mine)


    // Function file for Armed Assault 2

    // Created by: kylania


    // Based on code from SNKMAN

    // http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1623731&postcount=4


    // Examples:


    // Called from a trigger, Civilians - Present - Once to set 1 bomber out of preset Civs, attacking WEST, 70% chance of attack and 50m range.

    // nul = [thislist select floor(random count thislist), WEST, 7, 50] execVM "hkRandom.sqf";


    // Called from a unit's init, 100% chance to attack EAST units within 100m with a warning and shout.

    // nul = [this, EAST, 10, 100, true, true];


    // Default, attacking WEST targets 30% of the time within 20m warning the group but not yelling out a shout.

    // nul = [this] execVM "hkRandom.sqf";



    _unit = _this select 0; // Bomber unit, set randomly by trigger.

    _side = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {WEST}; // Side to attack, default West.

    _prob = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {3}; // Probilitiy of attack once a target is found, Number 1 - 10, higher = more chance. Default 3 (30% chance or so);

    _range = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {20}; // Range to look for targets in, default 20m.

    _warn = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {true}; // Option to warn the attacked group, all group members will target the bomber, AI won't shoot civs though. Default true.

    _shout = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false}; // Option to make the bomber say a sound (declared below) before attacking. Default false.

    //_sound = "allahu"; // Sound file declared in CfgSounds in description.ext for use with _shout option.

    // Defaults.

    _looking = true;

    _target = objNull;

    // Set to true to see status messages from the bomber.

    _demo = FALSE;

    if (isServer) then {

    // Init the target array.

    if (isNil "TargetArray") then {TargetArray = [];};

    // Start hunting.

    while {_looking} do {

    _targets = _unit nearTargets _range; // Check targets within range.

    if (count TargetArray > 0) then {_targets = _targets - TargetArray;};

    // We have targets in range...

    if (count _targets > 0) then


    _count = 0;

    while { (_count < count _targets) } do


    _selectTarget = (_targets select _count);

    // Make sure we know about the target and that they match the side we want to attack.

    if ( (_unit knowsAbout (_selectTarget select 4) > 0) && (_selectTarget select 2 == _side) ) then


    TargetArray = TargetArray + [_selectTarget select 4]; // Grab the target unit objects


    _count = _count + 1;



    // If we have valid target objects...

    if (count TargetArray > 0) then {

    // Lets see if we're ready to die...

    _chance = round(random 9) + 1;

    // Demo text.

    if (_demo) then {_txt = format["Probability: %1, Roll: %2",_prob, _chance]; titleText[_txt, "PLAIN"];};

    // If the bomber is ready to die, stop looking and pick one of the random targets found...

    if (_chance <= _prob) then {

    if (_demo) then {hint format["Found these targets: %1", TargetArray];};

    _looking = false;

    _target = TargetArray select floor(random count TargetArray);

    } else {

    // The bomber is NOT ready to die, so do nothing.

    if (_demo) then {hintSilent "Sill hunting, not ready to die...";};


    } else {

    // No targets found so do nothing.

    if (_demo) then { hintSilent "Still hunting...";};


    // Wait a while and clear any targets previously found.

    sleep 5;

    TargetArray = [];


    // At this point we've found a target (broke out of loop via _looking = false)

    // Charge at the target!

    _unit SetUnitPos "Up";

    _unit SetSpeedMode "Full";

    _unit SetCombatMode "Red";

    _unit SetBehaviour "Careless";

    if (_demo) then {hint format["INCOMING for you %1!", _target];};

    // Shout or warn per options

    if (_shout) then {_unit setVehicleInit "this say ""allahu""";processInitCommands};

    if (_warn) then {units (group _target) commandTarget _unit};

    // Make the bomber keep chasing the target till dead or within 3m.

    while {alive _unit && (_unit distance _target > 8)} do {

    _unit doMove getPos _target;

    sleep 3;


    // We're in range, make sure we're still alive then pull the pin!

    if (alive _unit) then {"R_80mm_HE" createVehicle getPos _unit};


    Thanks for any help


  3. Always good to hear a good news story! :D Congrats!

    thanks m8

    Im really grateful for all the help I got from you guys !!!

    What I have working is an edited Patrol Ops 2 mission working with CAS - CASEVAC - CA civilian modules - dogs - shepards - AAR - Sandstorms - AEG ..

    Gona try add the enemypopulation module and nomad module next ...

    The patrol mission has suicide bombers among the things I edited

  4. Ive given up m8 im afraid

    Ill just try and find some sort of support script that will be easier to implement at my level ...

    I got it running with the mso core and with support removed all but the cas and casevac alterd the call to say if team leader not grp as im not using groups

    added the ace prc119 for the team leaders weapons class but still no cas or evac in the self interaction

    Thanks for the help though

    Might try agina when i have a dedicated i can read the rpt from.... as my server is being used atm

  5. @BL1P

    You're on the right track, but you also need MSO Core in there. You might have better luck putting Patrol Ops 2 into the MSO framework and selectively deleting the bits you don't need, rather than the other way round.

