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Everything posted by BL1P
recruit mode = arcade regular mode = arcade veteran mode = arcade elite = not arcade 3-1 Not quite sure we need any more arcade options Seems we need more none arcade options
So apart from Memory allocation what does 64bits and pieces have that 32bits and pieces doesn't have... except for 32 more 1s ? I mean do we really need the extra 1s... my hard drive is pritty full, do I really want to slow it down even more with these extras 1s ? SAY NO TO THE 1s
large [SP/MP][COOP] Patrol Operations - Official Thread
BL1P replied to roy86's topic in ARMA 3 - USER MISSIONS
Nice One m8 Congrats -
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3
BL1P replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
@NouberNou Would it be possible to add a couple of functions to the API to allow for easy integration into revive scripts. Unconsious and Revived states would be great. I am just using setpower atm for mine Also if your not introducing separate radios per faction could you default the frequency's for each faction do be different ? -
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3
BL1P replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
@gagi I care -
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3
BL1P replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
2. Use older version of ts until ACRE Fully released 3. Same as Above 4. Probably Due to a revive script not scripted correctly to use acre OR the players ts isn't connected to ACRE. 5. Same as above 6. Same as above 7. Can you be any more random in that statement :) 8. Did the Russians really just rip of another mod and claim it was the first mods fault ? -
3 errors in 24 hrs :) Wish all mission rpts where that clean ---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 PM ---------- Thats a game error I think not a BECTI error
@Benny 1. Would it be possible to stop a player getting income when not connected to the server please. 2. Could you make it so a player in an artillery Mortar/Vehicle uses the command menu Artillery same as an AI would (wanted for none AI missions). Thanks :)
I made some missions for the community's I play with so we had something to do in-between event coops. Dedicated Rejects and GITs The missions are small area CQB style Sector Control, Ticket and Timer with score TvT + TvTvT PvP. There are 2 TvT and 2 TvTvT 2x2 8-man squads and 3x2x 8-man squads respectively. The TvT have resistance AI holding the sectors at the start. The TvTvT have AI holding the base sectors friendly to the base faction owners. There are also 2 template missions so you can create your own 2way or 3way (I prefer a 3way but the wife gets jealous) :). They are designed to be played on Elite difficulty and will inform you if the server isn't set up correctly for the mission style. Acre is supported in the mission and will set separate frequency's for each faction. There is a revive system which is an edited Far_revive with inbuilt acre support in the revive. some other stuff is:- Class loadouts Squad management Nametags blablabla More detailed mission description in the mission briefing. VERSION 4 Download from HERE Or better yet use Armaholic Suggested Best played with :- Elite settings Acre St_hud Beer Weed and An open mind Credits given in the mission briefing. Let me know if I forgot you. Please let me know of any bugs. Enjoy BL1P
I think I would lose more than I won if it went to court... :) Just hoping that a manager from the famous beer company doesn't play arma3... or this out of work drunk guy will be in trouble :( Thanks I am glad you like the missions. Let me know if you find any bugs or spot something that could be better. BL1P
Suggestions :- If a town is resistance and town value greater than 350... over time (say 1 every 30min) it will build up a group of vehicles Once the amount of vehicles reaches a set number ( for example 3 vehicles time = 1h:30m) then the 3 vehicles move out to retake any towns not resistance. Also Random resistance roadblocks. Question :- How do you script the vehicle buy UI so that the AI driver gunner commander and extra slots are off by default. Wanted for none AI mission. EDIT : {if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable format ["cti_dialog_ui_purchasemenu_vehicon_%1", _x]}) then {uiNamespace setVariable [format ["cti_dialog_ui_purchasemenu_vehicon_%1", _x], false]}} forEach ['driver','gunner','commander','turrets','lock']; Found it :) Yours. BL1P
OMG They stole my logo idea !!! :p
Your lucky I didn't add the PvPvE abbreviations :) TvTvT PvPvE
Yer I was surprised they removed the interior view seeing as it was there what 12 years ago ?
