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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. Hi guys quick question... How would one go about making all east vehicles locked to players ?
  2. Yup doesnt work if i copy the acre mod from my six updated pc onto our server Once we activate the mod with the cmd line battle eye kicks us with the error corrupt memory #1
  3. Our rented server doesnt alow for six updater How should we go about adding the mod we need for acre to our server in this case ?
  4. We rent the server i cannot launch it as admin It works fine on my other pc which i use as a server it just doesnt work on the server my clan rents
  5. I still can not get this to work on our Public server for some reason It always kicks people with corrupt memory #1
  6. Damn It Scotty I need that clean RPT now --
  7. I get alot of these messages when I run a dedicated server Server: Object 3:5 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:6 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:7 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:8 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:9 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:11 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:10 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:14 not found (message 124) Server: Object 3:18 not found (message 124) Server: Object 3:22 not found (message 124) Server: Object 3:26 not found (message 124) Server: Object 3:29 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:28 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:31 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:30 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:33 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:36 not found (message 225) Server: Object 3:32 not found (message 225) and it keeps going Server: Object 3:239 not found (message 225) Any ideas ?
  8. If I wanted to award Lives for the Nomad script how would I go about that ? For example I would like to award 1 life to all Players if an objective is completed. Would also like it to award the life to any players who have been disconnected because of 0 life's since the mission start :)
  9. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131238-Dedicated-Server-RPT-errors&p=2106882#post2106882 I was told to ignore it :)
  10. BL1P

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    If your gettng direct mode you might have mando on ? I may well be wrong but I thought ACE didnt have other modes rather than TOP Anyway glad I could help
  11. When I try to use ACRE on our public server we get kicked by battle eye with memory error #1 on the server we have @ACRE and the keys and the key for jayarmalib any ideas ?
  12. ok Ill ignore the 34000 lines of errors :)
  13. BL1P

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    The javelin works fine in ACE and in warfare you must make sure that :- 1 you have the CLU 2 you have the tube 3 that you switch to thermal mode by pressing n 4 that you zoom once by pressing NUM + if ya do all that while looking at a target it will start beeping then lock at which point it will make a lock notification noise also it has recticles that lock around the target its top down only as far as i can tell 5 press fire The NLAW is very weak in ace compared to Vanilla
  14. Have you tried dropping and picking back up the radio ? We noticed that when you die the mission seems to not realize you have a radio dropping it and then picking it back up fixes that for me/us @HighHead Its BL1P not blit Heres the mission Im working on for anyone interested (this does not contain TUP_IED as Thats not mine to release !!) but it does contain suicide bombers and Ieds and other stuff I have messed up :) http://www.2shared.com/file/OY3yfKnb/Patrol_Ops_MSOzargabad.html O yer I forgot this will probably only work with ACE on as we only play with ace on i removed most if not all of the vanilla weapons from the rank scripts
  15. BL1P

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Any confirmation if AI view is blocked by the smoke ? If not its pointless using the smoke
  16. Hello I did a search but found no answers so .... What i want to do is this :- I have a mission with 12 playable slots I have the 12 slots split into 2 groups of 6 classes I would like to make the second group of 6 become available only when the first 6 is filled my question being... is this possible and how ?
  17. Any chance of getting my hands on the module ? Also can a class be made to be the only class that can disarm/detonate IE the engineer ? Can your TUP IEDs be blown up with explosive or High caliber Rifle explosive rounds ? Also :) Is the suicide bomber side=CIV if so can he be made side=East so that killing him does not remove any rating points the player who shoots him has Gona DL the EOD just for this Module :) @Pika if you join the server called BL1P LAND STUDIOS the default mission is the Patrol OPS MSO zargabad which im currently working on once ya join the mission ya will have the mission in ya MpMissionCache but dont blame me if ya dont like it :)
  18. Sounds awsome cant wait to try adding into the one im working on Do your Suicie dudes shout something scary before they explode m8 ?
  19. High guys Yes I do have a working mix of Patrol ops 2 and some of the MSO moduals I dont plan to release this unless I get people asking for it. as I only did editing to other peoples work I dont feel I should claim any ownership of the mission as mine it has working modulas from MSO mainly the Support , Enemypop , AEG , Ambient Civilians , Zora, AAR and the whole CA folders Team leader can call for CAS AND CASEVAC because each class of player gets his own weapons and Items with his rank but TL gets the ACE PRC119 which alows for the radio call for support Suicide bombers are added along with random Roadside IEDS from Patrol ops with increased chance of enemy guarding the area of the IED Reworked Rank weapons from patrol with each class getting specific weapons to that class tryed to implement NOMAD but had too many confilicts I couldnt yet work out with the class and rank and respawn system of patrol + nomad I do all my testing on my own dedicated server called BL1P LAND STUDIOS and we play it on our clan server called 25ID PUBLIC Feel free to join me or us on either server :) Thanks to MSO guys for letting me use and abuse your mission and thanks to OCB for letting me use and abuse Patrol Ops Im still making changes to the mission so i guess its a WIP :)
  20. BL1P

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Thanks Ill try that for now UNLUCKY for joe public i guess ---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ---------- Doh !!! All i needed to do was replace BOTH the server Keys and the Addons keys with the hot fix keys Me dumb hu hu ---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 PM ---------- btw guys do the server AI see the blastcore smoke ? I mean do they see it as we see it or do they see it as normal smaller area smoke
  21. BL1P

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Ill give it a try in a in Thanks
  22. BL1P

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Cant seem to get the server Keys working for this Tried the Keys hot fix aswell Has anyone else got this working with signatures on ?
  23. BL1P

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    I asked Benny about this problem with the ace version of warfare here is his reply http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82201-Warfare-BE-(Benny-Edition)&p=2099981&viewfull=1#post2099981 so maybe the wounds is causing the AI to not disable but see you as dead and so take control ?
  24. BL1P

    Warfare BE: ACE Edition

    Hello... When I play Warfare BE when I die My AI dis-activate so to speak until I am re spawned but When I play Warfare BE ACE when I die the AI take control of my squad which causes alot of problems ... Like me loosing control of the squad and my ai drivers being orderd to disembark etc etc etc Am I the only one who experiences this ?