    Thanks for the reply m8.

    I did try it that way originaly but came across too many problems I dont yet know how to correct..

    Ill try getting it to work with the core aswell

    If I add the core and the supply... with looking to only have CAS and CASEVAC for the moment

    What lines should I add to my init and desc ?

    Once again thanks for taking the time to answer


  6. Not rude at all. MSO is designed from the ground up to moduler so you can add bits to other missions. Easiest method:

    1. Copy the BASE_MISSION folder provided in the MSO download

    2. Rename the folder to whichever map you want (e.g. mymission.chernarus)

    3. Copy the mission.sqm that you've made in the editor into that folder (see the MSO editor guide for details, but you'll need at least some playable units and respawn_West marker)

    4. Look in the MSO module folders in ambience, core & enemy and in each modules.hpp comment out all the modules (// in front of them).

    5. Obviously leave the Support modules untouched

    That's not particularly neat and tidy as you'll still have the whole MSO framework (which is a 7Mb now - quite chunky for a mission), but it should work fine. Once you get more familiar with how it all hangs together you can delete bits you don't use to save space (e.g. you can safely delete the folder for any module you comment out)

    Thanks for the Info friznit2..

    Im actually trying to add the support module into a modified Patrol Ops 2 by OCB

    I just cant figure out what files ill need aswell as the support folder or what to place in the description and init.

    I was trying to just use the CAS and CASEVAC allowable to only the Team leader role

    which is called with

    mps_player_class == "tl"

    I took the support folder and placed it in the mission folder

    I then placed this line at the end of my init

     execNow "support\init.sqf";

    and I changed the support/init.sqf to read

    #include <modules\modules.hpp>
    #ifndef execNow
    #define execNow call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers
    #ifdef RMM_CAS
    "Close Air Support" call mso_core_fnc_initStat;
    execNow "support\modules\rmm_cas\main.sqf";
    #ifdef RMM_CASEVAC
    "CASEVAC" call mso_core_fnc_initStat;
    execNow "support\modules\rmm_casevac\main.sqf";

    I placed these lines in the mps_params.sqf of the patrol ops mission

    class RMM_cas_frequency {
           title = "    CAS Availability"; 
           values[]= {120,1800,3600,10800}; 
           texts[]= {"2 minutes","30 minutes","1 hour","3 hours"}; 
           default = 3600;
    class RMM_cas_available {
           title = "    Gunship/UAV Available per Team Leader"; 
           values[]= {0,3,6,12,999}; 
           texts[]= {"None","3","6","12","Unlimited"}; 
           default = 3;

    I couldnt find the params for the casevac ?

    I removed all BUT the rmm_cas and rmm_casevac folder and the modules.hpp from the suppot modules folder

    I then changed the cas and casevac main.sqf to read

    ["player", [mso_interaction_key],
    ["support\modules\rmm_cas\fn_menuDef.sqf", "main"]] 
    call CBA_ui_fnc_add;
    ["CAS","if(call mso_fnc_hasRadio 
    [color="Red"]if(mps_player_class == "tl")[/color])
    then {createDialog ""RMM_ui_cas""}"] 
    call mso_core_fnc_updateMenu;

    I can see from the file above that some functions are called "mso_core_fnc_updateMenu" for example can these be placed anywhere ?

    for example could i place the mso_core_fnc_updateMenu and mso_fnc_hasRadio in the support folder ? (once i find them :) )

    Sorry for the long post

    Like I say my skills are none existent I have asked permission to alter and edit the patrol ops and I asked you guys if i can use the modules

    Im just not a good enough scripter\coder to achieve this alone :)

    Once again any help would be fantastic !!!!

    Yours hopefully


  7. Ive been a long time ArmA fan but i haven't been a member of the forums so i thought i would introduce myself with my debut short film i made with Operation Arrowhead titled "Exertion". Some of you may have seen my DCS: A-10C Movie Anthology which has gained attention over the months but i just couldn't resist making a vid for this wonderful sim aswell. Without further adieu, hello to everyone and i hope you enjoy :)

    Excellence .... Subbed

  8. I'm really surprised that the CBA line didn't work. Are you sure you're running CBA? In any case, I wouldn't bother trying to mess with the structure of that script. Try this:

    if (_shout) then {_unit setVehicleInit "this say ""allahu""";processInitCommands};

    It's not the most elegant solution, but it will work.

    It may not be elegant but it worked :):):)

    thank you very much for all your help !!!!!!!!!