Help me make this work on a dedicated server please
BL1P replied to Redfield-77's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
what is it executed from ? maybe try this ? if (!isServer) exitWith {hint "I WAS KICKED BECAUSE I AM NOT THE SERVER";}; to see if the client is trying to read the script and you are kicking them from the script. -
how to make a diagonal grid with a trigger
BL1P replied to hellstorm77's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
_marker = createMarker ["patrolzone1", position player ]; "patrolzone1" setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"; "patrolzone1" setMarkerBrush "DIAGGRID"; "patrolzone1" setMarkerSize [210, 210]; "patrolzone1" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; :) -
All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3
BL1P replied to .kju's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3
BL1P replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I like the idea but... I agree it probably isn't possible. Hmm lets see 1. is A transmitting (maybe acre_api_fnc_isBroadcasting ?) 2. is B transmitting (maybe acre_api_fnc_isBroadcasting ?) 3. is B same frequency as A (maybe acre_api_fnc_getCurrentRadioState ?) 4. is B in range of A (no idea) 5. if 1&2&3&4 then play annoying sound. Possibly place the whole thing on an event handler for when acre_api_fnc_isBroadcasting is true ? Im no scripter but it looks posible -
+1 to this.
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3
BL1P replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
You can encrypt channels in acre ? Anyway this is what I have come up with so far. Channels 13,14,15,16 on the 343 are reserved for faction to faction chatter. 5 re-transmit objects placed in editor. Faction specific frequency's for the 343 with a .2 difference per faction. init.sqf // --- 343s _shortRangeChannels = ["ACRE_PRC343"] call acre_api_fnc_getDefaultChannels; _srBaseFreq = 2400; _freq = 0; switch (side player) do { case west: {{_shortRangeChannels set [_forEachIndex,_srBaseFreq + 0.2]; _srBaseFreq = _srBaseFreq + 2;}foreach _shortRangeChannels;}; case east: {{_shortRangeChannels set [_forEachIndex,_srBaseFreq + 0.4]; _srBaseFreq = _srBaseFreq + 2;}foreach _shortRangeChannels;}; case resistance: {{_shortRangeChannels set [_forEachIndex,_srBaseFreq + 0.6]; _srBaseFreq = _srBaseFreq + 2;}foreach _shortRangeChannels}; }; _ret = ["ACRE_PRC343", _shortRangeChannels ] call acre_api_fnc_setDefaultChannels; Then using CH13 as a global channel for each faction to chat I placed 2 editor objects with the following init lines. My thinking is that this will allow any faction to chat to any other faction on the 13th channel. ["ACRE_PRC343", someObject, 2424.2, 2424.4, 500] call acre_api_fnc_attachRxmtToObj; ["ACRE_PRC343", someObject, 2424.2, 2424.6, 500] call acre_api_fnc_attachRxmtToObj; Then CH14-15-16 are for one faction to another. Once again using editor placed re-trans objects // WEST & EAST // REST CANT HEAR ["ACRE_PRC343",someObject, 2426.2, 2426.4, 500] call acre_api_fnc_attachRxmtToObj; WEST & REST // EAST CANT HEAR ["ACRE_PRC343",someObject, 2428.2, 2428.6, 500] call acre_api_fnc_attachRxmtToObj; EAST & REST // WEST CANT HEAR ["ACRE_PRC343",someObject, 2430.4, 2430.6, 500] call acre_api_fnc_attachRxmtToObj; This causes an error atm in the server RPT from the acre mod. 9:05:22 Error in expression < } else { copyOfState = theState; }; }; copyOfState > 9:05:22 Error position: <copyOfState > 9:05:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: copyofstate 9:05:22 File idi\clients\acre\addons\sys_data\fnc_getRadioState.sqf, line 34 Ill need to do more testing to see if its just that re-trans doesn't work in the current Acre mod I am using for Arma3 or if its something I have done. This seems like the way to go for me as the 343s frequencys cannot be altered by the client so they cant listen in on the other two factions when they are taking on 14 ,15 or 16. Only limitation is that the 343 is short range but luckily my missions are CQB mainly. If I do get this working in the future ill be sure to post in-case anyone else needs the info. BL1P -
