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Everything posted by BL1P

  1. Yer I know allot of people like having 3rd on so they can see better. I dont think it adds more realistic situational awareness though being able to see over walls you wouldn't be able to normally etcetc. Dont get me wrong I love arma and its been my go to game since OFP. And when I play other FPS now I scream and rant about why they dont have a look feature like arma so you can turn your head as your walking around. I like what your trying to do. I just think the only real solution is to play with 3rd off. But myself an others have been saying that since OFP :)
  2. Anything that helps remove third abuse has my vote. Myself I try only to play on servers with it off but... as BIS saw fit not to include an MP browser filter to only show 3rd disabled servers. It gets tedious joining every server to see if that regular difficulty is just because the server admin is lazy or if they have altered the servers .profile file. As already mentioned though your second and third options are basically telling the player there is an enemy near. So Idea #1 for me. Its a shame BIS thought their arma series needed an "I want to see my Barbie Doll" view.
  3. BL1P

    Bush's "Strange New Worlds"

    LOL @ "Many unconvincing polystyrene rocks (Series 1 budgetary constraints)"
  4. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    Ah Very smart
  5. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    @Benny is there a reason why in the Gear_West.sqf in the A3 BECTI you list weapons like this _i = _i + ["arifle_MX_F"]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_pointer_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_Holo_pointer_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_Hamr_pointer_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_snds_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_RCO_pointer_snds_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; _i = _i + [["arifle_MX_ACO_F"]]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; I don't understand why the extra weapons are in the list when you can only buy the first one _i = _i + ["arifle_MX_F"]; _u = _u + [0]; _p = _p + [30]; Confused bl1p :)
  6. BL1P

    Arma 3-TOH similarities

    Maybe some time in the future we will see a TKOH mod along side ACE and ACRE or even TKOH flight system inside ACE now that would be cool me thinks.
  7. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    If you are interested I have been doing some work on this Class based system myself and would love to share Ideas on what I think might work. And what I have got working and tested for myself :) I know which TS you use Ill try and chat with you sometime if that's ok ? Ps. I love the spawn only at base/mhq system I hope that remains, as I was not a fan of the spawn at tents, ambulances or camps system. ---------- Post added at 07:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ---------- Afaik. You cant take from them but... you can reduce the amount they get from the pool of cash or tell them to buy more expensive shit.
  8. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    Hey Benny. Loving the Arma3 version of Warfare/CTI I am old enuf to remember MFCTI and CRCTI and I am enjoying the return to basics. I am very pleased to see the removal of the spawn at town camps option and removal of any teleport options. I do have a couple of suggestions of which I am sure you are already working on. 1: Add a parameter to determine how many bases a commander can build. 2: Remove the ability to build base buildings inside map buildings. 3: maybe look into a more class based system, so that not every player is a medic, engineer, sniper, at, tank, pilot, commander all in one expert :) What ever ya do great start to the new BE edition to Arma3 missions. mes meilleures amitiés. BL1P
  9. Add some more filters for MP browser Dificulty type Exclude mission "name/names" also alow the browser to show or filter the settings in Dificultys 3rd on/off weapon cross on/off etc etc
  10. Not too worried because ACE , ACRE , CBA will hopefully fix all the things BIS don't fix before release. So even though BIS release the game on the 12th. For myself and others its just something to pass the time untill they get ACE and ACRE fully working.
  11. In arma2 all players turned at the same max speed which was a quite realistic speed in my opinion and was a great feature in a simulation. Will you be keeping the your mouse speed determines how fast you can spin on the spot same as every other arcade fps on the market ? If so its a shame as it was one of the great features that made arma2 less of a twitch arcade game. ............................... Here are a couple of related bug trackers. for prone / crouch: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=912 For sprinting (still not assigned despite having more "yes" votes): http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5509
  12. Maybe we will just have to wait for ACE to fix all the errors and oversights.
  13. now lie on the floor and spin 360 without moving your legs or arms and holding an at and a backpack and an MG then explain to us how that also is possible :)
  14. In arma2 the precisionEnemy settings for server profiles was stopped in 1.60 and altering the setting would have no effect on the AIs precision. You had to alter the skillEnemy to lower the precision along with the skill. Is this also the case for Arma3 ?
  15. This post is kinda related to what your asking I think http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159577-Will-you-be-keeping-the-new-mouse-speed
  16. Its not a pure twitch game for sure. Although being able to perform a 360 degree turn even while prone with the unrealistic speeds allowed, certainly makes Arma3 contain elements of twitch gameplay. It just feels and looks totally wrong for Arma.
  17. Thanks for the frames per second shooter fix :P What ever the technology was behind how it was done in Arma2 the result still stands Arma2 played more like a simulator and Arma3 plays like every other twitch arcade fps. watch the players spin on the spot and try tell me that looks realistic :)
  18. yer its a pain in the arse to test. Would be nice if a dev said yer its working or no its not :)
  19. Thanks for the reply Terrox. So for anyone wanting to run a none modded server there is no way to globally turn down the precision of the AI ? Hopefully its just frozen for beta testing and the precision will get unlocked at some point.
  20. BL1P

    Warfare BE

    Hello Benny and all. I have been trying to implement ACRE into the new version of Warfare BE the version with the HC. I can get the radios into the buy gear section no problem. The problem is that acre radios change classname when a player gets one in his inventory. Therefore you would need to buy a new radio each time you open the buy gear menu. This is the code I used in a previous version of Warfare BE that worked around this problem. _getItemDataByConfigType = { private ["_data", "_configType", "_item"]; _item = _this select 0; _configType = _this select 1; _data = nil; [color="#0000FF"]if ( [_item, "ACRE"] call CBA_fnc_find >= 0 ) then { _item = [_item] call acre_api_fnc_getBaseRadio; };[/color] if(_configType) then { _data = (_item+'_u') Call GetNamespace; }; if(isNil "_data") then { _data = _item Call GetNamespace; }; //player sideChat format["_item = %1, %2", _item, typeName _item]; _data }; What I cant do is figure out how to implement that code into the new GUI_BuyGearMenu.sqf Any help is most welcome. Yours hopefully BL1P P.S Any hopes of a GUI_ACE_BuyGearMenu.sqf being written up so that we can use the ACE mod with this awesome mission ? Functionality missing in the current buygear is medical slots / pack items / the extra back slot / wieghts / and maybe some more stuff :P
  21. All true. was just looking for a way to play night without people just turning up gamma ingame. If it cant be done.. it cant be done. no worries perm day is cool aswell. Thanks for your help with everything.