  9. As I expected, the "say" line is within an "isServer" conditional statement. This is why it wasn't playing on your dedicated server: "Say" is a local command, and it is only being run on the server; therefore, only the server can play the sound (and because it's a dedicated server, no one would hear it). If the "say" line were to be taken out of the "isServer" conditional, it would play for everyone. Your best bet is to use the CBA function mentioned above.

    the cba line did not work


    thanks for he help btw

    how do i go about making the script not use that isserver bit ?

  10. Well, if it's being fired from a general trigger like that, the script should be executing globally, which leads me to believe that you have a condition somewhere in your script (e.g., isServer) that is preventing the "say" line in particular from being run globally. No matter, CBA can circumvent the issue for you:

    [[_unit],"allahu"] call CBA_fnc_globalSay

    I am 99% sure that will work anyway, but if you're interested in learning about locality so you can solve these problems yourself in the future, feel free to post your whole script here so we can take a look at why the "say" was local in this case.

    As the script and the mission im editing are not mine. I dont feel it would be apropriate of me to post them.

    but here are the links :)

    I am using this script package for the bomber

    and im editing\altering patrol ops 2 by [ocb]


    as its all for a private server for mainly me and a couple of m8s im hoping its all ok

    you where correct the scrip contains this line

    if (isServer) then

  11. erm

    I place a trigger on the map with civi inside the trigger radius

    then i add this in the trigger

    nul = [thislist select floor(random count thislist), WEST, 7, 50] execVM "hkRandom.sqf";

    Im crap at scripting and dont yet understand the global and local stuff

    but im about to test the code you gave me


    ---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 PM ----------

    :( didnt work

    if (_shout) then {[_unit,rSAY,"allahu"] call RE};

    no errors in the rpt either

    well none to do with that part :)

    ---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

    Alternatively, you could just use CBA's global execute function if you have CBA. Finally, there's always the tired-and-true public variable option. How are you executing the script, by the way? This locality issue could be avoided altogether by executing the script globally.

    the mission is using CBA but i have no idea what CBA is doing or how to use CBA nor do I understand how to exec a script globally rather than locally

  12. Hello.

    I am trying to get a suicide bomber script to run in a mission I am editing

    What happens is a bomber sees a target and yells something at them then charges them then expldoes

    On my local machine it all works fine

    On my dedicated the shout isnt herd but the rest of the script is good and i get no errors in the server.rpt as far as I can tell

    This is the code im using

    In the description

    class CfgSounds {
    #include "mps\dialog\mps_sounds.sqf"
    class allahu
    	name = "allahu";
    	sound[] = {\sound\allahu.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
    	titles[] = {0, ""};

    In the script for the bomber 2 lines :-

    _shout = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false}
    if (_shout) then {_unit say [_sound,5]};

    Like I said it works fine localy but does not work on my dedicated

    Any help would be fantastic



  13. I'm not familiar with bon_ied's scripts and they're not part of the regular MSO but I'll try to help. Without seeing any errors though we won't be able to tell what's going wrong. Does it work if you add it to a regular non MSO mission in the same way? Look in your server rpt file for any errors and post them up.

    Hi Friznit2.

    Thanks for offering to help

    this is the error i get from the server .rpt

    Error in expression <ATH = "bon_ieds\";
    bon_number_ieds = tfor_ieds; 
    bon_ied_container = [
     Error position: <tfor_ieds; 
    bon_ied_container = [
     Error Undefined variable in expression: tfor_ieds

    this is a link to the download for the bon_ieds script

    maybe that will help you - help me :)

    ---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

    Also :)

    the mission Im attepmting to edit :) has 3 teams on blufor with 3 members in each team

    TL+2 soldiers

    so its only a 9 man coop

    I would like to lower the amount of forces the WICT adds below 55 as we are finding the missions too overpowering for us when the WICT is on and 3 or 4 tanks roll into a town.

    How would I go about lowering the amount of enemy's WICT creates.



    I would like to reduce the amount of ai the TLs can recruit ?

    atm its 6 how would i go about lowering that ?

    Sorry if im asking too much

  14. Hello guys I was wondering if you could help me with adding a script to your missions

    I am trying to add the bon_ieds script

    what i have done is downloaded the script and then placed the bon_ieds folder in the mission root

    I then added the game logic to the map on editor and called it Server

    I then added this line into the init.sqf for the mission

    #ifndef execNow
    #define execNow call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers
    waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"};
    diag_log format["MSO version: %1", "4.03"];
    execNow "core\init.sqf";
    execNow "ambience\init.sqf";
    execNow "support\init.sqf";
    execNow "enemy\init.sqf";
    [color="Red"]execNow "bon_ieds\init.sqf";[/color]
    execNow "init-custom.sqf";
    "Completed" call mso_core_fnc_initStat;
    execNow "core\scripts\intro.sqf";

    but nothing happens and the ieds are not placed on the map

    any help would be fantastic thank you :)
