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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Excellent News. Really loving all the changes. Thanks for all the hard work.
  2. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    q1 : How are you testing? q2 : What do you mean? q3 : How is it exhibited? a1 : On a Dedi server using various mission examples with scripted and none scripted AI. with various examples of acre modules and none module missions. a2 : No matter how much we talk the AI do not change from unaware a3 : I do not know what else to say other than the AI do not alter their awareness from unaware. no matter how much we talk near them. (near = <1m behind a wall). Amendm : In a1 i mention scripted AI, In that example i mean Ai created via script and using scripts, whereas none scripted refers to AI added via editor with no init commands.
  3. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Default does not work. We set it, that does not work. Any help is greatly appreciated as we are trying but failing to get this working ! Also thanks very much for the reply !!!
  4. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    It seems the AI do NOT hear us on our first test. do we need to enable something ? this is what we are testing script wise :- //--- check for acre mod on Client acre_enabled = isClass(configFile/"CfgPatches"/"acre_main"); //--- acre setRevealToAI if (acre_enabled) then { _status = [true] call acre_api_fnc_setRevealToAI; systemChat format ["Acre reveal to AI: %1", _status]; diag_log format ["Acre reveal to AI: %1", _status]; }; so far systemchat and server rpt report that the function returns false
  5. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Oh golly gosh, I am so excited, I think I just peed a little bit ! Thanks very much for all the hard work. Cant wait to get this on our server.
  6. BL1P

    Running Arma 3 in Windows under KVM?

    Yer what he said !
  7. Getting this error m8. http://i.imgur.com/meGX8CU.jpg (304 kB) hope that helps sorry if reported.
  8. BL1P

    Show Off The RV4 Engine!

    Nice pics Evil Organ :) and hello btw
  9. BL1P

    Setting Boxes To Arsenal

    Ok I am probably wrong then, I am not a big user of Zues so it maybe doing something different. Sorry I didn't help.
  10. BL1P

    Setting Boxes To Arsenal

    As far as I know, you can't have a whitelisted arsenal and have the last 3 options. I guess you're using a whitelisted arsenal. By whitelisted I mean an arsenal where you say which things are available to the clients.
  11. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Thats so cool thanks !!!
  12. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Once again thanks for the reply and I am looking forward to the update. Thank you. BL1P ps. Just checking .... when this comes out tomorrow, I set _status = [true] call acre_api_fnc_setRevealToAI; only on Clients not on HC and Not on the Server... right ?
  13. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Thanks for the reply Jaynus. Are you saying it will be released with the upcoming RC or it already is released because :- When I run this on clients :- //--- check for acre mod on Client acre_enabled = isClass(configFile/"CfgPatches"/"acre_main"); //--- acre setRevealToAI if (acre_enabled) then { _status = [true] call acre_api_fnc_setRevealToAI; }; I get this error :- 3:39:24 Error in expression <e_enabled) then { _status = [true] call acre_api_fnc_setRevealToAI; }; STGI = i> 3:39:24 Error position: <acre_api_fnc_setRevealToAI; }; STGI = i> 3:39:24 Error Undefined variable in expression: acre_api_fnc_setrevealtoai 3:39:24 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\Client\Init_Client.sqf, line 25
  14. BL1P

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Is this implemented :- acre_api_fnc_setRevealToAI ? and who needs this as true the server or client or both ?
  15. I have recently noticed that the onPlayerRespawn.sqf is ran on a player joining server and not only when a player respawns. is this intended, am i doing something weird, or is it a bug ?
  16. Thanks thought it was me freaking out there for a bit :)
  17. BL1P

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Does that include these features then ?
  18. BL1P

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    sorry edited my post as you replied :) Will those features that cannot be implemented because of required mod become an optional thing ever ?
  19. BL1P

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Does the scripted version contain any new effects that were previously not included because of the Required MOD problem ? if !(above) will you include or create a version with the extra effects that is required as an optional folder download ? :)
  20. Thank (insert your preferred deity) for that I thought BIS had gone crazy for a bit then.
  21. BL1P

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    How about this then Create an Optional_Required Folder with all the bug fixes and cool stuff in. The stuff that can only be done when it is a required mod and allow the mission makers / server owners to choose if they use it or not.
  22. BL1P

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Make it required.
  23. Is this a hypothetical thread about paying for mods ? Or did BIS loose there minds and agree to this ?
  24. We need it to be as it was in ACE. until then it won't be in any missions I make as its too easy OP.