I have a script that checks the side of allUnits then calls end mission if there is only one side with players. Problem is it ends the mission when a player is in the respawn selection menu. here is the main part of the script. if (isServer) then { [west, ticketLimit] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [east, ticketLimit] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [resistance, ticketLimit] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; private ["_players","_allUnits","_sides","_westScore","_eastScore","_restScore"]; waituntil {time > 10}; _run = true; while {_run} do { _allUnits = list CountPlayersTrigger; _sides = [west, east, resistance,civilian]; for "_i" from 0 to count _sides - 1 do { _sides set [_i, {isPlayer _x && side _x == (_sides select _i)} count _allUnits]; }; _westSideT = _sides select 0;// diag_log format ["_westSideT %1",_westSideT]; _eastSideT = _sides select 1;// diag_log format ["_eastSideT %1",_eastSideT]; _restSideT = _sides select 2;// diag_log format ["_restSideT %1",_restSideT]; _civSideT = _sides select 3; _westScore = [west] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _eastScore = [east] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _restScore = [resistance] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; //--- exit if only one side left and make that side win //--- debug on to not end game with the none player sides //-- only east left if (!Debug) then { if ((_westSideT < 1) && (_restSideT < 1) && (_civSideT < 1)) then { missionState = "opforWon"; publicVariable "missionState"; _run = false; }; //-- only west left if ((_eastSideT < 1) && (_restSideT < 1) && (_civSideT < 1)) then { missionState = "bluforWon"; publicVariable "missionState"; _run = false; }; //-- only rest left if ((_eastSideT < 1) && (_westSideT < 1) && (_civSideT < 1)) then { missionState = "resistanceWon"; publicVariable "missionState"; _run = false; }; }; What I am asking is can I put in a check to not end if the players are in the respawn menu ?
What is a player who is in respawn menu
BL1P replied to BL1P's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks Larrow. ................. Hmm that seems weak for the work you did for me so.... I thank you profusely for the speed and excellence of your help. Thank you very very much. BL1P -
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3
BL1P replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Is this possible in Acre ? I dont know the radio terminology so ill try and explain what I want to do :) I have a 3 side PvP mission that uses acre, each team has different frequency's for the 148 and 343 radios. Set in the init.sqf. This is working fine thanks to the help I received earlier in this thread. Now I would like to give the Commanders of each side a radio which allows them to LISTEN ONLY to a certain frequency(channel) but be able to RESPOND ONLY on two other frequency's(channels). This would be so that for example:- East can contact West on Wests listen channel and West can respond on Easts listen channel but Resistance cannot hear them. Here is a visual aid of what I am babbling on about. WEST EAST GUER Chan 1. LISN TALK TALK Chan 2. TALK LISN TALK Chan 3. TALK TALK LISN There would also need to be the ability to lock the channel so that the other team cannot tune in on that frequency. Yes I know its a lot to ask for but I have been driving myself crazy just trying to get my head around the concept, let alone script the results ! If anyone knows if this is possible or even has a script that does this please let me know. CH 1. "West this is East respond on my listen .. Over" CH 2. "East this is West... Send" CH 1. "lets join forces and crush the Resistance.. Over" CH 2. "Sure lets do it ...Over" CH 1. "meet at the church ...Over" Ch 2. "Wilco..Out" CH 3. "Resistance this is East........want to know where West are ?" Yours Hopefully. BL1P. -
What is a player who is in respawn menu
BL1P replied to BL1P's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Tickets is checked later in the script More info . its a 3 side mission with a revive that places units as setcaptive true; (CIVI) until they respawn. I am checking the sides for players so that 2 sides can play but one side cant play alone. Also so that if all players leave on one side the other two sides can carry on and the end scenario of no tickets can be done because it will exclude the side with no players. PS. There are 3 win scenarios. 1 get all sectors 2 remove all tickets from the enemy sides 3 timeout score based win Only the remove tickets win scenario with 3 sides is causing probs :) PPs. I have just done the following snipet for now and placed a note in briefing to say needs 3 teams for the no tickets secnario to work if ((_westScore < 1) && (_restScore < 1)) then { missionState = "opforWon"; publicVariable "missionState"; _run = false; }; if ((_eastScore < 1) && (_restScore < 1)) then { missionState = "bluforWon"; publicVariable "missionState"; _run = false; }; if ((_westScore < 1) && (_eastScore < 1)) then { missionState = "resistanceWon"; publicVariable "missionState"; _run = false; }; -
Question is in the title. If so where do we place requests for them. A revive module with all the functionality ACE had would be my first request for an official module.